U.K. - Today's 52-Week Lows A 52-week high is the highest price that a stock has traded at in the last year. Likewise, a 52-week low is the lowest price that a stock has traded at in the last year. Many investors use 52-week highs and 52-week lows as a factor in determining a stock's current value and as a predictor of future price movements. As a stock trades within its 52-week price range (the range that exists between the 52-week low and the 52-week high), investors may show increased interest as price nears either the high or the low. 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APIabrdn Property Income TrustGBX 5.79+4.5%GBX 5.40GBX 63GBX 5.54GBX 5.40 - GBX 5.90Gap DownPODPPod Point GroupGBX 8.99-0.6%GBX 8.80GBX 25.85GBX 9.05GBX 8.80 - GBX 9.99DFIBDFI Retail GroupGBX 9.17GBX 9.17GBX 9.17GBX 9.17GBX 9.17 - GBX 9.17VAREVarious EateriesGBX 14-7.9%GBX 14GBX 25GBX 15.20GBX 14 - GBX 16High Trading VolumeHDIVHenderson Diversified IncomeGBX 17.39-0.3%GBX 17.26GBX 74.60GBX 17.45GBX 17.26 - GBX 17.39ADFFacilities by ADFGBX 18.30-1.9%GBX 18GBX 58GBX 18.65GBX 18 - GBX 18.50Gap DownAXLArrow ExplorationGBX 18.50+5.9%GBX 16.90GBX 33.50GBX 17.48GBX 16.90 - GBX 18.50News CoverageCRTACirataGBX 18.98-5.0%GBX 17.56GBX 85GBX 19.98GBX 17.56 - GBX 21Gap DownCTACT Automotive GroupGBX 25.99-1.9%GBX 25.25GBX 72GBX 26.50GBX 25.25 - GBX 27Positive NewsHHVHargreave Hale AIM VCTGBX 33-2.4%GBX 33GBX 43GBX 33.80GBX 33 - GBX 33.80Dividend IncreaseGap DownGV2OGresham House Renewable Energy VCT 2GBX 35GBX 35GBX 62GBX 35GBX 35 - GBX 35Positive NewsTRXTissue Regenix GroupGBX 35.42-3.0%GBX 35GBX 75GBX 36.50GBX 35 - GBX 36.20Gap DownNCYTNovacytGBX 42.70-3.0%GBX 42.70GBX 137GBX 44GBX 42.70 - GBX 44.40Gap DownFTFForesight Enterprise VCTGBX 46-8.9%GBX 46GBX 62GBX 50.50GBX 46 - GBX 50.50News CoverageGap DownSVCTSeneca Growth Capital VCTGBX 49.50GBX 49.50GBX 70.50GBX 49.50GBX 49.50 - GBX 50.14Dividend AnnouncementPositive NewsCMXCatalyst Media GroupGBX 50.52-0.9%GBX 50.52GBX 110GBX 51GBX 50.52 - GBX 51Dividend CutIGRIG Design GroupGBX 55-3.5%GBX 54.38GBX 240GBX 57GBX 54.38 - GBX 58News CoverageMAV4Maven Income and Growth VCT 4GBX 55.50-1.8%GBX 55.50GBX 60GBX 56.50GBX 55.50 - GBX 56.50Negative NewsGSEOVH Global Sustainable Energy OpportunitiesGBX 56.40-3.8%GBX 56.02GBX 81.20GBX 58.60GBX 56.02 - GBX 58.92IGVIncome & Growth VCTGBX 60.78-2.0%GBX 60.50GBX 71.50GBX 62GBX 60.50 - GBX 60.78Gap DownVNETVianet GroupGBX 62-2.4%GBX 60GBX 140GBX 63.50GBX 60 - GBX 63.66AMATAmati AIM VCTGBX 68-0.7%GBX 68GBX 88.88GBX 68.50GBX 68 - GBX 68.50News CoverageJLENJLEN Environmental Assets GroupGBX 71.90-3.1%GBX 70.69GBX 104GBX 74.20GBX 70.69 - GBX 74.50High Trading VolumeAMLAston Martin Lagonda GlobalGBX 73.15+0.5%GBX 72.25GBX 182GBX 72.75GBX 72.25 - GBX 77.90High Trading VolumeFWTForesight