Stocks - P
- PA Palamina
- PAA Plains All American Pipeline
- PAAA Pgim Aaa Clo Etf
- PAAS Pan American Silver
- PAAS Pan American Silver
- PAB PGIM Active Aggregate Bond ETF
- PABD iShares Paris-Aligned Climate MSCI World ex USA ETF
- PABD ishares Paris-Aligned Climate MSCI World Ex USA ETF
- PABU iShares Paris-Aligned Climate MSCI USA ETF
- PAC Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico
- PAC Pacific Assets
- PACB Pacific Biosciences of California
- PACC Pacific CMA
- PACK Ranpak
- PACV Pacific Ventures Group
- PAEGF Peace Arch Entertainment Group
- PAEKY PT Aneka Tambang Tbk
- PAF Pan African Resources
- PAFRF Pan African Resources
- PAG Penske Automotive Group
- PAG Paragon Banking Group
- PAGE PageGroup
- PAGP Plains GP
- PAGS PagSeguro Digital
- PAH Platform Specialty Products
- PAH3 Porsche Automobil
- PAHC Phibro Animal Health
- PAHGF Pets at Home Group
- PAI Western Asset Investment Grade Income Fund
- PAL Proficient Auto Logistics
- PALAF Paladin Energy
- PALC Pacer Lunt Large Cap Multi-Factor Alternator ETF
- PALI Palisade Bio
- PALL Aberdeen Standard Physical Palladium Shares ETF
- PALM Panther Metals
- PALT Paltalk
- PAM Pampa Energía
- PAMC Pacer Lunt MidCap Multi-Factor Alternator ETF
- PAMT Pamt
- PANC Panacos Pharmaceuticals
- PANDY Pandora A/S
- PANHF Ping An Healthcare and Technology
- PANL Pangaea Logistics Solutions
- PANR Pantheon Resources
- PANRF Panoramic Resources
- PANW Palo Alto Networks
- PAPI Parametric Equity Premium Income ETF
- PAPL Pineapple Financial
- PAPR Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - April
- PAR PAR Technology
- PARA Paramount Global
- PARAA Paramount Global
- PARD Poniard Pharmaceuticals
- PARG Blackwell 3D Construction
- PARNF Parnell Pharmaceuticals
- PARR Par Pacific
- PARXF Parex Resources
- PASG Passage Bio
- PASTF OPmobility
- PAT Panthera Resources
- PATH UiPath
- PATK Patrick Industries
- PATN Pacer Nasdaq International Patent Leaders ETF
- PATN Pacer Nasdaq International Patent Leaders ETF
- PAUG Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - August
- PAVE Global X U.S. Infrastructure Development ETF
- PAVS Paranovus Entertainment Technology
- PAWH Pennsylvania Warehousing Safe Deposit
- PAWZ ProShares Pet Care ETF
- PAX Patria Investments
- PAXS PIMCO Access Income Fund
- PAY Paymentus
- PAY PayPoint
- PAY Payfare
- PAYC Paycom Software
- PAYM Paymeon
- PAYO Payoneer Global
- PAYOW Payoneer Global
- PAYS Paysign
- PAYX Paychex
- PAZRF Plaza Retail REIT
- PB Prosperity Bancshares
- PBA Pembina Pipeline
- PBAM Private Bancorp of America
- PBAP PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - April
- PBAU PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - August
- PBAXW Phoenix Biotech Acquisition
- PBB Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
- PBBGF Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
- PBBK PB Bankshares
- PBCO PBCO Financial
- PBCRF PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
- PBCRY PT Bank Central Asia Tbk
- PBD Invesco Global Clean Energy ETF
- PBDC Putnam BDC Income ETF
- PBDE PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - December
- PBE Invesco Biotechnology & Genome ETF
- PBEE PensionBee Group
- PBEGF Touchstone Exploration
- PBF PBF Energy
- PBFB PGIM US Large-Cap Buffer 20 ETF - February
- PBFB PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - February
- PBFR PGIM Laddered S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF
- PBFS Pioneer Bancorp
- PBH Prestige Consumer Healthcare
- PBH Premium Brands
- PBHC Pathfinder Bancorp
- PBI Pitney Bowes
- PBIO Pressure BioSciences
- PBJ Invesco Food & Beverage ETF
- PBJA PGIM US Large-Cap Buffer 20 ETF - January
- PBJA PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - January
- PBJL PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - July
- PBJN PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - June
- PBKOF Pollard Banknote
- PBL Pollard Banknote
- PBL PGIM Portfolio Ballast ETF
- PBLA Panbela Therapeutics
- PBLOF Public Bank Berhad
- PBM Psyence Biomedical
- PBM Pacific Bay Minerals
- PBMLF Pacific Booker Minerals
- PBMR PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - March
- PBMRF PT Bumi Resources Tbk
- PBMWW Psyence Biomedical
- PBMY PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - May
- PBNC PB Financial
- PBNK Pinnacle Bank
- PBNNF PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- PBNV PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - November
- PBOC PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - October
- PBP Invesco S&P 500 BuyWrite ETF
- PBPB Potbelly
- PBQQ PGIM Laddered Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF
- PBQQ PGIM Laddered Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF
- PBR Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras
- PBS Invesco Next Gen Media and Gaming ETF
- PBSE PGIM S&P 500 Buffer 20 ETF - September
- PBSFF ProSiebenSat.1 Media
- PBSFY ProSiebenSat.1 Media
- PBSV Pharma-Bio Serv
- PBT Permian Basin Royalty Trust
- PBTHF PointsBet
- PBTP Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF
- PBW Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy ETF
- PBY.UN Canso Credit Trust - Canso Credit Income Fund
- PBYA ProBility Media
- PBYI Puma Biotechnology
- PC Premium Catering
- PCA Palace Capital
- PCB PCB Bancorp
- PCBN Piedmont Community Bank Group
- PCCE Polen Capital China Growth ETF
- PCCYF PetroChina
- PCEF Invesco CEF Income Composite ETF
- PCELF PowerCell Sweden AB (publ)
- PCEM Polen Capital Emerging Markets ex-China Growth ETF
- PCF High Income Securities Fund
- PCFBF Pacific Basin Shipping
- PCFBY Pacific Basin Shipping
- PCFT Polar Capital Global Financials
- PCGG Polen Capital Global Growth ETF
- PCGH Polar Capital Glb Healthcare
- PCGR PC Group
- PCH PotlatchDeltic
- PCHM PharmChem
- PCHUY PTT Public
- PCIG Polen Capital International Growth ETF
- PCILF Urban Logistics REIT
- PCK PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund II
- PCLA Picocela
- PCLB Pinnacle Bancshares
- PCLI Protocall Technologies
- PCLO Virtus SEIX AAA Private Credit CLO ETF
- PCLOF PharmaCielo
- PCM PCM Fund
- PCMC Public Company Management
- PCMM Bblx Private Credit Clo Etf
- PCMM BondBloxx Private Credit CLO ETF
- PCN PIMCO Corporate & Income Strategy Fund
- PCOR Procore Technologies
- PCPJ PaperClip
- PCPL CC Neuberger Principal Holdings I
- PCQ PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund
- PCQ Petrolympic
- PCRB Putnam ESG Core Bond ETF
- PCRFY Panasonic
- PCRX Pacira BioSciences
- PCSA Processa Pharmaceuticals
- PCSC Perceptive Capital Solutions
- PCSV PCS Edventures!
