Stocks - I
- I3E i3 Energy
- IAALF IBC Advanced Alloys
- IAE Voya Asia Pacific High Dividend Equity Income Fund
- IAF Abrdn Australia Equity Fund
- IAFNF iA Financial
- IAG iA Financial
- IAG International Consolidated Airlines Group
- IAGG iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF
- IAGPF Insurance Australia Group
- IAGX Imagenetix
- IAI iShares U.S. Broker-Dealers & Securities Exchanges ETF
- IAK iShares U.S. Insurance ETF
- IAPR Innovator MSCI EAFE Power Buffer ETF - April
- IART Integra LifeSciences
- IAS Integral Ad Science
- IAT iShares U.S. Regional Banks ETF
- IAT Invesco Asia Trust
- IAU iShares Gold Trust
- IAU i-80 Gold
- IAUF iShares Gold Strategy ETF
- IAUG Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF
- IAUGY Insurance Australia Group
- IAUM iShares Gold Trust Micro
- IAUX i-80 Gold
- IB IBC Advanced Alloys
- IBAC IB Acquisition
- IBACR IB Acquisition
- IBAT iShares Energy Storage & Materials ETF
- IBAT iShares Energy Storage & Materials ETF
- IBB iShares Biotechnology ETF
- IBBQ Invesco Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF
- IBCP Independent Bank
- IBD Inspire Corporate Bond ETF
- IBDP iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDQ iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDR iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDRY Iberdrola
- IBDS iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDSF Iberdrola
- IBDT iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDU iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDV iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDW iShares iBonds Dec 2031 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDX iShares iBonds Dec 2032 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDY iShares iBonds Dec 2033 Term Corporate ETF
- IBDZ iShares iBonds Dec 2034 Term Corporate ETF
- IBG Innovation Beverage Group
- IBGA iShares iBonds Dec 2044 Term Treasury ETF
- IBGK iShares iBonds Dec 2054 Term Treasury ETF
- IBHD iShares iBonds 2024 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHE iShares iBonds 2025 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHF iShares iBonds 2026 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHG iShares iBonds 2027 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHH iShares iBonds 2028 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHI iShares iBonds 2029 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHJ iShares iBonds 2030 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHJ iShares iBonds 2030 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHK iShares iBonds 2031 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBHK iShares iBonds 2031 Term High Yield and Income ETF
- IBIA iShares iBonds Oct 2024 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIB iShares iBonds Oct 2025 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIC iShares iBonds Oct 2026 Term TIPS ETF
- IBID iShares iBonds Oct 2027 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIDF Ibiden Co.,Ltd.
- IBIE iShares iBonds Oct 2028 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIF iShares iBonds Oct 2029 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIG iShares iBonds Oct 2030 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIH iShares iBonds Oct 2031 Term TIPS ETF
- IBII iShares iBonds Oct 2032 Term TIPS ETF
- IBII iShares iBonds Oct 2032 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIJ iShares iBonds Oct 2033 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIK iShares iBonds Oct 2034 Term TIPS ETF
- IBIN IBSG International
- IBIO iBio
- IBIO iBio
- IBIO iBio
- IBIT iShares Bitcoin Trust
- IBIT iShares Bitcoin Trust
- IBJHF Ibstock
- IBKR Interactive Brokers Group
- IBLC iShares Blockchain and Tech ETF
- IBM International Business Machines
- IBMM iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMN iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMO iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMP iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMQ iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMR iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMR iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMS iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBMS iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Muni Bond ETF
- IBND SPDR Bloomberg International Corporate Bond ETF
- IBOC International Bancshares
- IBOT VanEck Robotics ETF
- IBP Installed Building Products
- IBRN iShares Neuroscience and Healthcare ETF
- IBRX ImmunityBio
- IBSS Integrated Business Systems & Services
- IBST Ibstock
- IBT International Biotechnology
- IBT IBEX Technologies
- IBTA iShares iBonds Dec 2021 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTE iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTF iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTG iShares iBonds Dec 2026 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTH iShares iBonds Dec 2027 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTI iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTJ iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTK iShares iBonds Dec 2030 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTL iShares iBonds Dec 2031 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTM iShares iBonds Dec 2032 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTO iShares iBonds Dec 2033 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTP iShares iBonds Dec 2034 Term Treasury ETF
- IBTX Independent Bank Group
- IBUF Innovator International Developed 10 Buffer ETF - Quarterly
- IBUY Amplify Online Retail ETF
- IBXNF IBEX Technologies
- ICABY i-CABLE Communications
- ICAGY International Consolidated Airlines Group
- ICAP InfraCap Equity Income Fund ETF
- ICCC ImmuCell
- ICCM IceCure Medical
- ICCT iCoreConnect
- ICE Intercontinental Exchange
- ICE Canlan Ice Sports
- ICF iShares Cohen & Steers REIT ETF
- ICFI ICF International
- ICG Intchains Group
- ICG Intermediate Capital Group
- ICGC Irish Continental Group
- ICGL Image Chain Group
- ICGT ICG Enterprise Trust
- ICGUF Intermediate Capital Group
- ICHBF Industrias CH, S. A. B. de C. V.
