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ConvaTec Group (CTEC) Share Price, News & Analysis

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GBX 257.40 -7.80 (-2.94%)
As of 08:42 AM Eastern

About ConvaTec Group Stock (LON:CTEC)

Key Stats

Today's Range
50-Day Range
52-Week Range
12.83 million shs
Average Volume
13.21 million shs
Market Capitalization
£6.55 billion
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Price Target
GBX 301.67
Consensus Rating

Company Overview

ConvaTec Group PLC engages in the development, manufacturing, and sale of medical products, services, and technologies in Europe, North America, and internationally. The company offers advanced wound dressings and skin care products for the management of acute and chronic wounds resulting from various conditions, such as diabetes, and acute conditions resulting from traumatic injury and burns. It also provides ostomy care solutions, including devices, accessories, and services for people with a stoma resulting from colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and bladder cancer. In addition, the company offers continence care products and services for people with urinary continence issues related to spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, and other causes, as well as critical care devices and products used in intensive care units and hospital settings. Further, it provides infusion care solutions comprising disposable infusion sets for diabetes insulin pumps, or for pumps used in continuous subcutaneous infusion treatments for conditions such as parkinson's disease. The company sells its products to pharmacies, hospitals, and other acute and post-acute healthcare service providers directly or through distributors and wholesalers. It serves a range of customers, including healthcare providers, patients, and manufacturers. ConvaTec Group PLC was founded in 1978 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.

ConvaTec Group Stock Analysis - MarketRank™

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45th Percentile Overall Score

CTEC MarketRank™: 

ConvaTec Group scored higher than 45% of companies evaluated by MarketBeat. Scores are calculated by averaging available category scores, with extra weight given to analysis and valuation.

  • Consensus Rating

    ConvaTec Group has received a consensus rating of Buy. The company's average rating score is 3.00, and is based on 3 buy ratings, no hold ratings, and no sell ratings.

  • Amount of Analyst Coverage

    ConvaTec Group has received no research coverage in the past 90 days.

  • Read more about ConvaTec Group's stock forecast and price target.
  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. the Market

    The P/E ratio of ConvaTec Group is 43.52, which means that it is trading at a more expensive P/E ratio than the market average P/E ratio of about 23.58.

  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. Sector

    The P/E ratio of ConvaTec Group is 43.52, which means that it is trading at a more expensive P/E ratio than the Medical sector average P/E ratio of about 24.93.

  • Price to Earnings Growth Ratio

    ConvaTec Group has a PEG Ratio of 0.93. PEG Ratios below 1 indicate that a company could be undervalued.

  • Price to Book Value per Share Ratio

    ConvaTec Group has a P/B Ratio of 3.23. P/B Ratios above 3 indicate that a company could be overvalued with respect to its assets and liabilities.

  • Short Interest

    There is no current short interest data available for CTEC.
  • Dividend Yield

    ConvaTec Group pays a meaningful dividend of 1.27%, higher than the bottom 25% of all stocks that pay dividends.

  • Dividend Growth

    ConvaTec Group does not have a long track record of dividend growth.

  • Dividend Coverage

    The dividend payout ratio of ConvaTec Group is 84.20%. Payout ratios above 75% are not desirable because they may not be sustainable.

  • Read more about ConvaTec Group's dividend.
  • Short Interest

    There is no current short interest data available for CTEC.
  • News Sentiment

    ConvaTec Group has a news sentiment score of 0.14. This score is calculated as an average of sentiment of articles about the company over the last seven days and ranges from 2 (good news) to -2 (bad news). This is a lower news sentiment than the 0.70 average news sentiment score of Medical companies.
  • News Coverage This Week

    MarketBeat has tracked 4 news articles for ConvaTec Group this week, compared to 0 articles on an average week.
  • Search Interest

    1 people have searched for CTEC on MarketBeat in the last 30 days.
  • Insider Buying vs. Insider Selling

    In the past three months, ConvaTec Group insiders have not sold or bought any company stock.

  • Percentage Held by Insiders

    19.65% of the stock of ConvaTec Group is held by insiders. A high percentage of insider ownership can be a sign of company health.

  • Percentage Held by Institutions

    69.05% of the stock of ConvaTec Group is held by institutions. High institutional ownership can be a signal of strong market trust in this company.

  • Read more about ConvaTec Group's insider trading history.
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CTEC Stock News Headlines

Jefferies Keeps Their Buy Rating on ConvaTec (CTEC)
Barclays Sticks to Its Buy Rating for ConvaTec (CTEC)
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J.P. Morgan Reaffirms Their Buy Rating on ConvaTec (CTEC)
ConvaTec Group advances Friday, outperforms market
UBS Sticks to Their Buy Rating for ConvaTec (CTEC)
ConvaTec (CTEC) Receives a Buy from Barclays
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CTEC Stock Analysis - Frequently Asked Questions

ConvaTec Group's stock was trading at GBX 221.20 at the beginning of 2025. Since then, CTEC shares have increased by 16.8% and is now trading at GBX 258.40.
View the best growth stocks for 2025 here

ConvaTec Group PLC (LON:CTEC) issued its quarterly earnings data on Friday, February, 28th. The company reported $12.00 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of $12.70 by $0.70. ConvaTec Group had a net margin of 6.96% and a trailing twelve-month return on equity of 9.15%.

Shares of CTEC stock and other U.K. stocks can be purchased through online brokerage accounts that support trading on the London Stock Exchange (LSX). Some U.K. companies can be purchased through major U.S. brokerages in the form of American Depository Receipts (ADRs), which are placeholder equities held in a trust by a bank that represent shares of a foreign stock.

Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some other companies that ConvaTec Group investors own include EnQuest (ENQ), Centamin (CEY), Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY), Oxford Biomedica (OXB), Tullow Oil (TLW), Barclays (BARC) and Vodafone Group Public (VOD).

Company Calendar

Last Earnings

Industry, Sector and Symbol

Stock Exchange
Medical Instruments & Supplies
Current Symbol
Year Founded

Price Target and Rating

Average Stock Price Target
GBX 301.67
High Stock Price Target
GBX 310
Low Stock Price Target
GBX 290
Potential Upside/Downside
Consensus Rating
Rating Score (0-4)
Research Coverage
3 Analysts


Trailing P/E Ratio
Forward P/E Ratio
P/E Growth
Net Income
£188.35 million
Pretax Margin


Sales & Book Value

Annual Sales
£2.71 billion
Cash Flow
GBX 15.19 per share
Price / Cash Flow
Book Value
GBX 80.01 per share
Price / Book


Outstanding Shares
Free Float
Market Cap
£6.57 billion
Not Optionable
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This page (LON:CTEC) was last updated on 3/4/2025 by Staff
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