- PCT PureCycle Technologies
- PCT Polar Capital Technology Trust
- PCTN Picton Property Income
- PCTTU PureCycle Technologies
- PCTTW PureCycle Technologies
- PCTY Paylocity
- PCVX Vaxcyte
- PCX Pengana Global Private Credit Trust
- PCY Invesco Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt ETF
- PCYN Procyon
- PCYO Pure Cycle
- PD PagerDuty
- PD Precision Drilling
- PDAC Peridot Acquisition
- PDBA Invesco Agriculture Commodity Strategy No K-1 ETF
- PDBC Invesco Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy No K-1 ETF
- PDCC Pearl Diver Credit
- PDCO Patterson Companies
- PDEC Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - December
- PDEX Pro-Dex
- PDFS PDF Solutions
- PDGNF Pendragon
- PDGO Paradigm Oil and Gas
- PDI PIMCO Dynamic Income Fund
- PDIYF Predictive Discovery
- PDL Petra Diamonds
- PDLB Ponce Financial Group
- PDLMF Petra Diamonds
- PDM Piedmont Office Realty Trust
- PDMI Paradigm Medical Industries
- PDN Invesco FTSE RAFI Developed Markets ex-U.S. Small-Mid ETF
- PDO Pimco Dynamic Income Opportunities Fund
- PDP Invesco Dorsey Wright Momentum ETF
- PDRDF Pernod Ricard
- PDS Precision Drilling
- PDSB PDS Biotechnology
- PDT John Hancock Premium Dividend Fund
- PDX PIMCO Dynamic Income Strategy Fund
- PDYN Palladyne AI
- PDYNW Palladyne AI
- PE Pure Energy Minerals
- PEB Pebblebrook Hotel Trust
- PEB Pebble Beach Systems Group
- PEBB The Pebble Group
- PEBK Peoples Bancorp of North Carolina
- PEBO Peoples Bancorp
- PECGF PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad
- PECN Photoelectron
- PECO Phillips Edison & Company, Inc.
- PEDH Mastery Education
- PEEL Peel Hunt
- PEG Public Service Enterprise Group
- PEG Petards Group
- PEGA Pegasystems
- PEGRF Pennon Group
- PEGRY Pennon Group
- PEGX Pegasus Companies
- PEGY Pineapple Energy
- PEIX Alto Ingredients
- PEJ Invesco Leisure and Entertainment ETF
- PEMB Pembroke VCT B
- PEMIF Pure Energy Minerals
- PEMTF Thoughtful Brands
- PEMX Putnam Emerging Markets ex-China ETF
- PEN Penumbra
- PEN Pennant International Group
- PENG Penguin Solutions
- PENMF Peninsula Energy
- PENN PENN Entertainment
- PEO Adams Natural Resources Fund
- PEP PepsiCo
- PEPG PepGen
- PEPS Parametric Equity Plus ETF
- PEPS Parametric Equity Plus ETF
- PER Percheron Therapeutics
- PERF Perfumania
- PERI Perion Network
- PERU Chakana Copper
- PESI Perma-Fix Environmental Services
- PET Wag! Group
- PET Pet Valu
- PET Petrel Resources
- PETRY Vibra Energia
- PETS PetMed Express
- PETS Pets at Home Group
- PETV PetVivo
- PETVW PetVivo
- PETWW Wag! Group
- PEV Phoenix Motor
- PEX ProShares Global Listed Private Equity ETF
- PEXL Pacer US Export Leaders ETF
- PEXNY PTT Exploration and Production Public
- PEY Invesco High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers ETF
- PEY Peyto Exploration & Development
- PEY Princess Private Equity
- PEYUF Peyto Exploration & Development
- PEZ Invesco Dorsey Wright Consumer Cyclicals Momentum ETF
- PFBC Preferred Bank
- PFBN Pacific Alliance Bank
- PFBX Peoples Financial
- PFC Petrofac
- PFC PetroFrontier
- PFC Premier Financial
- PFD Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Income Fund
- PFD Premier Foods
- PFDR Pathfinder Acquisition
- PFDRW Pathfinder Acquisition
- PFE Pfizer
- PFEB Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - February
- PFEL AXS 2X PFE Bull Daily ETF
- PFF iShares Preferred and Income Securities ETF
- PFFA Virtus InfraCap U.S. Preferred Stock ETF
- PFFD Global X U.S. Preferred ETF
- PFFL ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Preferred Stock ETN
- PFFR Infracap REIT Preferred ETF
- PFFV Global X Variable Rate Preferred ETF
- PFFVF Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology
- PFG Principal Financial Group
- PFGC Performance Food Group
- PFHO Pacific Health Care Organization
- PFI Invesco Dorsey Wright Financial Momentum ETF
- PFIE Profire Energy
- PFIG Invesco Fundamental Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF
- PFIS Peoples Financial Services
- PFIX Simplify Interest Rate Hedge ETF
- PFL PIMCO Income Strategy Fund
- PFLC Pacific Financial
- PFLD AAM Low Duration Preferred and Income Securities ETF
- PFLT PennantPark Floating Rate Capital
- PFM Invesco Dividend Achievers ETF
- PFMT Performant Financial
- PFN PIMCO Income Strategy Fund II
- PFND Pathfinder Cell Therapy
- PFO Flaherty & Crumrine Preferred Income Opportunity Fund
- PFODF Premier Foods
- PFRL PGIM Floating Rate Income ETF
- PFS Provident Financial Services
- PFSF Pacific Software
- PFSI PennyMac Financial Services
- PFTA Perception Capital Corp. III
- PFTAU Perception Capital Corp. III
- PFTAW Perception Capital Corp. III
- PFTI Puradyn Filter Technologies
- PFUT Putnam Sustainable Future ETF
- PFV Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology
- PFX PhenixFIN
- PFXF VanEck Preferred Securities ex Financials ETF
- PFXNZ PhenixFIN Co. 5.25% Notes due 2028
- PG Procter & Gamble
- PGAS Petrogress
- PGC Peapack-Gladstone Financial
- PGC Plato Gold
- PGCMF Puregold Price Club
- PGE Stillwater Critical Minerals
- PGEJF Pgs Asa
- PGEJF Pgs Asa
- PGEN Precigen
- PGENY Pigeon
- PGF Invesco Financial Preferred ETF
- PGH Personal Group
- PGHL Primega Group
- PGHY Invesco Global Short Term High Yield Bond ETF
- PGJ Invesco Golden Dragon China ETF
- PGNT Paragon Technologies
- PGNY Progyny
- PGOL Patriot Gold
- PGOO ProVen Growth & Income VCT
- PGP PIMCO Global StocksPLUS & Income Fund
- PGPHF Partners Group
- PGPM Pilgrim Petroleum
- PGR Progressive
- PGRE Paramount Group
- PGRO Putnam Focused Large Cap Growth ETF
- PGRU PropertyGuru Group
- PGTK Pacific Green Technologies
- PGUCY Prosegur Cash
- PGUUF Prosegur Cash
- PGX Invesco Preferred ETF
- PGX Prosper Gold
- PGXPF Pelangio Exploration
- PGY Pagaya Technologies
- PGYC Patriot Energy
- PGYWW Pagaya Technologies
- PGZ Principal Real Estate Income Fund
- PGZ Pan Global Resources
- PH Parker-Hannifin
- PHA Premier Health of America
- PHAR Pharming Group
- PHAR Pharos Energy
- PHAT Phathom Pharmaceuticals
- PHB Invesco Fundamental High Yield Corporate Bond ETF
- PHC Plant Health Care
- PHCEF Pharmacielo
- PHCF Puhui Wealth Investment Management
- PHD Pioneer Floating Rate Fund
- PHD Providence Gold Mines
- PHDG Invesco S&P 500 Downside Hedged ETF
- PHE PowerHouse Energy Group
- PHEQ Parametric Hedged Equity ETF
- PHG Koninklijke Philips
- PHGE BiomX
- PHGE BiomX
- PHGFX Popular High Grade Fixed-Income Fund
- PHGUF Pharming Group
- PHI Pacific Horizon Investment Trust
- PHIL Philux Global Group
- PHIO Phio Pharmaceuticals
- PHK PIMCO High Income Fund
- PHLI PacificHealth Laboratories
- PHLL Petershill Partners
- PHLLF Petershill Partners
- PHLT Performant Healthcare, Inc. - Common Stock
- PHM PulteGroup
- PHMMF Pharma Mar
- PHNX Phoenix Group
- PHO Invesco Water Resources ETF
- PHOS Phosphate
- PHOT GrowLife
- PHP Primary Health Properties
- PHPPY Signify
- PHPRF Primary Health Properties
- PHPYF Pushpay
- PHR Phreesia
- PHRRF PharmaTher
- PHRX Pharmagen
- PHT Pioneer High Income Fund
- PHUN Phunware
- PHVS Pharvaris
- PHX PHX Minerals
- PHX PHX Energy Services
- PHXHF PHX Energy Services
- PHXM PHAXIAM Therapeutics
- PHYD Putnam ESG High Yield ETF
- PHYL PGIM Active High Yield Bond ETF
- PHYS Sprott Physical Gold Trust
- PHYS.U Sprott Physical Gold Trust
- PHYT Pyrophyte Acquisition
- PI Impinj
- PIAC Princeton Capital
- PIAGF Piaggio & C.