- ICHR Ichor
- ICL ICL Group
- ICLD InterCloud Systems
- ICLK iClick Interactive Asia Group
- ICLN iShares Global Clean Energy ETF
- ICLO Invesco AAA CLO Floating Rate Note ETF
- ICLR ICON Public
- ICLTF GreenFirst Forest Products
- ICM Iconic Minerals
- ICMB Investcorp Credit Management BDC
- ICNAF Leef Brands
- ICON Iconix Brand Group
- ICOP iShares Copper and Metals Mining ETF
- ICOTF iCo Therapeutics
- ICOW Pacer Developed Markets International Cash Cows 100 ETF
- ICOX ICOX Innovations
- ICP Intermediate Capital Group
- ICPVF Incitec Pivot
- ICRD International Card Establishment
- ICSH iShares Ultra Short-Term Bond Active ETF
- ICTEF International Container Terminal Services
- ICTSF ICTS International
- ICU SeaStar Medical
- ICUCW SeaStar Medical
- ICUI ICU Medical
- ICVT iShares Convertible Bond ETF
- ID Identillect Technologies
- IDAI T Stamp
- IDAT iShares Future Cloud 5G and Tech ETF
- IDCBY Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
- IDCC InterDigital
- IDDTF AB Industrivärden (publ)
- IDDWF Indutrade AB (publ)
- IDE Voya Infrastructure, Industrials and Materials Fund
- IDEA Invent Ventures
- IDEC Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - December
- IDEV iShares Core MSCI International Developed Markets ETF
- IDEX Ideanomics
- IDEXY Industria de Diseño Textil
- IDG Indigo Books & Music
- IDGT iShares U.S. Digital Infrastructure and Real Estate ETF
- IDGXF Integrated Diagnostics
- IDHC Integrated Diagnostics
- IDHQ Invesco S&P International Developed Quality ETF
- IDKOY Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd.
- IDL Imaging Dynamics
- IDLV Invesco S&P International Developed Low Volatility ETF
- IDME International Drawdown Managed Equity ETF
- IDME International Drawdown Managed Equity ETF
- IDMO Invesco S&P International Developed Momentum ETF
- IDN Intellicheck
- IDNA iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF
- IDOG ALPS International Sector Dividend Dogs ETF
- IDPUF IDP Education
- IDR Idaho Strategic Resources
- IDRSF Idorsia
- IDRV iShares Self-Driving EV and Tech ETF
- IDS International Distributions Services
- IDSY I.D. Systems
- IDTVF AB Industrivärden (publ)
- IDU iShares U.S. Utilities ETF
- IDUB Aptus International Enhanced Yield ETF
- IDV iShares International Select Dividend ETF
- IDVO Amplify International Enhanced Dividend Income ETF
- IDVZ Opal International Dividend Income ETF
- IDVZ Opal International Dividend Income ETF
- IDW IDW Media
- IDWM IDW Media
- IDX VanEck Indonesia Index ETF
- IDXAF IDEX Biometrics ASA
- IDXG Interpace Biosciences
- IDXX IDEXX Laboratories
- IDYA IDEAYA Biosciences
- IE Ivanhoe Electric
- IE Ivanhoe Electric
- IEAM Industrial Enterprises of America
- IEDI iShares U.S. Consumer Focused ETF
- IEF iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF
- IEI iShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETF
- IEM Impax Environmental Markets
- IEMG iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF
- IEMMF iShares IV Public Limited Company - iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF
- IENT iEntertainment Network
- IEO iShares U.S. Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF
- IEP Icahn Enterprises
- IES Invinity Energy Systems
- IESVF Invinity Energy Systems
- IETC iShares U.S. Tech Independence Focused ETF
- IEUR iShares Core MSCI Europe ETF
- IEUS iShares MSCI Europe Small-Cap ETF
- IEV iShares Europe ETF
- IEZ iShares U.S. Oil Equipment & Services ETF
- IFA iFabric
- IFAM Infrastructure Materials
- IFAN IFAN Financial
- IFBD Infobird
- IFC Intact Financial
- IFCZF Intact Financial
- IFEB Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - February
- IFED ETRACS IFED Invest with the Fed TR Index ETN
- IFF International Flavors & Fragrances
