Resolute Capital Asset Partners LLC Top Holdings and 13F Report (2024) About Resolute Capital Asset Partners LLCInvestment ActivityResolute Capital Asset Partners LLC has $192.16 thousand in total holdings as of June 30, 2024.Resolute Capital Asset Partners LLC owns shares of 34 different stocks, but just 18 companies or ETFs make up 80% of its holdings.Approximately 53.45% of the portfolio was purchased this quarter.About 49.10% of the portfolio was sold this quarter.This quarter, Resolute Capital Asset Partners LLC has purchased 44 new stocks and bought additional shares in 8 stocks.Resolute Capital Asset Partners LLC sold shares of 6 stocks and completely divested from 30 stocks this quarter.Largest Holdings Lantheus $18,076AerCap $16, $15,931Ascendis Pharma A/S $15,603Constellation Energy $13,448 Largest New Holdings this Quarter Constellation Energy $13,448 HoldingSABLE OFFSHORE CORP $9,334 HoldingTALEN ENERGY CORP $7,130 HoldingCameco $4,298 HoldingHOWARD HUGHES HOLDINGS INC $4,259 Holding Largest Purchases this Quarter Constellation Energy 51,719 shares (about $13.45K)SABLE OFFSHORE CORP 395,000 shares (about $9.33K)Ascendis Pharma A/S 57,500 shares (about $8.59K)Lantheus 74,700 shares (about $8.20K)TALEN ENERGY CORP 40,000 shares (about $7.13K) Largest Sales this Quarter Crane 23,146 shares (about $3.66K)Exxon Mobil 30,000 shares (about $3.52K)FTAI Aviation 18,582 shares (about $2.47K) 12,000 shares (about $2.24K)APi Group 50,000 shares (about $1.65K) Sector Allocation Over TimeMap of 500 Largest Holdings ofResolute Capital Asset Partners LLC Selling Neutral Buying Latest 13F Holdings and Changes Since Previous Quarterly FilingIssuer NameHoldings ValueApproximate Purchase/SaleChange in SharesShares Held% of PortfolioSectorLNTHLantheus$18,076$8,198 ▲83.0%164,7009.4%MedicalAERAerCap$16,084$1,894 ▲13.4%169,$15,931$2,236 ▼-12.3%85,5008.3%Retail/WholesaleASNDAscendis Pharma A/S$15,603$8,585 ▲122.3%104,5008.1%MedicalCEGConstellation Energy$13,448$13,448 ▲New Holding51,7197.0%Oils/EnergyFTAIFTAI Aviation$13,290$2,470 ▼-15.7%100,0006.9%AerospaceVSTVistra$9,483$1,778 ▲23.1%80,0004.9%UtilitiesSABLE OFFSHORE CORP$9,334$9,334 ▲New Holding395,0004.9%COMTALEN ENERGY CORP$7,130$7,130 ▲New Holding40,0003.7%COMPARPAR Technology$4,948$1,823 ▲58.3%95,0002.6%Computer and TechnologyNTNXNutanix$4,755$2,385 ▲100.6%80,2482.5%Computer and TechnologyCCJCameco$4,298$4,298 ▲New Holding90,0002.2%Basic MaterialsHOWARD HUGHES HOLDINGS INC$4,259$4,259 ▲New Holding55,0002.2%COMUTIUniversal Technical Institute$4,141$488 ▲13.4%254,6522.2%Consumer DiscretionaryAPGAPi Group$4,127$1,651 ▼-28.6%125,0002.1%Business ServicesMETAMeta Platforms$4,007$4,007 ▲New Holding7,0002.1%Computer and TechnologyCRCrane$3,957$3,664 ▼-48.1%25,0002.1%IndustrialsFWONKFormula One Group$3,871$3,871 ▲New Holding50,0002.0%Consumer DiscretionaryIBOTTA INC$3,469$3,469 ▲New Holding56,3001.8%COMAPHAmphenol$3,258$3,258 ▲New Holding50,0001.7%Computer and TechnologyRVTYRevvity$3,194$3,194 ▲New Holding25,0001.7%MedicalVRNAVerona Pharma$3,165$1,726 ▲120.0%110,0001.6%MedicalVKTXViking Therapeutics$3,165$3,165 ▲New Holding50,0001.6%MedicalCIENCiena$3,080$3,080 ▲New Holding50,0001.6%Computer and TechnologyLEGNLegend Biotech$2,924$2,924 ▲New Holding60,0001.5%MedicalXOMExxon Mobil$2,344$3,516 ▼-60.0%20,0001.2%Oils/EnergyLQDALiquidia$2,300$2,300 ▲New Holding230,0001.2%MedicalHOODRobinhood Markets$1,991$1,991 ▲New Holding85,0001.0%FinanceLBRDKLiberty Broadband$1,932$1,932 ▲New Holding25,0001.0%Consumer DiscretionaryCPRXCatalyst Pharmaceuticals$1,789$1,789 ▲New Holding90,0000.9%MedicalLUNRIntuitive Machines$1,610$1,610 ▲New Holding200,0000.8%AerospaceLBRDALiberty Broadband$768$768 ▲New Holding10,0000.4%Consumer DiscretionaryEVLVEvolv Technologies$430$379 ▼-46.9%106,3000.2%Computer and TechnologyYNDXYandex$00.0%52,0440.0%Computer and TechnologyGOOGAlphabet$0$7,337 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologySAPSAP$0$7,060 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologySIMOSilicon Motion Technology$0$5,264 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyAZOAutoZone$0$4,002 ▼-100.0%00.0%Retail/WholesaleMSIMotorola Solutions$0$3,860 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyEMREmerson Electric$0$3,856 ▼-100.0%00.0%Industrial ProductsGILDGilead Sciences$0$3,774 ▼-100.0%00.0%MedicalALAir Lease$0$3,565 ▼-100.0%00.0%TransportationQCOMQUALCOMM$0$3,486 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyTHCTenet Healthcare$0$3,326 ▼-100.0%00.0%MedicalCEIXCONSOL Energy$0$3,061 ▼-100.0%00.0%Oils/EnergyADBEAdobe$0$3,055 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyKEXKirby$0$2,993 ▼-100.0%00.0%TransportationAXONAxon Enterprise$0$2,942 ▼-100.0%00.0%AerospaceSNXTD SYNNEX$0$2,885 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyAAONAAON$0$2,617 ▼-100.0%00.0%ConstructionAIRAAR$0$2,181 ▼-100.0%00.0%AerospaceMDUMDU Resources Group$0$2,008 ▼-100.0%00.0%UtilitiesOLLIOllie's Bargain Outlet$0$1,963 ▼-100.0%00.0%Consumer StaplesVEEVVeeva Systems$0$1,830 ▼-100.0%00.0%Computer and TechnologyJILLJ.Jill$0$1,749 ▼-100.0%00.0%Retail/WholesaleOLNOlin$0$1,414 ▼-100.0%00.0%Basic MaterialsCRNXCrinetics Pharmaceuticals$0$1,344 ▼-100.0%00.0%MedicalRRGBRed Robin Gourmet Burgers$0$1,135 ▼-100.0%00.0%Retail/WholesaleVSTOVista Outdoor$0$1,130 ▼-100.0%00.0%Consumer DiscretionaryFIGSFIGS$0$799 ▼-100.0%00.0%Retail/WholesaleGENKGEN Restaurant Group$0$675 ▼-100.0%00.0%Retail/WholesaleCXWCoreCivic$0$649 ▼-100.0%00.0%FinanceSERASera Prognostics$0$474 ▼-100.0%00.0%MedicalShowing largest 100 holdings. 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