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U.K. - Today's 52-Week Highs

A 52-week high is the highest price that a stock has traded at in the twelve months. Many investors use 52-week highs as a factor in determining a stock's current value and as a predictor of future price movements.

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CompanyCurrent PriceNew 52-Week High52-Week LowPrevious CloseIntraday RangeIndicator(s)
Mobile Streams Plc stock logo
Mobile Streams
GBX 0.51
GBX 0.53GBX 0.03GBX 0.50GBX 0.49 - GBX 0.53Gap Up
Savannah Resources stock logo
Savannah Resources
GBX 4.50
GBX 5GBX 3.20GBX 4.40GBX 4.30 - GBX 5High Trading Volume
Volta Finance Limited stock logo
Volta Finance
GBX 6.60
GBX 6.60GBX 4.83GBX 6.45GBX 6.45 - GBX 6.60News Coverage
Gap Up
Hongkong Land Holdings Limited stock logo
Hongkong Land
GBX 7.41
GBX 7.41GBX 2.92GBX 7.41GBX 7.41 - GBX 7.41
DFI Retail Group Holdings Limited stock logo
DFI Retail Group
GBX 9.17
GBX 9.17GBX 9.17GBX 9.17GBX 9.17 - GBX 9.17
Mkango Resources Ltd. stock logo
Mkango Resources
GBX 13.75
GBX 15.45GBX 4.11GBX 12GBX 11.66 - GBX 15.45News Coverage
Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Insig AI Plc stock logo
Insig AI
GBX 20.10
GBX 20.75GBX 10.55GBX 18.75GBX 18.11 - GBX 20.75Insider Trade
News Coverage
Positive News
High Trading Volume
Berkeley Energia
GBX 25.20
GBX 32GBX 14.20GBX 28.50GBX 22 - GBX 32High Trading Volume
Software Circle
GBX 31.96
GBX 31.96GBX 15.30GBX 30GBX 30 - GBX 31.96High Trading Volume
Golden Metal Resources
GBX 45.88
GBX 47GBX 13GBX 43.50GBX 42.80 - GBX 47Earnings Report
News Coverage
Negative News
High Trading Volume
Virgin Wines UK PLC stock logo
Virgin Wines UK
GBX 48.20
GBX 50GBX 30GBX 49.50GBX 48.10 - GBX 50Earnings Report
Livermore Investments Group Limited stock logo
Livermore Investments Group
GBX 70
GBX 72.50GBX 23.38GBX 69GBX 67.50 - GBX 72.50Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Harmony Energy Income Trust Plc stock logo
Harmony Energy Income Trust
GBX 88.03
GBX 89GBX 38.14GBX 79.20GBX 87.60 - GBX 89News Coverage
Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Thames Ventures VCT 1
GBX 94.50
GBX 94.50GBX 20GBX 94.50GBX 94.50 - GBX 94.50
Blackfinch Spring VCT PLC stock logo
Blackfinch Spring VCT
GBX 99
GBX 99GBX 92GBX 99GBX 94.50 - GBX 99High Trading Volume
Aew Uk Reit stock logo
Aew Uk Reit
GBX 103.47
GBX 105GBX 81GBX 103.80GBX 101 - GBX 105Gap Down
High Trading Volume
Warehouse REIT stock logo
Warehouse REIT
GBX 104.60
GBX 108.40GBX 74.29GBX 102.40GBX 104 - GBX 108.40News Coverage
Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Netcall plc stock logo
GBX 115.10
GBX 119GBX 81GBX 117GBX 115 - GBX 119
JPMorgan European Growth & Income stock logo
JPMorgan European Growth & Income
GBX 115.50
GBX 116.50GBX 95.35GBX 114.50GBX 114.50 - GBX 116.50News Coverage
High Trading Volume
Anglo Asian Mining PLC stock logo
Anglo Asian Mining
GBX 129.58
GBX 131.40GBX 54GBX 125GBX 125 - GBX 131.40Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Airtel Africa Plc stock logo
Airtel Africa
GBX 163.60
GBX 163.60GBX 93GBX 159.60GBX 158.70 - GBX 163.60News Coverage
High Trading Volume
BT Group plc stock logo
BT Group
GBX 163.90
GBX 165.60GBX 102GBX 164.05GBX 162.50 - GBX 165.60High Trading Volume
GBX 181
GBX 181GBX 147.17GBX 181GBX 173 - GBX 181High Trading Volume
Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited stock logo
Gulf Keystone Petroleum
GBX 205.60
GBX 209.80GBX 104.70GBX 202.80GBX 203.20 - GBX 209.80Dividend Increase
News Coverage
Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Personal Group Holdings Plc stock logo
Personal Group
GBX 234
GBX 239.80GBX 152GBX 212GBX 232.22 - GBX 239.80Earnings Report
Analyst Forecast
News Coverage
Gap Up
High Trading Volume
Hochschild Mining plc stock logo
Hochschild Mining
GBX 261
GBX 266GBX 117.30GBX 261.50GBX 255.76 - GBX 266High Trading Volume
JPMorgan Emerg E, ME & Africa Sec
GBX 295
GBX 300GBX 70GBX 295GBX 287 - GBX 300
GBX 371
GBX 371GBX 285.10GBX 371GBX 336 - GBX 371
Dalata Hotel Group plc stock logo
Dalata Hotel Group
GBX 450
GBX 490GBX 310GBX 470GBX 450 - GBX 490
Good Energy Group PLC stock logo
Good Energy Group
GBX 485
GBX 490GBX 232GBX 485GBX 485 - GBX 490Positive News
Aviva plc stock logo
GBX 555
GBX 556.40GBX 390.70GBX 558.80GBX 549.40 - GBX 556.40High Trading Volume
Rolls-Royce Holdings plc stock logo
Rolls-Royce Holdings plc
GBX 801.80
GBX 805.20GBX 196.45GBX 790GBX 786 - GBX 805.20High Trading Volume
BAE Systems plc stock logo
BAE Systems
GBX 1,570
GBX 1,590.50GBX 1,012.50GBX 1,584GBX 1,570 - GBX 1,590.50High Trading Volume