- IFGL iShares International Developed Real Estate ETF
- IFJPY Informa
- IFLY Wedbush ETFMG Global Cloud Technology ETF
- IFMK iFresh
- IFN The India Fund
- IFNNF Infineon Technologies
- IFNNY Infineon Technologies
- IFOS Itafos
- IFP Interfor
- IFPJF Informa
- IFR International Frontier Resources
- IFRA iShares U.S. Infrastructure ETF
- IFRX InflaRx
- IFS Intercorp Financial Services
- IFSPF Interfor
- IFSUF Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane
- IFUUF Infratil
- IFV First Trust Dorsey Wright International Focus 5 ETF
- IFX Imaflex
- IFXY Infrax Systems
- IG Principal Investment Grade Corporate Active ETF
- IGA Voya Global Advantage and Premium Opportunity Fund
- IGBH iShares Interest Rate Hedged Long-Term Corporate Bond ETF
- IGC IGC Pharma
- IGC India Capital Growth
- IGCB TCW Corporate Bond ETF
- IGCC iShares MSCI GCC ex-Saudi Arabia (IGCC)
- IGD Voya Global Equity Dividend and Premium Opportunity Fund
- IGE iShares North American Natural Resources ETF
- IGE Image Scan
- IGEB iShares Investment Grade Bond Factor ETF
- IGEN IGEN Networks
- IGESF Star Energy Group
- IGET Invesco Global Equity Income Trust
- IGF iShares Global Infrastructure ETF
- IGG IG Group
- IGGHY IG Group
- IGHG ProShares Investment Grade Interest Rate Hedged
- IGI Western Asset Investment Grade Defined Opportunity Trust
- IGIB iShares 5-10 Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
- IGIC International General Insurance
- IGIFF IGM Financial
- IGLB iShares 10+ Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
- IGLD FT Vest Gold Strategy Target Income ETF
- IGLDF Internet Gold - Golden Lines
- IGM iShares Expanded Tech Sector ETF
- IGM IGM Financial
- IGMS IGM Biosciences
- IGNE Igene Biotechnology
- IGNT Ingen Technologies
- IGO Independence Gold
- IGOV iShares International Treasury Bond ETF
- IGP Intercede Group
- IGP Imperial Ginseng Products
- IGPT Invesco AI and Next Gen Software ETF
- IGR CBRE Global Real Estate Income Fund
- IGR IG Design Group
- IGRO iShares International Dividend Growth ETF
- IGSB iShares 1-5 Year Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
- IGSC IGS Capital Group
- IGT International Game Technology
- IGTA Inception Growth Acquisition
- IGTAR Inception Growth Acquisition
- IGTAU Inception Growth Acquisition
- IGTAW Inception Growth Acquisition
- IGTR Innovator Gradient Tactical Rotation Strategy ETF
- IGV iShares Expanded Tech-Software Sector ETF
- IGV Income & Growth VCT
- IGXT IntelGenx Technologies
- IH iHuman
- IHAK iShares Cybersecurity and Tech ETF
- IHC Inspiration Healthcare Group
- IHCPF Inchcape
- IHD Voya Emerging Markets High Dividend Equity Fund
- IHDG WisdomTree International Hedged Quality Dividend Growth Fund
- IHE iShares U.S. Pharmaceuticals ETF
- IHF iShares U.S. Healthcare Providers ETF
- IHG InterContinental Hotels Group
- IHG InterContinental Hotels Group
- IHI iShares U.S. Medical Devices ETF
- IHP IntegraFin
- IHPGF IntegraFin
- IHR Impact Healthcare REIT
- IHRT iHeartMedia
- IHT InnSuites Hospitality Trust
- IHTM Iheartmedia
- IHY VanEck International High Yield Bond ETF
- IHYF Invesco High Yield Bond Factor ETF
- IIF Morgan Stanley India Investment Fund
- IIG Intuitive Investments Group
- IIGD Invesco Investment Grade Defensive ETF
- III Information Services Group
- III 3i Group
- III Imperial Metals
- IIIN Insteel Industries
- IIIV i3 Verticals
- IIJIY Internet Initiative Japan
- IIM Invesco Value Municipal Income Trust
- IIMAX Bluerock Institutional High Income Credit Fund
- IIMCX Bluerock Institutional High Income Credit Fund
- IIMFX Bluerock Institutional High Income Credit Fund
- IIMWX Bluerock Institutional High Income Credit Fund
- IINN Inspira Technologies Oxy B.H.N.
- IINNW Inspira Technologies Oxy B.H.N.