- PIAIF Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China
- PIC.A Premium Income
- PICB Invesco International Corporate Bond ETF
- PICK iShares MSCI Global Metals & Mining Producers ETF
- PID Invesco International Dividend Achievers ETF
- PIE Invesco DWA Emerging Markets Momentum ETF
- PIEQ Principal Intl Equity Etf
- PIEQ Principal International Equity ETF
- PIER The Brighton Pier Group
- PIF Polaris Renewable Energy
- PIFFY PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk
- PIFI ClearShares Piton Intermediate Fixed Income ETF
- PIFMY PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk
- PIFYF Pine Cliff Energy
- PIH 1347 Property Insurance
- PII Polaris
- PIII P3 Health Partners
- PIIIW P3 Health Partners
- PIK Kidpik
- PILBF Pilbara Minerals
- PILL Direxion Daily Pharmaceutical & Medical Bull 3X Shares
- PIM Putnam Master Intermediate Income Trust
- PIN Invesco India ETF
- PIN Pantheon International
- PINC Premier
- PINE Alpine Income Property Trust
- PINE Pinewood Technologies Group
- PINK Simplify Health Care ETF
- PINS Pinterest
- PINT Pantheon Infrastructure
- PINWF Pinnacle Renewable Energy
- PIO Invesco Global Water ETF
- PIP PipeHawk
- PIPE None
- PIPE Invesco SteelPath MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF
- PIPR Piper Sandler Companies
- PIRS Pieris Pharmaceuticals
- PIT VanEck Commodity Strategy ETF
- PITA Heramba Electric
- PITAF Poste Italiane
- PITAW Heramba Electric
- PITPF PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk
- PIXY ShiftPixy
- PIZ Invesco DWA Developed Markets Momentum ETF
- PJAN Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - January
- PJBF PGIM Jennison Better Future ETF
- PJBF PGIM Jennison Better Future ETF
- PJFG PGIM Jennison Focused Growth ETF
- PJFM PGIM Jennison Focused Mid-Cap ETF
- PJFM PGIMJennison Focused Mid-Cap ETF
- PJFV PGIM Jennison Focused Value ETF
- PJIO PGIM Jennison International Opportunities ETF
- PJP Invesco Pharmaceuticals ETF
- PJT PJT Partners
- PJUL Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - July
- PJUN Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - June
- PJX PJX Resources
- PK Park Hotels & Resorts
- PKB Invesco Building & Construction ETF
- PKBK Parke Bancorp
- PKBO Peak Bio
- PKBOW Peak Bio
- PKDC Parker Drilling
- PKE Park Aerospace
- PKG Packaging Co. of America
- PKI Parkland
- PKIUF Parkland
- PKKFF Tenet Fintech Group
- PKOH Park-Ohio
- PKPH Peak Pharmaceuticals
- PKPYY Pick n Pay Stores
- PKSGY Parkson Retail Group
- PKST Peakstone Realty Trust
- PKT Parkit Enterprise
- PKTEF Parkit Enterprise
- PKTX ProtoKinetix
- PKW Invesco BuyBack Achievers ETF
- PL Planet Labs PBC
- PLAB Photronics
- PLAG Planet Green
- PLAO Patria Latin American Opportunity Acquisition
- PLAOU Patria Latin American Opportunity Acquisition
- PLAOW Patria Latin American Opportunity Acquisition
- PLAY Dave & Buster's Entertainment
- PLAZ Plaza Centers
- PLBC Plumas Bancorp
- PLC Park Lawn
- PLCE Children's Place
- PLD Prologis
- PLDR Putnam Sustainable Leaders ETF
- PLFRF Palfinger
- PLG Platinum Group Metals
- PLGC Playlogic Entertainment
- PLGNF Playgon Games
- PLIN China Xiangtai Food
- PLL Piedmont Lithium
- PLLIF Pirelli & C.
- PLLWF Polarean Imaging
- PLMI Plum Acquisition Corp. I
- PLMIU Plum Acquisition Corp. I
- PLMIW Plum Acquisition Corp. I
- PLMJ Plum Acquisition Corp. III
- PLMJU Plum Acquisition Corp. III
- PLMJW Plum Acquisition Corp. III
- PLMK Plum Acquisition Corp, IV
- PLMKU Plum Acquisition Corp, IV
- PLMR Palomar
- PLNT Planet Fitness
- PLNTQ Proliance International
- PLOW Douglas Dynamics
- PLPC Preformed Line Products
- PLRTF Plymouth Rock Technologies
- PLRX Pliant Therapeutics
- PLRZ Polyrizon
- PLSE Pulse Biosciences
- PLSQF Plus500
- PLTD Direxion Daily PLTR Bear 1X Shares
- PLTD None
- PLTK Playtika
- PLTM GraniteShares Platinum Trust
- PLTR Palantir Technologies
- PLTU Direxion Daily PLTR Bull 2X Shares
- PLTU None
- PLTW Roundhill PLTR WeeklyPay ETF
- PLTW Roundhill PLTR WeeklyPay ETF
- PLTY YieldMax PLTR Option Income Strategy ETF
- PLUG Plug Power
- PLUR Pluri
- PLUR Plurilock Security
- PLUS ePlus
- PLUS ePlus
- PLUS Plus500
- PLUT Plutus Financial Group
- PLVFF Plant Veda Foods
- PLW Invesco Equal Weight 0-30 Years Treasury ETF
- PLWN Pinelawn Cemetery
- PLX Protalix BioTherapeutics
- PLXS Plexus
- PLY Playfair Mining
- PLYA Playa Hotels & Resorts
- PLYM Plymouth Industrial REIT
- PLZ.UN Plaza Retail REIT
