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Dividend Calculator

Use MarketBeat's free dividend calculator to learn how much income your dividend stock portfolio will generate over time. Incorporate key calculations, such as dividend yield, taxes, dividend growth, distribution frequency, dividend growth, and time horizon to accurately understand your dividend investment portfolio's future income power. Plus leverage other dividend tools from MarketBeat to identify the safest and highest-yield dividend stocks. Learn more about using the dividend calculator.

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DRIP refers to a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. With a DRIP strategy, your dividends payments are immediately used to buy more shares.
Some countries do not tax all dividend income - only that which surpasses a certain exempt amount.
If the dividend amount grows at the same rate as the share price, the yield will stay the same over time. If you expect the dividend yield to increase over time, enter a slightly larger "Expected Annual Dividend Amount Increase %" than "Expected Annual Share Price Appreciation %."

Your Dividend Portfolio After 20 Years

Ending Balance
Total Return
Average Annual Return
Annual Dividend Income
Total Dividend Payments Over 20 Years
Yield On Cost
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MarketBeat has just released its list of 20 stocks that Wall Street analysts hate. These companies may appear to have good fundamentals, but top analysts smell something seriously rotten. Are any of these companies lurking around your portfolio? Find out by clicking the link below.

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Your Dividends Each Year

YearPrincipalAnnual DividendYieldYield On CostAfter DRIP ValuePrincipal IncreaseAnnual ContributionNew BalanceCumulative Dividends
1$100,000.00$5,000.005.00% 5.00%$104,250.00$3,000.00$20,000.00$127,250.00$5,000.00
2$127,250.00$6,362.505.00% 5.30%$132,658.13$3,817.50$20,000.00$156,475.63$11,362.50
3$156,475.63$7,823.785.00% 5.59%$163,125.84$4,694.27$20,000.00$187,820.11$19,186.28
4$187,820.11$9,391.015.00% 5.87%$195,802.46$5,634.60$20,000.00$221,437.07$28,577.29
5$221,437.07$11,071.855.00% 6.15%$230,848.14$6,643.11$20,000.00$257,491.25$39,649.14
6$257,491.25$12,874.565.00% 6.44%$268,434.63$7,724.74$20,000.00$296,159.37$52,523.70
7$296,159.37$14,807.975.00% 6.73%$308,746.14$8,884.78$20,000.00$337,630.92$67,331.67
8$337,630.92$16,881.555.00% 7.03%$351,980.24$10,128.93$20,000.00$382,109.16$84,213.22
9$382,109.16$19,105.465.00% 7.35%$398,348.80$11,463.27$20,000.00$429,812.08$103,318.68
10$429,812.08$21,490.605.00% 7.68%$448,079.09$12,894.36$20,000.00$480,973.46$124,809.28
11$480,973.46$24,048.675.00% 8.02%$501,414.83$14,429.20$20,000.00$535,844.03$148,857.95
12$535,844.03$26,792.205.00% 8.37%$558,617.40$16,075.32$20,000.00$594,692.72$175,650.15
13$594,692.72$29,734.645.00% 8.75%$619,967.16$17,840.78$20,000.00$657,807.95$205,384.79
14$657,807.95$32,890.405.00% 9.14%$685,764.78$19,734.24$20,000.00$725,499.02$238,275.19
15$725,499.02$36,274.955.00% 9.55%$756,332.73$21,764.97$20,000.00$798,097.70$274,550.14
16$798,097.70$39,904.895.00% 9.98%$832,016.85$23,942.93$20,000.00$875,959.78$314,455.02
17$875,959.78$43,797.995.00% 10.43%$913,188.07$26,278.79$20,000.00$959,466.87$358,253.01
18$959,466.87$47,973.345.00% 10.90%$1,000,244.21$28,784.01$20,000.00$1,049,028.22$406,226.36
19$1,049,028.22$52,451.415.00% 11.40%$1,093,611.91$31,470.85$20,000.00$1,145,082.76$458,677.77
20$1,145,082.76$57,254.145.00% 11.93%$1,193,748.78$34,352.48$20,000.00$1,248,101.26$515,931.90


Every now and again we find an investment idea so incredible we can’t help but share. And today is one of those rare days… Except, today we won't be giving you insight on any one particular stock… But rather, insight on a revolutionary new stock picking indicator… In fact, within the last year, this indicator has become famous for a multitude of reasons… But one of the biggest was because of the buy signal it issued on October 18th, 2022. In fact, on that very day, it said to buy NVDA at $116.37… Anyone who did would be sitting on a tremendously large return today… But even if you missed the original buy signal from October, this incredible indicator issued 11 other buy signals while Nvidia made its epic run…

Dividend Calculator Frequently Asked Questions

What are dividends?

Dividends are shares of a company’s earnings (i.e. profits) that are paid out to stockholders of that company on a regular basis (e.g. monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually). Dividends are declared by the company’s board of directors. It is common for dividends to be paid in cash. However, some companies will choose to pay them in the form of additional shares of stock.

Why is dividend yield important?

The dividend yield is a way to estimate the dividend-only total return of a stock investment. For growth investors, regular dividends can be reinvested to allow the benefit of compounding. That each time investors reinvest a dividend payment, they increase the number of shares they own. This results in a slightly higher payout in the form of a dividend, which then further increases the number of shares they own.

For income investors dividend yield is a reward for their risk. Dividend stocks offer at least a partial return on an investment, and many dividend-paying companies will increase the amount of their dividend over time.

What is the dividend yield formula?

Dividend yield is the amount of a company’s dividend expressed as a percentage. The formula is as follows:

Dividend Yield = Annual Dividend / Current Stock Price.

If a share of stock is selling for $35 and the company pays $2 a year in dividends, its yield is 5.7 %.

If the dividend stays the same, then stock price and dividend yield have an inverse relationship. When a company’s stock price goes up, the dividend yield goes down. Conversely when a company’s stock price goes down, the dividend yield goes up.

What is DRIP?

A dividend reinvestment plan (i.e. DRIP) automatically reinvests the cash dividends an investor receives to purchase more stock in the company. The dividends are reinvested without commissions or brokerage fees which allows investors to receive additional shares at a lower cost.

DRIPs issue shares using dollar-cost averaging. This technique averages out the price investors pay for shares over a long period. An investor is not buying shares at their peak price, nor at their lowest price.

How do you calculate dividend payments that are reinvested?

Because reinvested dividends take the form of additional shares of stock, the formula is easy to calculate. The total value is equal to the stock price multiplied by the total number of shares, including any shares purchased through dividend reinvestment.

Let’s say an investor owns 100 shares of Company XYZ and received a .50 cent per share quarterly dividend. They would have "earned" $50 (100 x .50) to reinvest. Assuming that using dollar cost averaging, the company’s share price was $25 the investor purchased two additional shares. The investor's total return is now 102 x (share price).