- IINX Ionix Technology
- IIP Infrastructure India
- IIP.UN InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust
- IIPR Innovative Industrial Properties
- IIPZF InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust
- IIPZF InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust
- IITSF Intesa Sanpaolo
- IJAN Innovator MSCI EAFE Power Buffer ETF - January
- IJH iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF
- IJJ iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF
- IJK iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETF
- IJR iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF
- IJS iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF
- IJT iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF
- IJUL Innovator MSCI EAFE Power Buffer ETF - July
- IJUN Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - June
- IKA Ilika
- IKNA Ikena Oncology
- IKT Inhibikase Therapeutics
- IKTSF Intertek Group
- IKTSY Intertek Group
- ILAG Intelligent Living Application Group
- ILAL International Land Alliance
- ILC International Lithium
- ILCB iShares Morningstar U.S. Equity ETF
- ILCG iShares Morningstar Growth ETF
- ILCV iShares Morningstar Value ETF
- ILDR First Trust Innovation Leaders ETF
- ILF iShares Latin America 40 ETF
- ILI Imagine Lithium
- ILIKF Ilika
- ILIT iShares Lithium Miners and Producers ETF
- ILKAF Iluka Resources
- ILKAY Iluka Resources
- ILL illumin
- ILLR Triller Group
- ILLRW Triller Group
- ILMN Illumina
- ILOW AB International Low Volatility Equity ETF
- ILPMF Permanent TSB Group
- ILPMY Permanent TSB Group
- ILPT Industrial Logistics Properties Trust
- ILTB iShares Core 10+ Year USD Bond ETF
- ILUS Ilustrato Pictures International
- IMAB I-Mab
- IMAHF Highcliff Metals
- IMAQ International Media Acquisition
- IMAQR International Media Acquisition
- IMAQU International Media Acquisition
- IMAQW International Media Acquisition
- IMAR Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - March
- IMAY Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - May
- IMB Imperial Brands
- IMBBY Imperial Brands
- IMCB iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap ETF
- IMCC IM Cannabis
- IMCG iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Growth ETF
- IMCI Infinite Group
- IMCR Immunocore
- IMCV iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Value ETF
- IMEXF Imagin Medical
- IMFL Invesco International Developed Dynamic Multifactor ETF
- IMGI ImaginOn
- IMH Impac Mortgage
- IMII Inception Mining
- IMIMF Interra Copper
- IMJX Imagexpres
- IMKTA Ingles Markets
- IMLE International Isotopes
- IMM ImmuPharma
- IMMP Immutep
- IMMR Immersion
- IMMVF Immunovia AB (publ)
- IMMX Immix Biopharma
- IMNM Immunome
- IMNN Imunon
- IMO Imperial Oil
- IMO Imperial Oil
- IMOM Alpha Architect International Quantitative Momentum ETF
- IMOM Alpha Architect International Quantitative Momentum ETF
- IMP Intermap Technologies
- IMPP Imperial Petroleum
- IMPPP Imperial Petroleum
- IMPUY Impala Platinum
- IMQCF Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI
- IMR iMetal Resources
- IMRN Immuron
- IMRX Immuneering
- IMSI Invesco Municipal Strategic Income ETF
- IMTB iShares Core 5-10 Year USD Bond ETF
- IMTE Integrated Media Technology
- IMTL Image Protect
- IMTM iShares MSCI Intl Momentum Factor ETF
- IMTO InterMetro Communications
- IMTX Immatics
- IMTXW Immatics
- IMUC EOM Pharmaceuticals
- IMUCD ImmunoCellular Therapeutics
- IMUX Immunic
- IMVT Immunovant
- IMXI International Money Express
- IMYSF Imerys
- INAB IN8bio
- INAQ INSU Acquisition Corp. II
- INAQU Insight Acquisition
- INAQU Insight Acquisition
- INAQW Insight Acquisition
- INAR InternetArray
- INAV Mohr Industry Nav ETF
- INBK First Internet Bancorp
- INBKZ First Internet Bancorp - Fixed-
- INBP Integrated BioPharma
- INBS Intelligent Bio Solutions
- INBX Inhibrx
- INC Vaneck Dynamic High Income Etf
- INC.UN Income Financial Trust
- INCA Inca One Gold
- INCC International Consolidated Companies