- PM Philip Morris International
- PMAR Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - March
- PMAX Powell Max
- PMAY Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - May
- PMBS PIMCO Mortgage-Backed Securities Active ETF
- PMBY PMB Aerospace
- PMCB PharmaCyte Biotech
- PMCBD PharmaCyte Biotech
- PMCGF PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk
- PMCUF Pro Medicus
- PMD Psychemedics
- PMDKF PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk
- PMDKY PT. Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk
- PME Patriot Batry
- PMEC Primech
- PMETF Patriot Battery Metals
- PMF PIMCO Municipal Income Fund
- PMFB PGIM S&P 500 Max Buffer ETF - February
- PMG The Parkmead Group
- PMGR Premier Miton Glb Renewables Trust
- PMGYF Perpetual Energy
- PMHG Prime Meridian
- PMI Premier Miton Group
- PMIO PGIM Municipal Income Opportunities ETF
- PMJA PGIM S&P 500 Max Buffer ETF - January
- PML PIMCO Municipal Income Fund II
- PML Panoro Minerals
- PMM Putnam Managed Municipal Income Trust
- PMMAF Puma
- PMMF iShares Prime Money Market ETF
- PMMR PGIM S&P 500 Max Buffer ETF - March
- PMN ProMIS Neurosciences
- PMNT Perfect Moment
- PMNXF Perseus Mining
- PMO Putnam Municipal Opportunities Trust
- PMOIF Harbour Energy
- PMOIY Premier Oil
- PMP Portmeirion Group
- PMREF Primaris Real Estate Investment Trust
- PMT PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust
- PMT Perpetual Energy
- PMTS CPI Card Group
- PMVP PMV Pharmaceuticals
- PMX PIMCO Municipal Income Fund III
- PMX ProAm Explorations
- PMZ Primaris Real Estate Investment Trust
- PMZ.UN Primaris Retail REIT
- PN (PN)
- PNACW Prime Number Acquisition I
- PNAIX T. Rowe Price All-Cap Opportunities-I
- PNBC Princeton National Bancorp
- PNBI Pioneer Bankshares
- PNBK Patriot National Bancorp
- PNC The PNC Financial Services Group
- PNC.A Postmedia Network Canada
- PNC.B Postmedia Network Canada Corp Class NC
- PNCRF Newcore Gold
- PNE Pine Cliff Energy
- PNF PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund
- PNFP Pinnacle Financial Partners
- PNFPP Pinnacle Financial Partners
- PNG Kraken Robotics
- PNGAY Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China
- PNGB Panglobal Brands
- PNGZF Terra Metals
- PNI PIMCO New York Municipal Income Fund II
- PNL Personal Assets
- PNN Pennon Group
- PNN Pambili Natural Resources
- PNNT PennantPark Investment
- PNOV Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - November
- PNP Pinetree Capital
- PNQI Invesco NASDAQ Internet ETF
- PNR Pentair
- PNRG PrimeEnergy Resources
- PNRL Premium Nickel Resources
- PNRXF Porto Energy
- PNS Panther Securities
- PNSPF Pensana
- PNST Pinstripes
- PNTG The Pennant Group
- PNW Pinnacle West Capital
- PNXGF Phoenix Group
- POAHY Porsche Automobil
- POAI Predictive Oncology
- POCI Precision Optics
- POCT Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - October
- PODC PodcastOne
- PODD Insulet
- PODP Pod Point Group
- POELF Navigator
- POET POET Technologies
- POETF POET Technologies
- POFCF Petrofac
- POFCY Petrofac
- POGS Pioneer Oil and Gas
- POLA Polar Power
- POLB Poolbeg Pharma
- POLE Andretti Acquisition Corp. II
- POLEU Andretti Acquisition Corp. II
- POLN Pollen Street Group
- POLR Polar Capital
- POLX Polarean Imaging
- PONT Pontiac Bancorp
- PONY Pony AI
- POOL Pool
- POR Portland General Electric
- POR Portofino Resources
- PORBF Pola Orbis
- PORT Southport Acquisition
- POS Plexus
- POSC Positron
- POST Post
- POU Paramount Resources
- POW Power Co. of Canada
- POW Power Metal Resources
- POW.PB Power Corp. Preferred Shares
- POWA Invesco Bloomberg Pricing Power ETF
- POWI Power Integrations
- POWL Powell Industries
- POYYF Polymetal International
- PP Meet Kevin Pricing Power ETF
- PPA Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETF
- PPAAF PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk
- PPAL Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans
- PPBI Pacific Premier Bancorp
- PPBN Pinnacle Bankshares
- PPBT Purple Biotech
- PPC Pilgrim's Pride
- PPCB Propanc Biopharma
- PPCCY PICC Property and Casualty
- PPEM Putnam PanAgora ESG Emerging Markets Equity ETF
- PPERF PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
- PPERY PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
- PPG PPG Industries
- PPH VanEck Pharmaceutical ETF
- PPH PPHE Hotel Group
- PPHC Public Policy
- PPHI Positive Physicians
- PPHP PHP Ventures Acquisition
- PPHPR PHP Ventures Acquisition
