E. Allen Nye
Chief Executive Officer and Director at Sempra
Yes, Jeff. I appreciate the question again. And I'll start with just what we're seeing on the growth side. To your point, the state continues, to your point, see just very high demand for our services and very strong growth, both organic and demographic growth. We're still seeing 1,500 people a day move here. We are seeing corporate relocations, now the most Fortune 500 companies in any state. And we're seeing just really large industrial expansions, like Samsung and Taylor, TI, GlobiTech and Sherman, things like that. So our kind of growth statistics, I know are covered in our earnings release, and Trevor mentioned them as well in his presentation. So I'm not going to go in too detail there. But suffice to say, we are on a very strong path as far as premises go and include not independent of what we have in our press release, just a couple of other factors. In June, we received the largest request for service to new subdivisions in our company's history. So that's one.
And then two, for July, our serve new requests are up about 40% above what we had in our forecast, which were already very strong. So the outlook on the printer side is very positive. Transmission POIs, as I stated in our materials, are at historic record highs. And then we continue to see just incredible demand out West and need for investment as we continue just to see new peak after new peak on our Culberson Loop, on the Far West Texas weather zone, and then very, very similar growth at Culberson on our Stanton area, Stanton loop that serves the Midland basis. So switching back from that to capex, those are some of the things that are going to be in our minds and that we're going to discuss with our Board going into October. And you all know we do these updates in October.
And to Jeff's point, we've been already working very hard on that. And so while yes, what we're going into October is kind of traditional low growth, the growth of the state of Texas, all the things we traditionally talk about on these calls. I think what would make this one potentially slightly different, and Jeff alluded to it, is I think we are going about the exercise this year, and the team has been working very hard on this on seeing given some of the extreme weather that we've been seeing over a period of years now, from Yuri to all the things we're going through in ERCOT this summer, we feel we have a real need. It's really necessary that we look at and try to figure out how we can harden our system and make it more resilient. And so I know many other utilities are doing the same exercise. Some have already announced some things.
But that's the other piece of what we have kind of on our plate going into the October Board. We'll have the traditional growth which is already causing pressure on our plan. But then we have the other piece, which is what do we want to do to try and ensure that we provide the best customer best customer service, the most reliable service that we can to our customers, given some of these extreme shifts in weather that we're seeing and just the need to address that on our system. So yes, our October Board meeting will probably be a little more expansive when we talk about capex than it has been in the past, and I think that's potentially going to create a lot of opportunities for investment on our system. Thanks.