- INCE Franklin Income Equity Focus ETF
- INCH Inchcape
- INCM Franklin Income Focus ETF
- INCO Columbia India Consumer ETF
- INCPF InnoCare Pharma
- INCR InterCure
- INCT InCapta
- INCY Incyte
- INCZY Incitec Pivot
- INDA iShares MSCI India ETF
- INDB Independent Bank
- INDE Matthews India Active ETF
- INDF Nifty India Financials ETF
- INDH WisdomTree India Hedged Equity Fund
- INDH WisdomTree India Hedged Equity Fund ETF
- INDI indie Semiconductor
- INDI Indus Gas
- INDL Direxion Daily MSCI India Bull 2x Shares
- INDO Indonesia Energy
- INDP Indaptus Therapeutics
- INDS Pacer Industrial Real Estate ETF
- INDU Industrea Acquisition
- INDV Indivior
- INDV Indivior
- INDY iShares India 50 ETF
- INE Innergex Renewable Energy
- INEQ Columbia International Equity Income ETF
- INF Informa
- INFA Informatica
- INFL Horizon Kinetics Inflation Beneficiaries ETF
- INFN Infinera
- INFO Harbor PanAgora Dynamic Large Cap Core ETF
- INFR ClearBridge Sustainable Infrastructure ETF
- INFU InfuSystem
- INFY Infosys
- ING ING Groep
- ING Ingenta
- INGEF Ingenia Communities Group
- INGM Ingram Micro
- INGN Inogen
- INGR Ingredion
- INGXF Innergex Renewable Energy
- INHC Induction Healthcare Group
- INHD Inno
- INIS International Isotopes
- INKM SPDR SSgA Income Allocation ETF
- INKT MiNK Therapeutics
- INKW Greene Concepts
- INLB Item 9 Labs
- INLX Intellinetics
- INLX Intellinetics
- INLXD Intellinetics
- INM InMed Pharmaceuticals
- INMB INmune Bio
- INMD InMode
- INMU iShares Intermediate Muni Income Active ETF
- INN Summit Hotel Properties
- INND InnerScope Hearing Technologies
- INNI Innovaro
- INNO Harbor Disruptive Inno Etf
- INNT Innovate Biopharmaceuticals
- INNV InnovAge
- INNV InnovAge
- INO Inovio Pharmaceuticals
- INO.UN Inovalis Real Estate Investment Trust
- INOD Innodata
- INOV Schroders Capital Global Innovation Trust plc - INOV
- INOV Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - November
- INOV Inovalon
- INOW InfoNow
- INPCF Input Capital
- INPOY InPost
- INPP International Public Partnerships
- INQD Indoor Harvest
- INQQ India Internet & Ecommerce ETF
- INR Market Vectors Indian Rupee/USD ETN
- INRD Inrad Optics
- INREF InRetail Perú
- INRO iShares U.S. Industry Rotation Active ETF
- INRO Blackrock U.S. Industry Rotation ETF
- INSE Inspired Entertainment
- INSE Inspired
- INSG Inseego
- INSG Insig AI
- INSI Insight Select Income Fund
- INSM Insmed
- INSP Inspire Medical Systems
- INSP Inspirit Energy
- INST Instructure
- INSW International Seaways
- INTA Intapp
- INTC Intel
- INTE Integral Acquisition Co. 1
- INTEU Integral Acquisition Co. 1
- INTEW Integral Acquisition Co. 1
- INTF iShares International Equity Factor ETF
- INTG The InterGroup
- INTH Innotech
- INTI Inhibitor Therapeutics
- INTJ Intelligent Group
- INTL Main International ETF
- INTR Inter & Co, Inc.
- INTS Intensity Therapeutics, Inc. Common stock
- INTU Intuit
- INTV Integrated Ventures
- INTW GraniteShares 2x Long INTC Daily ETF
- INTW GraniteShares 2x Long INTC Daily ETF
- INTZ Intrusion
- INUV Inuvo
- INV Innventure
- INV Investment
- INVA Innoviva
- INVE Identiv
- INVH Invitation Homes
- INVI Integral Vision
- INVN Alger Russell Innovation ETF
- INVN InvenSense
- INVO INVO Bioscience
- INVP Investec Group
- INVU Investview
- INVX Innovex International
- INVZ Innoviz Technologies
- INVZW Innoviz Technologies
- INX Intouch Insight
- INX i-nexus Global
- INXB Infinity Cross Border Acquisition
- INZY Inozyme Pharma
- IOACW Innovative International Acquisition
- IOBCF Ion Beam Applications
- IOBT IO Biotech
- IOCJY Iochpe-Maxion
- IOCT Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - October
- IOF Iofina
- IOIOF IOI Co. Berhad
- IOM iomart Group
- IOMT Isomet
- ION ProShares S&P Global Core Battery Metals ETF
- ION Lithium ION Energy
- IONAF Iona Energy
- IONKF Ionic Brands
- IONM Assure
- IONR ioneer
- IONS Ionis Pharmaceuticals
- IOO iShares Global 100 ETF
- IOPP Simplify Tara India Opportunities ETF