Technology VCTGBX 85-10.5%GBX 85GBX 100GBX 95GBX 85 - GBX 95Gap DownSWEFStarwood European Real Estate FinanceGBX 85.60-1.6%GBX 85GBX 97.80GBX 87GBX 85 - GBX 87News CoverageSYNCSynconaGBX 87-2.1%GBX 87GBX 130GBX 88.90GBX 87 - GBX 89.60High Trading VolumeHEADHeadlam GroupGBX 91.20-4.0%GBX 90.20GBX 183.50GBX 95GBX 90.20 - GBX 94.60Insider TradeNews CoverageHigh Trading VolumeSYNTSynthomerGBX 114.98+4.3%GBX 109GBX 338GBX 110.20GBX 109 - GBX 115.76High Trading VolumeKOOKoothGBX 128.10-0.7%GBX 127GBX 354GBX 129GBX 127 - GBX 128.10Trump’s betrayal exposed (Ad)Trump’s Final Reset Inside the shocking plot to re-engineer America’s financial system…and why you need to move your money now.Millions of Americans are about to be wiped out, while others could make a fortune… click here to maDATAGlobalDataGBX 149-1.3%GBX 149GBX 244GBX 151GBX 149 - GBX 154High Trading VolumeMIDWMidwich GroupGBX 206.39-2.2%GBX 204GBX 450.13GBX 211GBX 204 - GBX 210Gap DownHigh Trading VolumeVLXVolexGBX 264.99-2.2%GBX 261GBX 375GBX 271GBX 261 - GBX 275News CoverageNegative NewsHigh Trading VolumeAPTDAptitude Software GroupGBX 279.85+1.4%GBX 270.50GBX 390GBX 276GBX 270.50 - GBX 280Gap DownSECStrategic Equity CapitalGBX 296-0.3%GBX 295GBX 379GBX 297GBX 295 - GBX 298News CoverageNegative NewsHigh Trading VolumeTSTLTristelGBX 312.50-3.0%GBX 305.50GBX 572.50GBX 322GBX 305.50 - GBX 330MIGOMIGO Opportunities TrustGBX 341-0.4%GBX 335GBX 364GBX 342.50GBX 335 - GBX 342.75News CoverageIPUInvesco Perpetual UK SmallerGBX 345-2.1%GBX 344.99GBX 484.84GBX 352.50GBX 344.99 - GBX 362News CoveragePositive NewsCHHChurchill ChinaGBX 500GBX 450GBX 1,250GBX 500GBX 450 - GBX 500News CoverageHigh Trading VolumeRS1RS GroupGBX 577-0.8%GBX 575GBX 850GBX 581.50GBX 575 - GBX 587High Trading VolumeLTHMJames LathamGBX 1,006-2.8%GBX 1,000GBX 1,550GBX 1,035GBX 1,000 - GBX 1,045Dividend CutRIIIRights & Issues Investment TrustGBX 1,850+0.5%GBX 1,840GBX 2,500GBX 1,840GBX 1,840 - GBX 1,914.90DGEDiageoGBX 2,032-1.0%GBX 2,027.70GBX 2,955.50GBX 2,051.50GBX 2,027.70 - GBX 2,066High Trading VolumeBVXPBioventixGBX 2,603.90+0.5%GBX 2,552GBX 4,800GBX 2,590GBX 2,552 - GBX 2,700News CoverageHigh Trading VolumeRSWRenishawGBX 2,685+0.4%GBX 2,615GBX 4,500GBX 2,675GBX 2,615 - GBX 2,710News CoverageHigh Trading VolumeCRDACroda InternationalGBX 2,905+0.4%GBX 2,873GBX 5,034GBX 2,893GBX 2,873 - GBX 2,920Insider TradeNews CoverageHigh Trading Volume See Also 52-Week Highs (U.S.) 52-Week Highs (Canada) 52-Week Highs (U.K.) 52-Week Highs (Australia) 52-Week Lows (U.S.) 52-Week Lows (Canada) 52-Week Lows (U.K.) 52-Week Lows (Australia) Get 30 Days of MarketBeat All Access for Free Sign up for MarketBeat All Access to gain access to MarketBeat's full suite of research tools. 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