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Alphabet (GOOGL) Stock Forecast & Price Target

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$165.87 -7.99 (-4.60%)
Closing price 04:00 PM Eastern
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$165.32 -0.55 (-0.33%)
As of 06:16 PM Eastern
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Alphabet - Analysts' Recommendations and Stock Price Forecast (2025)

MarketBeat calculates consensus analyst ratings for stocks using the most recent rating from each Wall Street analyst that has rated a stock within the last twelve months. Each analyst's rating is normalized to a standardized rating score of 1 (sell), 2 (hold), 3 (buy) or 4 (strong buy). Analyst consensus ratings scores are calculated using the mean average of the number of normalized sell, hold, buy and strong buy ratings from Wall Street analysts. Each stock's consensus analyst rating is derived from its calculated consensus ratings score (0 to .5 = Strong Sell, .5 to 1 = Sell, 1 to 1.5 = Reduce, 1.5 to 2.5 = Hold, 2.5 to 3.0 = Moderate Buy, 3.0 to 3.5 = Buy, >3.5 = Strong Buy). MarketBeat's consensus price targets are a mean average of the most recent available price targets set by each analyst that has set a price target for the stock in the last twelve months. MarketBeat's consensus ratings and consensus price targets may differ from those calculated by other firms due to differences in methodology and available data.

Consensus Rating


Based on 43 Wall Street analysts who have issued ratings for Alphabet in the last 12 months, the stock has a consensus rating of "Moderate Buy." Out of the 43 analysts, 10 have given a hold rating, 29 have given a buy rating, and 4 have given a strong buy rating for GOOGL.

Consensus Price Target

26.98% Upside
According to the 43 analysts' twelve-month price targets for Alphabet, the average price target is $210.62. The highest price target for GOOGL is $230.00, while the lowest price target for GOOGL is $181.00. The average price target represents a forecasted upside of 26.98% from the current price of $165.87.
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GOOGL Analyst Ratings Over Time

TypeCurrent Forecast
3/10/24 to 3/10/25
1 Month Ago
2/9/24 to 2/8/25
3 Months Ago
12/11/23 to 12/10/24
1 Year Ago
3/11/23 to 3/10/24
Strong Buy
4 Strong Buy rating(s)
4 Strong Buy rating(s)
4 Strong Buy rating(s)
1 Strong Buy rating(s)
29 Buy rating(s)
29 Buy rating(s)
31 Buy rating(s)
27 Buy rating(s)
10 Hold rating(s)
10 Hold rating(s)
7 Hold rating(s)
5 Hold rating(s)
0 Sell rating(s)
0 Sell rating(s)
0 Sell rating(s)
0 Sell rating(s)
Consensus Price Target$210.62$210.62$206.03$153.65
Forecasted Upside26.98% Upside13.64% Upside11.26% Upside13.47% Upside
Consensus Rating
Moderate Buy
Moderate Buy
Moderate Buy
Moderate Buy
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GOOGL Analyst Recommendations By Month

The chart below shows how a company's ratings by analysts have changed over time. Each bar represents the previous year of ratings for that month. Within each bar, the sell ratings are shown in red, the hold ratings are shown in yellow, the buy ratings are shown in green, and the strong buy ratings are shown in dark green.
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GOOGL Price Targets by Month

The chart below shows how a company's share price and consensus price target have changed over time. The dark blue line represents the company's actual price. The lighter blue line represents the stock's consensus price target. The even lighter blue range in the background of the two lines represents the low price target and the high price target for each stock.
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Alphabet Stock vs. The Competition

TypeAlphabetComputer and Technology CompaniesS&P 500
Consensus Rating Score
Consensus RatingModerate BuyModerate BuyModerate Buy
Predicted Upside26.98% Upside97.26% Upside18.50% Upside
News Sentiment Rating
Positive News