- IOR Income Opportunity Realty Investors
- IOSP Innospec
- IOT Samsara
- IOT Innovotech
- IOVA Iovance Biotherapeutics
- IP Imagination Park Entertainment
- IP International Paper
- IPA ImmunoPrecise Antibodies
- IPAC iShares Core MSCI Pacific ETF
- IPAH Interpharm
- IPAR Inter Parfums
- IPATF ImmunoPrecise Antibodies
- IPAV Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. ETF
- IPAV Global X Infrastructure Development ex-U.S. ETF
- IPAX Inflection Point Acquisition
- IPAXW Inflection Point Acquisition
- IPAY Amplify Mobile Payments ETF
- IPCFF International Petroleum
- IPCIF Intellipharmaceutics International
- IPCO International Petroleum
- IPD International Parkside Products
- IPDN Professional Diversity Network
- IPDP Dividend Performers ETF
- IPE SPDR Bloomberg Barclays TIPS ETF
- IPEL Impellam Group
- IPF International Personal Finance
- IPG Interpublic Group of Companies
- IPGGF Imperium Technology Group
- IPGP IPG Photonics
- IPHA Innate Pharma
- IPHYF Innate Pharma
- IPI Intrepid Potash
- IPIC iPic Entertainment
- IPICQ iPic Entertainment
- IPIX Innovation Pharmaceuticals
- IPKW Invesco International BuyBack Achievers ETF
- IPLCX Popular Income Plus C
- IPLFX Popular Income Plus A
- IPLY Interplay Entertainment
- IPM Intelligent Protection Management
- IPMG International Precious Minerals Group
- IPMLF Imperial Metals
- IPNFF ImagineAR
- IPO Renaissance IPO ETF
- IPO IP Group
- IPO InPlay Oil
- IPOAF Industrias Peñoles
- IPOB Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp. II
- IPOE Social Capital Hedosophia Holdings Corp. V
- IPOOF InPlay Oil
- IPOS Renaissance International IPO ETF
- IPPP Preferred-Plus ETF
- IPSC Century Therapeutics
- IPSEY Ipsen
- IPSOF Ipsos
- IPU Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller
- IPUB indiePub Entertainment
- IPV InterPrivate Acquisition
- IPW iPower
- IPWR Ideal Power
- IPX IperionX
- IPX Impax Asset Management Group
- IPXAF Impax Asset Management Group
- IPXHF Inpex
- IPXHY Inpex
- IPXX Inflection Point Acquisition Corp. II
- IPXXU Inflection Point Acquisition Corp. II
- IPXXW Inflection Point Acquisition Corp. II
- IPZYF IP Group
- IQ AirIQ
- IQDE FlexShares International Quality Dividend Defensive Index Fund
- IQDF FlexShares International Quality Dividend Index Fund
- IQDG WisdomTree International Quality Dividend Growth Fund
- IQDY FlexShares International Quality Dividend Dynamic Index Fund
- IQG IQGeo Group
- IQHI NYLI MacKay ESG High Income ETF
- IQI Invesco Quality Municipal Income Trust
- IQIN NYLI 500 International ETF
- IQLT iShares MSCI Intl Quality Factor ETF
- IQM Franklin Intelligent Machines ETF
- IQQQ ProShares Nasdaq-100 High Income ETF
- IQSI NYLI Candriam ESG International Equity ETF
- IQSM NYLI Candriam ESG U.S. Mid Cap Equity ETF
- IQSU NYLI Candriam ESG U.S. Large Cap Equity ETF
- IR Ingersoll Rand
- IRAA Iris Acquisition
- IRAAU Iris Acquisition
- IRAAW Iris Acquisition
- IRBA iM RBA Responsible Global Allocation ETF
- IRBO iShares Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Multisector ETF
- IRBS IR Biosciences
- IRBT iRobot
- IRD Opus Genetics
- IRDEY Iren
- IRDM Iridium Communications
- IREN Iris Energy
- IRET iREIT MarketVector Quality REIT Index ETF
- IRET Investors Real Estate Trust
- IRHG Global X Interest Rate Hedge ETF
- IRIDQ Iridium World Communications
- IRIG Integrated Drilling Equipment
- IRM Iron Mountain
- IRMD Iradimed
- IRMTF Information Services
- IROC Invesco Rochester High Yield Municipal ETF
- IROH Iron Horse Acquisitions
- IROHR Iron Horse Acquisitions
- IROHU Iron Horse Acquisitions
- IROHW Iron Horse Acquisitions
- IRON Disc Medicine
- IRON Ironveld
- IROQ IF Bancorp
- IRRHF Interroll
- IRRX Integrated Rail and Resources Acquisition
- IRS IRSA Inversiones y Representaciones Sociedad Anónima
- IRT Independence Realty Trust
- IRTC iRhythm Technologies
- IRTR iShares LifePath Retirement ETF
- IRVH Global X Interest Rate Volatility & Inflation Hedge ETF
