Canada - Today's 52-Week Highs A 52-week high is the highest price that a stock has traded at in the twelve months. Many investors use 52-week highs as a factor in determining a stock's current value and as a predictor of future price movements. 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CVXCEMATRIXC$0.51+4.1%C$0.54C$0.18C$0.49C$0.50 - C$0.54Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeESUEEStor Co. (ESU.V)C$0.19-11.9%C$0.23C$0.01C$0.21C$0.18 - C$0.23High Trading VolumeFNCFancamp ExplorationC$0.09-5.6%C$0.09C$0.05C$0.09C$0.09 - C$0.09GFGGFG ResourcesC$0.23+4.7%C$0.23C$0.07C$0.22C$0.21 - C$0.23Gap DownHigh Trading VolumeGMNGobiMinC$1.83C$1.84C$0.20C$1.83C$1.83 - C$1.84High Trading VolumeGQCGoldquest MiningC$0.39-2.5%C$0.41C$0.15C$0.40C$0.39 - C$0.41GRV797821 (GRV.V)C$0.26+∞C$0.26C$0.09C$0.00C$0.26 - C$0.26Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeGTTGT GoldC$3.85+13.2%C$4.80C$1.11C$3.40C$3.60 - C$4.80Gap UpGWAGowest GoldC$0.15+3.4%C$0.15C$0.05C$0.15C$0.15 - C$0.15Gap UpITRIntegra ResourcesC$1.91+5.5%C$1.92C$0.93C$1.81C$1.79 - C$1.92News CoverageHigh Trading VolumeLIXLithium X EnergyC$2.57+0.8%C$2.58C$1.40C$2.55C$2.54 - C$2.58High Trading VolumeMMosaic CapitalC$5.50+0.5%C$5.50C$1.60C$5.47C$5.49 - C$5.50MAEMaritime ResourcesC$0.08C$0.09C$0.04C$0.08C$0.08 - C$0.09Gap UpMAUMontage GoldC$3.16+5.9%C$3.19C$1.18C$2.99C$2.97 - C$3.19Analyst ForecastAnalyst RevisionNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeMCRMacro EnterprisesC$4.00C$4.00C$2.29C$4.00C$3.99 - C$4.00MMXMaverix MetalsC$5.76+4.7%C$5.82C$3.26C$5.50C$5.61 - C$5.82Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeMRLCassiar Gold Corp. (MRL.V)C$0.75+3.4%C$0.75C$0.05C$0.73C$0.68 - C$0.75Gap DownNCXNorthIsle Copper and GoldC$0.81-2.4%C$0.88C$0.31C$0.83C$0.81 - C$0.88Analyst ForecastNews CoverageGap UpHigh Trading VolumeNLCNeo LithiumC$6.50+0.1%C$6.50C$1.92C$6.49C$6.49 - C$6.50NTSNanotech SecurityC$1.25+1.6%C$1.25C$0.39C$1.23C$1.24 - C$1.25NVMNevada Clean MagnesiumC$0.07+16.7%C$0.07C$0.03C$0.06C$0.06 - C$0.07Gap UpOSIOsino ResourcesC$1.90C$1.90C$0.89C$1.90C$1.89 - C$1.90PTQProtech Home MedicalC$8.24-5.1%C$8.60C$0.98C$8.68C$8.04 - C$8.60QISQuorum Information TechnologiesC$1.00C$1.00C$0.60C$1.00C$0.92 - C$1.00News CoverageRIORio2C$0.90+7.1%C$0.91C$0.36C$0.84C$0.84 - C$0.91News CoverageSEBSmart Employee BenefitsC$0.30+1.7%C$0.30C$0.09C$0.30C$0.30 - C$0.30SILSilverCrest MetalsC$8.52-0.5%C$8.70C$2.85C$8.56C$8.08 - C$8.70SLLStandard LithiumC$6.95+16.4%C$6.95C$1.02C$5.97C$6.21 - C$6.95Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeSYSymbility SolutionsC$0.61C$0.62C$0.38C$0.61C$0.61 - C$0.62VGO53693 (VGO.V)C$0.89+20.3%C$0.97C$0.10C$0.74C$0.77 - C$0.97Gap UpHigh Trading VolumeNew “Trump” currency proposed in DC (Ad)According to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Washington. Its purpose: to put Donald Trump’s face on the $100 note. All to celebrate a new “golden age” for America. When you see what could happen – I think you’ll be excited.WARWarrior GoldC$0.18+300.0%C$0.20C$0.03C$0.05C$0.16 - C$0.20Gap UpWKMWest Kirkland