See Recent GOOGL News
Positive News
Positive News
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DateBrokerageAnalyst NameActionRatingPrice TargetUpside/Downside on Report DateDetails
2/6/2025DZ Bank
4 of 5 stars
 DowngradeBuy ➝ Hold$198.00+3.49%
2/5/2025Piper Sandler
2 of 5 stars
Thomas Champion
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Lower TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$210.00 ➝ $208.00+8.81%
2/5/2025JMP Securities
2 of 5 stars
Andrew Boone
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Reiterated RatingMarket Perform ➝ Market Perform
2/5/2025JPMorgan Chase & Co.
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Doug Anmuth
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Lower TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$232.00 ➝ $220.00+16.23%
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Ronald Josey
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Lower TargetBuy ➝ Buy$232.00 ➝ $229.00+10.96%
2/5/2025Morgan Stanley
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Brian Nowak
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Lower TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$215.00 ➝ $210.00+1.75%
2/5/2025Needham & Company LLC
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Laura Martin
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Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$225.00 ➝ $225.00+9.02%
1/24/2025DA Davidson
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G. Luria
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Boost TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$190.00 ➝ $200.00+0.31%
1/22/2025Cantor Fitzgerald
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D. Mathivanan
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Lower TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$215.00 ➝ $210.00+5.00%
1/13/2025Stifel Nicolaus
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Mark Kelley
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Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$200.00 ➝ $225.00+18.44%
1/13/2025Wells Fargo & Company
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Ken Gawrelski
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Boost TargetEqual Weight ➝ Equal Weight$187.00 ➝ $190.00+0.17%
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Justin Patterson
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Boost TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$215.00 ➝ $225.00+16.91%
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 Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$210.00 ➝ $220.00+11.35%
1/3/2025Wolfe Research
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S. Khajuria
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Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$220.00 ➝ $230.00+20.24%
1/2/2025Citizens Jmp
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A. Boone
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DowngradeStrong-Buy ➝ Hold
12/23/2024Bank of America
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 Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$210.00 ➝ $210.00+8.31%
12/12/2024The Goldman Sachs Group
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 Reiterated RatingBuy ➝ Buy$210.00 ➝ $210.00+7.47%
12/10/2024Robert W. Baird
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 Reiterated RatingOutperform ➝ Outperform$205.00 ➝ $205.00+16.90%
11/6/2024Loop Capital
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 Boost TargetHold ➝ Hold$170.00 ➝ $185.00+5.43%
11/1/2024Phillip Securities
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J. Woo
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10/31/2024China Renaissance
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 UpgradeHold ➝ Buy
10/30/2024Pivotal Research
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J. Wlodarczak
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Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$215.00 ➝ $225.00+28.15%
10/30/2024Sanford C. Bernstein
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 Boost TargetMarket Perform ➝ Market Perform$180.00 ➝ $185.00+4.67%
10/30/2024Roth Mkm
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$206.00 ➝ $212.00+20.40%
10/30/2024Evercore ISI
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 Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$200.00 ➝ $205.00+14.60%
10/30/2024Truist Financial
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$220.00 ➝ $225.00+25.78%
10/30/2024Royal Bank of Canada
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 Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$204.00 ➝ $210.00+17.40%
10/30/2024BMO Capital Markets
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 Reiterated RatingOutperform ➝ Outperform$215.00 ➝ $217.00+21.34%
10/29/2024Seaport Res Ptn
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A. Kessler
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UpgradeHold ➝ Strong-Buy
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N. Schindler
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9/26/2024Tigress Financial
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 Boost TargetStrong-Buy ➝ Strong-Buy$210.00 ➝ $220.00+35.05%
7/24/2024UBS Group
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 Boost TargetNeutral ➝ Neutral$200.00 ➝ $204.00+17.31%
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 Boost TargetOutperform$205.00 ➝ $210.00+20.76%
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$195.00 ➝ $205.00+17.88%
7/24/2024Rosenblatt Securities
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B. Crockett
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Reiterated RatingNeutral ➝ Neutral$181.00 ➝ $181.00-0.43%
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$200.00 ➝ $215.00+15.47%
7/10/2024TD Securities
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 Boost Target$200.00 ➝ $220.00+15.15%
7/9/2024Jefferies Financial Group
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 Boost Target$215.00 ➝ $220.00+15.64%
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 Boost TargetPositive ➝ Positive$170.00 ➝ $225.00+32.55%
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 Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$185.00 ➝ $205.00+19.65%
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4/26/2024TD Cowen
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$170.00 ➝ $200.00+16.10%
4/26/2024Raymond James
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 Boost TargetOutperform ➝ Outperform$160.00 ➝ $200.00+16.10%
4/26/2024Canaccord Genuity Group
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$190.00 ➝ $210.00+34.62%
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 Boost TargetOverweight ➝ Overweight$173.00 ➝ $200.00+28.21%
1/31/2024Redburn Atlantic
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 Boost TargetBuy ➝ Buy$150.00 ➝ $165.00+8.94%
10/25/2023Monness Crespi & Hardt
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 DowngradeBuy ➝ Neutral
7/17/2023Credit Suisse Group
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 Boost TargetOutperform$135.00 ➝ $150.00+19.60%
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 Reiterated RatingDowngrade
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 Reiterated RatingDowngrade
3/17/2023BNP Paribas
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 UpgradeNeutral ➝ Outperform$123.00+22.61%