- IRWD Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
- ISBA Isabella Bank
- ISBL Ise Blu Equity
- ISCB iShares Morningstar Small-Cap ETF
- ISCF iShares International Small Cap Equity Factor ETF
- ISCG iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF
- ISCNF Isracann Biosciences
- ISCO International Stem Cell
- ISCV iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Value ETF
- ISD PGIM High Yield Bond Fund
- ISDAY Israel Discount Bank
- ISDB Invesco Short Duration Bond ETF
- ISDR Issuer Direct
- ISDXF iShares Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF
- ISENF IsoEnergy
- ISEP Innovator International Developed Power Buffer ETF - September
- ISGN iSign Solutions
- ISHG iShares 1-3 Year International Treasury Bond ETF
- ISHM InfoSearch Media
- ISHP First Trust S-Network E-Commerce ETF
- ISMAY Indra Sistemas
- ISMD Inspire Small/Mid Cap ETF
- ISNPY Intesa Sanpaolo
- ISO IsoEnergy
- ISOL 1mage Software
- ISOLF Isodiol International
- ISON Isonics
- ISOS Isos Acquisition
- ISPC iSpecimen
- ISPD Interspeed
- ISPO Inspirato
- ISPOW Inspirato
- ISPR Ispire Technology
- ISPY ProShares S&P 500 High Income ETF
- ISPY ProShares S&P 500 High Income ETF
- ISRA VanEck Israel ETF
- ISRG Intuitive Surgical
- ISRL Isramco
- ISRLU Israel Acquisitions
- ISRLW Israel Acquisitions
- ISSC Innovative Solutions and Support
- ISTB iShares Core 1-5 Year USD Bond ETF
- ISTR Investar
- ISUZF Isuzu Motors
- ISUZY Isuzu Motors
- ISV Information Services
- ISVL iShares International Developed Small Cap Value Factor ETF
- ISWN Amplify BlackSwan ISWN ETF
- ISZE iShares MSCI Intl Size Factor ETF
- IT Gartner
- ITA iShares U.S. Aerospace & Defense ETF
- ITAN Sparkline Intangible Value ETF
- ITB iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF
- ITCFY Investec Group
- ITCI Intra-Cellular Therapies
- ITDA iShares LifePath Target Date 2025 ETF
- ITDB iShares LifePath Target Date 2030 ETF
- ITDC iShares LifePath Target Date 2035 ETF
- ITDD iShares LifePath Target Date 2040 ETF
- ITDE iShares LifePath Target Date 2045 ETF
- ITDF iShares LifePath Target Date 2050 ETF
- ITDG iShares LifePath Target Date 2055 ETF
- ITDH iShares LifePath Target Date 2060 ETF
- ITDI iShares LifePath Target Date 2065 ETF
- ITDJ iShares LifePath Target Date 2070 ETF
- ITE SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Term Treasury ETF
- ITEEF i3 Energy
- ITEQ Amplify BlueStar Israel Technology ETF
- ITGDF Integral Diagnostics
- ITGGF Italgas
- ITGR Integer
- ITH Ithaca Energy
- ITH International Tower Hill Mines
- ITHUF iAnthus Capital
- ITI Iteris
- ITIC Investors Title
- ITIM Itim Group
- ITJTY Intrum AB (publ)
- ITKH iTeknik
- ITM VanEck Intermediate Muni ETF
- ITM ITM Power
- ITOS iTeos Therapeutics
- ITOT iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETF
- ITP IT Tech Packaging
- ITR Integra Resources
- ITRG Integra Resources
- ITRI Itron
- ITRK Intertek Group
- ITRM Iterum Therapeutics
- ITRN Ituran Location and Control
- ITTOY ITOCHU Techno-Solutions
- ITUB Itaú Unibanco
- ITUP Interups
- ITW Illinois Tool Works
- ITWO ProShares Russell 2000 High Income ETF
- ITWO ProShares Russell 2000 High Income ETF
- ITX Itaconix
- IUG Intelligent Ultrasound Group
- IUS Invesco RAFI Strategic US ETF
- IUSB iShares Core Total USD Bond Market ETF
- IUSG iShares Core S&P U.S. Growth ETF
- IUSV iShares Core S&P U.S. Value ETF
- IVA Inventiva
- IVAC Intevac
- IVAL Alpha Architect International Quantitative Value ETF
- IVAL Alpha Architect International Quantitative Value ETF
- IVBXF Innovent Biologics
- IVCA Investcorp India Acquisition
- IVCAU Investcorp India Acquisition
- IVCAW Investcorp India Acquisition
- IVCB Investcorp Europe Acquisition Corp I
- IVCBU Investcorp Europe Acquisition Corp I
- IVCBW Investcorp Europe Acquisition Corp I
- IVCGF Iveco Group
- IVCP Swiftmerge Acquisition
- IVCPU Swiftmerge Acquisition
- IVCPW Swiftmerge Acquisition
- IVDA Iveda Solutions
- IVDA Iveda Solutions