- PPHPU PHP Ventures Acquisition
- PPHPW PHP Ventures Acquisition
- PPI AXS Astoria Inflation Sensitive ETF
- PPI AXS Astoria Real Assets ETF
- PPIE Putnam PanAgora ESG International Equity ETF
- PPIH Perma-Pipe International
- PPJE PPJ Healthcare Enterprises
- PPL Pembina Pipeline
- PPLL Peoples
- PPLT Aberdeen Standard Physical Platinum Shares ETF
- PPMH Point to Point Methodics
- PPP Pennpetro Energy
- PPR Prairie Provident Resources
- PPRG Patient Portal Technologies
- PPRQF Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust
- PPRUY Kering
- PPRW Premier Power Renewable Energy
- PPS Proton Motor Power Systems
- PPSI Pioneer Power Solutions
- PPT Putnam Premier Income Trust
- PPT Perpetua Resources
- PPTA Perpetua Resources
- PPTA Perpetua Resources
- PPTDF PeptiDream
- PPTY U.S. Diversified Real Estate ETF
- PPX PPX Mining
- PPYA Papaya Growth Opportunity Corp. I
- PPYAU Papaya Growth Opportunity Corp. I
- PPYAW Papaya Growth Opportunity Corp. I
- PQAP PGIM Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF - April
- PQDI Principal Spectrum Tax-Advantaged Dividend Active ETF
- PQEFF Petroteq Energy
- PQJA PGIM Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF - January
- PQJL PGIM Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF - July
- PQOC PGIM Nasdaq-100 Buffer 12 ETF - October
- PR Permian Resources
- PRA ProAssurance
- PRAA PRA Group
- PRAC Productivity Technologies
- PRAE PlanRock Alternative Growth ETF
- PRAN Alterity Therapeutics
- PRAX Praxis Precision Medicines
- PRAY FIS Biblically Responsible Risk Managed ETF
- PRB Probe Gold
- PRBZF Premium Brands
- PRCH Porch Group
- PRCNF Pure Global Cannabis
- PRCS Parnassus Core Select ETF
- PRCT PROCEPT BioRobotics
- PRD Predator Oil & Gas
- PRDO Perdoceo Education
- PRDSF Prada
- PRDSY Prada
- PRE Prenetics Global
- PRE Pensana
- PRED Predictive Technology Group
- PREF Principal Spectrum Preferred Securities Active ETF
- PREKF PrairieSky Royalty
- PREM Premier African Minerals
- PRENW Prenetics Global
- PRES Pressure Technologies
- PRF Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1000 ETF
- PRFD PIMCO Preferred and Capital Securities Active Exchange-Traded Fund
- PRFT Perficient
- PRFX PainReform
- PRFZ Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid ETF
- PRGNF Paragon Shipping
- PRGO Perrigo
- PRGS Progress Software
- PRH Pearl River
- PRI Primerica
- PRIM Primoris Services
- PRIM Primorus Investments
- PRIV SPDR SSGA Apollo IG Public & Private Credit ETF
- PRK Park National
- PRKA Parks! America
- PRKR ParkerVision
- PRKS United Parks & Resorts
- PRL Propel
- PRLB Proto Labs
- PRLD Prelude Therapeutics
- PRLE Pillarstone Capital REIT
- PRLH Pearl Holdings Acquisition
- PRLHU Pearl Holdings Acquisition
- PRLHW Pearl Holdings Acquisition
- PRLO Prologic Management Systems
- PRM Perimeter Solutions
- PRM Cott
- PRM Proteome Sciences
- PRMB Primo Brands
- PRME Prime Medicine
- PRMN PlanRock Market Neutral Income ETF
- PRMNF Prime Mining
- PRMRF Paramount Resources
- PRMW Primo Water
- PRMW Primo Water
- PRN Invesco Dorsey Wright Industrials Momentum ETF
- PRN Profound Medical
- PRNDY Pernod Ricard
- PRNT 3D Printing ETF
- PROBF Probe Gold
- PROC ProCook Group
- PROC Procaps Group
- PROCW Procaps Group
- PROF Profound Medical
- PROK ProKidney
- PROM Propel Media
- PROP Prairie Operating
- PROSF Prosus
- PROSY Prosus
- PROT Proteonomix
- PROV Provident Financial
- PRPB CC Neuberger Principal Holdings II
- PRPH ProPhase Labs
- PRPL Purple Innovation
- PRPM ProTek Capital
- PRPO Precipio
- PRPPF Bricks Newco
- PRQ Petrus Resources
- PRQR ProQR Therapeutics
- PRRFY Premier Foods
- PRRWF Park Lawn
- PRSC Providence Service
- PRSI Portsmouth Square
- PRSO Peraso
- PRSR Prs Reit
- PRSRW Prospector Capital
- PRST Presto Automation
- PRSTW Presto Automation
- PRSU Pursuit Attractions & Hospitality
- PRT PermRock Royalty Trust
- PRTA Prothena
- PRTC PureTech Health
- PRTC PureTech Health
- PRTDF Petro Matad
- PRTG Portage Biotech
- PRTH Priority Technology
- PRTO Proteon Therapeutics
- PRU Prudential Financial
- PRU Prudential
- PRU Perseus Mining
- PRV Porvair
- PRVA Privia Health Group
- PRVCF PreveCeutical Medical
- PRVS Parnassus Value Select ETF
- PRVU PreVu
- PRXIQ Premier Exhibitions
- PRXM Proxim Wireless
- PRXXF Paradox Interactive AB (publ)
- PRYMY Prysmian
- PRZM Prism Technologies Group
- PRZO ParaZero Technologies
- PSA Public Storage
- PSA Purpose High Interest Savings Fund
