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Pilgrim's Pride Q4 2023 Earnings Report

Pilgrim's Pride logo
$53.13 +1.29 (+2.49%)
As of 02/21/2025 04:00 PM Eastern

Pilgrim's Pride EPS Results

Actual EPS
Consensus EPS
Beat by +$0.16
One Year Ago EPS

Pilgrim's Pride Revenue Results

Actual Revenue
$4.50 billion
Expected Revenue
$4.48 billion
Beat by +$24.56 million
YoY Revenue Growth

Pilgrim's Pride Announcement Details

Q4 2023
Before Market Opens

Conference Call Resources

Pilgrim's Pride Earnings Headlines

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Dylan Jovine predicted the 2008 crash over a year before it happened. Folks who listened to him had the chance to walk away with gains as high as 235%, 459%, and 700% - all while the stock market got cut in half. Could he be right again?
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About Pilgrim's Pride

Pilgrim's Pride (NASDAQ:PPC) Corp. engages in the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of fresh, frozen and value-added chicken and pork products to retailers, distributors, and foodservice operators. It operates through the following segments: U.S., U.K. and Europe, and Mexico. The company was founded by Lonnie A. Pilgrim and Aubrey Pilgrim on October 2, 1946, and is headquartered in Greeley, CO.

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