- IVDAW Iveda Solutions
- IVDN Innovative Designs
- IVE iShares S&P 500 Value ETF
- IVEG iShares Emergent Food and AgTech Multisector ETF
- IVES Amplify Global Cloud Technology ETF
- IVFH Innovative Food
- IVFZF Mapath Capital
- IVLU iShares MSCI Intl Value Factor ETF
- IVN Ivanhoe Mines
- IVOG Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETF
- IVOL Quadratic Interest Rate Volatility and Inflation Hedge ETF
- IVOO Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 ETF
- IVOV Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF
- IVP Inspire Veterinary Partners
- IVPAF Ivanhoe Mines
- IVPB Invesco Select Balanced Risk Alloc
- IVPG Invesco Select Glo Eq
- IVPM Invesco Select Liquidity
- IVPU Invesco Select UK Equity
- IVQ Invesque
- IVQ.U Invesque
- IVR Invesco Mortgage Capital
- IVRA Invesco Real Assets ESG ETF
- IVREF Inovalis Real Estate Investment Trust
- IVRS iShares Future Metaverse Tech and Communications ETF
- IVS Inventus Mining
- IVSBF Investor AB (publ)
- IVT InvenTrust Properties
- IVTBF Investment AB Latour (publ)
- IVTJF Investec Group
- IVV iShares Core S&P 500 ETF
- IVVB iShares Large Cap Deep Buffer ETF
- IVVB iShares Large Cap Deep Buffer ETF
- IVVD Invivyd
- IVVI Ivivi Technologies
- IVVM iShares Large Cap Moderate Buffer ETF
- IVVM iShares Large Cap Moderate Buffer ETF
- IVVW iShares S&P 500 BuyWrite ETF
- IVVW iShares S&P 500 BuyWrite ETF
- IVW iShares S&P 500 Growth ETF
- IVX Inventronics
- IVZ Invesco
- IWB iShares Russell 1000 ETF
- IWC iShares Micro-Cap ETF
- IWD iShares Russell 1000 Value ETF
- IWDL ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Value Factor TR ETN
- IWF iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF
- IWFG NYLI Winslow Focused Large Cap Growth ETF
- IWFH iShares Virtual Work and Life Multisector ETF
- IWFL ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Growth Factor TR ETN
- IWIN Amplify Inflation Fighter ETF
- IWINF Irwin Naturals
- IWL iShares Russell Top 200 ETF
- IWLG NYLI Winslow Large Cap Growth ETF
- IWM iShares Russell 2000 ETF
- IWMI NEOS Russell 2000 High Income ETF
- IWMI NEOS Russell 2000 High Income ETF
- IWML ETRACS 2x Leveraged US Size Factor TR ETN
- IWMW iShares Russell 2000 BuyWrite ETF
- IWMW iShares Russell 2000 BuyWrite ETF
- IWMY Defiance R2000 Enhanced Options & 0DTE Income ETF
- IWN iShares Russell 2000 Value ETF
- IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF
- IWP iShares Russell Mid-Cap Growth ETF
- IWR iShares Russell Mid-Cap ETF
- IWS iShares Russell Mid-Cap Value ETF
- IWSH Wright Investors' Service
- IWSY ImageWare Systems
- IWTR iShares MSCI Water Management Multisector ETF
- IWV iShares Russell 3000 ETF
- IWX iShares Russell Top 200 Value ETF
- IWY iShares Russell Top 200 Growth ETF
- IX i(x) Net Zero
- IXAQ IX Acquisition
- IXAQU IX Acquisition
- IXAQW IX Acquisition
- IXC iShares Global Energy ETF
- IXG iShares Global Financials ETF
- IXHL Incannex Healthcare
- IXJ iShares Global Healthcare ETF
- IXN iShares Global Tech ETF
- IXOG Index Oil and Gas
- IXP iShares Global Comm Services ETF
- IXUS iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF
- IYC iShares U.S. Consumer Discretionary ETF
- IYE iShares U.S. Energy ETF
- IYF iShares U.S. Financials ETF
- IYG iShares U.S. Financial Services ETF
- IYH iShares U.S. Healthcare ETF
- IYJ iShares U.S. Industrials ETF
- IYK iShares U.S. Consumer Staples ETF
- IYLD iShares Morningstar Multi-Asset Income ETF
- IYM iShares U.S. Basic Materials ETF
- IYR iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF
- IYRI NEOS Real Estate High Income ETF
- IYRI NEOS Real Estate High Income ETF
- IYT iShares U.S. Transportation ETF
- IYW iShares U.S. Technology ETF
- IYXI Inyx
- IYY iShares Dow Jones U.S. ETF
- IYZ iShares U.S. Telecommunications ETF
- IZCFF International Zeolite
- IZEA IZEA Worldwide
- IZN InZinc Mining
- IZOZF Izotropic
- IZRL ARK Israel Innovative Technology ETF
- IZTC Invizyne Technologies
- IZZ International Prospect Ventures