Analyst ratings data on MarketBeat is provided by Benzinga and other data providers. This page was last refreshed on Monday at 06:17 PM ET.

Should I Buy Alphabet Stock? GOOGL Pros and Cons Explained

These pros and cons were generated based on recent news and financial data from MarketBeat in order to provide readers with the fastest and most accurate insights. They were last updated on Sunday, March 2, 2025. Please send any questions or comments about these Alphabet pros and cons to

Bull Case

green Wall Street bull icon

Here are some ways that investors could benefit from investing in Google:

  • Strong revenue growth driven by advertising and cloud services, with Google Cloud showing significant expansion and increasing market share in the cloud computing sector.
  • Robust product ecosystem including the latest versions of Android and Google Workspace, which enhance user engagement and retention across various platforms.
  • Current stock price is competitive, reflecting a solid valuation compared to industry peers, making it an attractive entry point for new investors.
  • Innovative advancements in AI and machine learning, positioning Google as a leader in technology and providing potential for future revenue streams.
  • Diverse revenue streams from various segments, including Google Services and Other Bets, which mitigate risks associated with reliance on a single source of income.

Bear Case

red Wall Street bear icon

Investors should be bearish about investing in Google for these reasons:

  • Regulatory scrutiny and potential antitrust actions could impact business operations and profitability, leading to uncertainty in future growth.
  • Intense competition in the cloud services market from other tech giants could pressure margins and market share.
  • Dependence on advertising revenue, which can be volatile and affected by economic downturns, may pose risks to financial stability.
  • Challenges in maintaining user privacy and data security could lead to reputational damage and legal liabilities.
  • Market saturation in key areas such as search and advertising may limit growth potential in the near term.

GOOGL Forecast - Frequently Asked Questions

According to the research reports of 43 Wall Street equities research analysts, the average twelve-month stock price forecast for Alphabet is $210.62, with a high forecast of $230.00 and a low forecast of $181.00.

43 Wall Street research analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Alphabet in the last twelve months. There are currently 10 hold ratings, 29 buy ratings and 4 strong buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street research analysts is that investors should "moderate buy" GOOGL shares.

According to analysts, Alphabet's stock has a predicted upside of 26.98% based on their 12-month stock forecasts.

Over the previous 90 days, Alphabet's stock had 3 downgrades by analysts.

Analysts like Alphabet more than other "computer and technology" companies. The consensus rating score for Alphabet is 2.86 while the average consensus rating score for "computer and technology" companies is 2.69. Learn more on how GOOGL compares to other companies.

This page (NASDAQ:GOOGL) was last updated on 3/10/2025 by Staff
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