- PSAC Property Solutions Acquisition
- PSBC Pacific State Bancorp
- PSBD Palmer Square Capital BDC
- PSC Principal U.S. Small-Cap Multi-Factor ETF
- PSCC Invesco S&P SmallCap Consumer Staples ETF
- PSCD Invesco S&P SmallCap Consumer Discretionary ETF
- PSCE Invesco S&P SmallCap Energy ETF
- PSCF Invesco S&P SmallCap Financials ETF
- PSCH Invesco S&P SmallCap Health Care ETF
- PSCI Invesco S&P SmallCap Industrials ETF
- PSCJ Pacer Swan SOS Conservative (July) ETF
- PSCM Invesco S&P SmallCap Materials ETF
- PSCO ProtoSource
- PSCQ Pacer Swan SOS Conservative (October) ETF
- PSCT Invesco S&P SmallCap Information Technology ETF
- PSCU Invesco S&P SmallCap Utilities & Communication Services ETF
- PSCW Pacer Swan SOS Conservative (April) ETF
- PSCX Pacer Swan SOS Conservative (January) ETF
- PSD Pulse Seismic
- PSDL Phoenix Spree Deutschland
- PSDM PGIM Short Duration Multi-Sector Bond ETF
- PSEC Prospect Capital
- PSEP Innovator U.S. Equity Power Buffer ETF - September
- PSET Principal Quality ETF
- PSF Cohen & Steers Select Preferred and Income Fund
- PSFD Pacer Swan SOS Flex (January) ETF
- PSFE Paysafe
- PSFF Pacer Swan SOS Fund of Funds ETF
- PSFJ Pacer Swan SOS Flex (July) ETF
- PSFM Pacer Swan SOS Flex (April) ETF
- PSFO Pacer Swan SOS Flex (October) ETF
- PSGFF Precious Shipping Public
- PSGTF PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- PSGTY PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- PSH Pershing Square
- PSH PGIM Short Duration High Yield ETF
- PSH PGIM Short DurationHigh Yield ETF
- PSHG Performance Shipping
- PSHIF Lucero Energy
- PSHZF Pershing Square
- PSI Invesco Semiconductors ETF
- PSI Pason Systems
- PSIG PSI Group
- PSIL AdvisorShares Psychedelics ETF
- PSIX Power Solutions International
- PSIX Power Solutions International
- PSJ Invesco Dynamic Software ETF
- PSK SPDR ICE Preferred Securities ETF
- PSK PrairieSky Royalty
- PSKOF Orlen
- PSKRF Protector Forsikring ASA
- PSL Invesco Dorsey Wright Consumer Staples Momentum ETF
- PSLV Sprott Physical Silver Trust
- PSM ProSiebenSat.1 Media
- PSMD Pacer Swan SOS Moderate (January) ETF
- PSMJ Pacer Swan SOS Moderate (July) ETF
- PSMMY Persimmon
- PSMO Pacer Swan SOS Moderate (October) ETF
- PSMR Pacer Swan SOS Moderate (April) ETF
- PSMT PriceSmart
- PSN Parsons
- PSN Persimmon
- PSNL Personalis
- PSNY Polestar Automotive Holding UK
- PSNYW Polestar Automotive Holding UK
- PSO Pearson
- PSON Pearson
- PSP Invesco Global Listed Private Equity ETF
- PSPSF PSP Swiss Property
- PSQ ProShares Short QQQ
- PSQA Palmer Square CLO Senior Debt ETF
- PSQO Palmer Square Credit Opportunities ETF
- PSR Invesco Active U.S. Real Estate ETF
- PSSMF Press Metal Aluminium Hldg Bhd
- PSSR PASSUR Aerospace
- PSSWF PSI Software
- PST ProShares UltraShort Lehman 7-10 Year Treasury
- PSTG Pure Storage
- PSTL Postal Realty Trust
- PSTO Powerstorm
- PSTP Innovator Power Buffer Step-Up Strategy ETF
- PSTR PeakShares Sector Rotation ETF
- PSTRQ PostRock Energy
- PSTV Plus Therapeutics
- PSTVY Postal Savings Bank of China
- PSTX Poseida Therapeutics
- PSU-U Purpose US Cash Fund ETF
- PSWD Xtrackers Cybersecurity Select Equity ETF
- PSWW Principal Solar
- PSX Phillips 66
- PSYTF Pason Systems
- PSZKY Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski Spólka Akcyjna
- PT Pintec Technology
- PTA Cohen & Steers Tax-Advantaged Preferred Securities and Income Fund
- PTAC PropTech Acquisition
- PTAIY PT Astra International Tbk
- PTAL PetroTal
- PTALF PetroTal
- PTAM Potash America
- PTBD Pacer Trendpilot US Bond ETF
- PTBRY PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- PTBS Potomac Bancshares
- PTBTQ Pope & Talbot
- PTCHF PureTech Health
- PTCT PTC Therapeutics
- PTE Pioneering Technology
- PTEC Global X PropTech ETF
- PTEC Playtech
- PTEEF Plaintree Systems
- PTEIQ PolarityTE
- PTEN Patterson-UTI Energy
- PTEU Pacer Trendpilot European Index ETF
- PTF Invesco Dorsey Wright Technology Momentum ETF
- PTF Pender Growth Fund
- PTGX Protagonist Therapeutics
- PTH Invesco Dorsey Wright Healthcare Momentum ETF
- PTHL Pheton Holdings Ltd Class A Ordinary Shares
- PTHRF Pantheon Resources
- PTI Proteostasis Therapeutics
- PTIN Pacer Trendpilot International ETF
- PTIR GraniteShares 2x Long PLTR Daily ETF
- PTITF PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Tbk
- PTIX Protagenic Therapeutics
- PTIXW Protagenic Therapeutics
- PTK POET Technologies
- PTKFF PT Kalbe Farma Tbk.