MiningC$1.25+8.7%C$1.30C$0.05C$1.15C$1.20 - C$1.30Gap UpAGIAlamos GoldC$37.42+1.8%C$37.88C$18.36C$36.75C$37.07 - C$37.88Analyst RevisionALAAltaGasC$39.05+1.4%C$39.28C$28.76C$38.52C$38.50 - C$39.28Insider TradeAnalyst RevisionBIRBirchcliff EnergyC$6.78+5.1%C$6.79C$4.53C$6.45C$6.46 - C$6.79Insider TradeNews CoverageCCMCanagold ResourcesC$0.37-2.6%C$0.39C$0.20C$0.38C$0.36 - C$0.39DPMDundee Precious MetalsC$18.79+1.9%C$18.96C$9.84C$18.44C$18.45 - C$18.96Insider TradeAnalyst RevisionEMP.AEmpireC$46.43+0.1%C$46.91C$31.45C$46.38C$46.27 - C$46.91Insider TradeNews CoverageFMFirst Quantum MineralsC$22.65-0.8%C$23.28C$13.30C$22.84C$22.46 - C$23.28Analyst RevisionFNVFranco-NevadaC$222.50-0.3%C$226.04C$154.38C$223.10C$221.35 - C$226.04Insider TradeFVIFortuna Silver MinesC$8.73+2.7%C$8.97C$4.69C$8.50C$8.66 - C$8.97GFLGFL EnvironmentalC$69.40+0.8%C$70.03C$41.90C$68.87C$68.63 - C$70.03Analyst RevisionHBUBetaPro Gold Bullion 2x Daily Bull ETFC$21.91-0.2%C$21.91C$10.82C$21.95C$21.71 - C$21.91HGUBetaPro Canadian Gold Miners 2x Daily Bull ETFC$33.59-3.1%C$34.19C$9.15C$34.65C$32.97 - C$34.19IPCOInternational PetroleumC$21.90+1.4%C$22.16C$14.42C$21.59C$21.76 - C$22.16News CoverageKKinross GoldC$17.55+0.5%C$17.96C$7.70C$17.46C$17.48 - C$17.96Analyst RevisionKNTK92 MiningC$12.06+2.1%C$12.14C$6.15C$11.81C$11.86 - C$12.14Analyst RevisionMALMagellan AerospaceC$13.39+8.0%C$13.86C$7.77C$12.40C$12.45 - C$13.86Dividend AnnouncementHigh Trading VolumeMHC.UNFlagship Communities Real Estate Investment TrustC$24.80+0.9%C$24.80C$18.00C$24.58C$24.55 - C$24.80Positive NewsMNOMeridian Mining UK SocietasC$0.69+4.5%C$0.69C$0.32C$0.66C$0.65 - C$0.69NDMNorthern Dynasty MineralsC$1.69+2.4%C$1.84C$0.37C$1.65C$1.56 - C$1.84High Trading VolumeOROsisko Gold RoyaltiesC$30.21+2.6%C$30.44C$20.67C$29.44C$29.61 - C$30.44ORAAura MineralsC$27.11+2.5%C$28.05C$9.58C$26.46C$26.38 - C$28.05News CoveragePEYPeyto Exploration & DevelopmentC$18.32+1.6%C$18.48C$13.40C$18.04C$18.06 - C$18.48Analyst UpgradeNews CoveragePositive NewsPOWPower Co. of CanadaC$51.17+1.9%C$51.38C$35.83C$50.20C$50.45 - C$51.38Analyst RevisionHigh Trading VolumeSSLSandstorm GoldC$10.52+7.1%C$10.63C$6.75C$9.82C$9.96 - C$10.63Analyst RevisionNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeTNXTRX GoldC$42.52+0.4%C$42.56C$0.45C$42.33C$42.00 - C$42.56TRPTC EnergyC$69.79-1.1%C$70.97C$43.83C$70.56C$69.48 - C$70.97Analyst RevisionHigh Trading VolumeTXGTorex Gold ResourcesC$38.52+7.4%C$38.70C$17.96C$35.87C$36.03 - C$38.70Analyst RevisionNews CoverageWDOWesdome Gold MinesC$16.55+3.6%C$16.72C$9.59C$15.97C$15.93 - C$16.72WNGeorge WestonC$239.75+1.3%C$240.49C$174.30C$236.66C$236.34 - C$240.49ZJGBMO Junior Gold Index ETFC$116.75+1.4%C$117.48C$67.20C$115.10C$116.75 - C$117.48Gap Up See Also 52-Week Highs (U.S.) 52-Week Highs (Canada) 52-Week Highs (U.K.) 52-Week Highs (Australia) 52-Week Lows (U.S.) 52-Week Lows (Canada) 52-Week Lows (U.K.) 52-Week Lows (Australia) Get 30 Days of MarketBeat All Access for Free Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools. 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