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Pilgrim's Pride Q3 2024 Earnings Report

Pilgrim's Pride logo
$47.26 -0.55 (-1.15%)
As of 02/4/2025 04:00 PM Eastern

Pilgrim's Pride EPS Results

Actual EPS
Consensus EPS
Beat by +$0.36
One Year Ago EPS

Pilgrim's Pride Revenue Results

Actual Revenue
$4.58 billion
Expected Revenue
$4.69 billion
Missed by -$104.13 million
YoY Revenue Growth

Pilgrim's Pride Announcement Details

Q3 2024
After Market Closes

PPC Upcoming Earnings

Pilgrim's Pride will be holding an earnings conference call on Thursday, February 13 at 9:00 AM Eastern. Interested parties can register for or listen to the call or dial in at 412-317-0088 using passcode "2572644".

Pilgrim's Pride Earnings Headlines

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While everyone's focused on OpenAI... Sam Altman just quietly dropped $577 million into something completely different. And it traces back to a mysterious executive order Trump signed two weeks before leaving office. Here's the fascinating part... Warren Buffett, known for avoiding new technologies, suddenly broke his own rule and jumped in... Bill Gates followed... Even the Perrodo family (worth $3.9 billion from oil) just redirected $262 million towards this. What could make these billionaires pivot so dramatically? The answer lies in Executive Order 13972...
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About Pilgrim's Pride

Pilgrim's Pride (NASDAQ:PPC) Corp. engages in the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of fresh, frozen and value-added chicken and pork products to retailers, distributors, and foodservice operators. It operates through the following segments: U.S., U.K. and Europe, and Mexico. The company was founded by Lonnie A. Pilgrim and Aubrey Pilgrim on October 2, 1946, and is headquartered in Greeley, CO.

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