- PTL Inspire 500 ETF
- PTLC Pacer Trendpilot US Large Cap ETF
- PTLO Portillo's
- PTM Platinum Group Metals
- PTMC Pacer Trendpilot US Mid Cap ETF
- PTMN Portman Ridge Finance
- PTN Palatin Technologies
- PTN Patronus Resources
- PTNDY PT Vale Indonesia Tbk
- PTNQ Pacer Trendpilot 100 ETF
- PTOI Plastic2Oil
- PTON Peloton Interactive
- PTOTF Patriot One Technologies
- PTPI Petros Pharmaceuticals
- PTRB PGIM Total Return Bond ETF
- PTRRY Prio
- PTRUF Petrus Resources
- PTSB Permanent TSB Group
- PTSC Patriot Scientific
- PTSI P.A.M. Transportation Services
- PTTN Patten Energy Solutions Group
- PTTTS Palmetto Real Estate Trust
- PTTWF Orange Polska
- PTU Purepoint Uranium Group
- PTVE Pactiv Evergreen
- PTVLF Pet Valu
- PTWO Pono Capital Two
- PTWOU Pono Capital Two
- PTWOW Pono Capital Two
- PTX Platinex
- PTXKY PT XL Axiata Tbk
- PTY PIMCO Corporate & Income Opportunity Fund
- PTY Partway Group
- PU13 Puma VCT 13
- PUAL Puma Alpha VCT
- PUBC PureBase
- PUBGY Publicis Groupe
- PUBM PubMatic
- PUCK Goal Acquisitions
- PUCKU Goal Acquisitions
- PUCKW Goal Acquisitions
- PUDA Puda Coal
- PUGE Puget Technologies
- PUI Invesco Dorsey Wright Utilities Momentum ETF
- PUK Prudential
- PULM Pulmatrix
- PULS PGIM Ultra Short Bond ETF
- PULS Pulsar Group
- PULT Putnam ESG Ultra Short ETF
- PUM Puma
- PUMD ProUroCare Medical
- PUMP ProPetro
- PUMSY Puma
- PUODY Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura, S. A. B. de C. V.
- PURE PURE Bioscience
- PUSH PGIM Ultra Short Municipal Bond ETF
- PUTD CboeValidus S&P 500 DynamicPutWriteIndex ETF
- PUTKF PT United Tractors Tbk
- PUTKY PT United Tractors Tbk
- PUTW WisdomTree PutWrite Strategy Fund
- PUYI Highest Performances
- PV Primavera Capital Acquisition
- PVAL Putnam Focused Large Cap Value ETF
- PVBC Provident Bancorp
- PVBK Pacific Valley Bancorp
- PVCT Provectus Biopharmaceuticals
- PVDG VirExit Technologies
- PVI Invesco VRDO Tax-Free ETF
- PVL Permianville Royalty Trust
- PVL Plastiques du Val de Loire
- PVLA Palvella Therapeutics
- PVMCF Pine Valley Mining
- PVN ProVen VCT
- PVSP Pervasip
- PVT Pivotree
- PW Power REIT
- PWB Invesco Large Cap Growth ETF
- PWBO Pacific West Bank
- PWC Invesco Bloomberg MVP Multi-factor ETF
- PWCDF Power Co. of Canada
- PWCO PwrCor
- PWER Macquarie Energy Transition ETF
- PWER Power-One
- PWI Sustainable Power & Infrastructure Split
- PWM Prestige Wealth
- PWM Power Metals
- PWOD Penns Woods Bancorp
- PWP Perella Weinberg Partners
- PWR Quanta Services
- PWR Quanta Services
- PWRD TCW Transform Systems ETF
- PWS Pacer WealthShield ETF
- PWSC PowerSchool
- PWUP PowerUp Acquisition
- PWUPU PowerUp Acquisition
- PWUPW PowerUp Acquisition
- PWV Invesco Large Cap Value ETF
- PWWBF PowerBand Solutions
- PWZ Invesco California AMT-Free Municipal Bond ETF
- PWZYF Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen
- PX Praxair
- PX Pelangio Exploration
- PXC Phoenix Copper
- PXDT Pixie Dust Technologies
- PXE Invesco Energy Exploration & Production ETF
- PXEN Prospex Energy
- PXF Invesco FTSE RAFI Developed Markets ex-U.S. ETF
- PXFG Phoenix Footwear Group
- PXGYF PAX Global Technology
- PXH Invesco FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets ETF
- PXHI PhoneX
- PXI Invesco Dorsey Wright Energy Momentum ETF
- PXJ Invesco Oil & Gas Services ETF
- PXLG Invesco S&P 500 GARP ETF
- PXLV Invesco S&P 500 Value with Momentum ETF
- PXLW Pixelworks
- PXMD PaxMedica
- PXMVF Pixium Vision
- PXPHF Pexip Holding ASA
- PXQ Invesco Next Gen Connectivity ETF
- PXRB PixarBio
- PXS Provexis
- PXS Pyxis Tankers
- PXSAP Pyxis Tankers
- PXSAW Pyxis Tankers
- PXT Parex Resources
- PXXLF Poxel
- PXYN Praxsyn
- PY Principal Value ETF
- PYC Physiomics
- PYCFF Mount Logan Capital
- PYCR Paycor HCM
- PYDS Payment Data Systems
- PYFRF Payfare
- PYLD PIMCO Multi Sector Bond Active ETF
- PYNKF Perimeter Medical Imaging AI
- PYOIF Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura, S. A. B. de C. V.
- PYPD PolyPid
- PYPL PayPal
- PYPS AXS 1.5X PYPL Bear Daily ETF
- PYPT AXS 1.5X PYPL Bull Daily ETF
- PYPT AXS 1.5X PYPL Bull Daily ETF
- PYPTF PayPoint
- PYPY YieldMax PYPL Option Income Strategy ETF
- PYRGF PyroGenesis Canada
- PYRNF PyroGenesis Canada
- PYT PPLUS Trust Series GSC-2 GSC 2 CT FL RT
- PYTCF Playtech
- PYTCY Playtech
- PYX PYX Resources
- PYXS Pyxis Oncology
- PYYX Pyxus International
- PYZ Invesco Dorsey Wright Basic Materials Momentum ETF
- PZA Invesco National AMT-Free Municipal Bond ETF
- PZA Pizza Pizza Royalty
- PZAKY Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen
- PZC PIMCO California Municipal Income Fund III
- PZC PZ Cussons
- PZCUY PZ Cussons
- PZCUY PZ Cussons
- PZG Paramount Gold Nevada
- PZOO Pazoo
- PZRIF Pizza Pizza Royalty
- PZRXQ PhaseRx
- PZT Invesco New York AMT-Free Municipal Bond ETF
- PZZA Papa Johns International