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New Features: Compare Stocks, Idea Engine, Slideshows and Special Dividends

MarketBeat Compare Stocks Tool

MarketBeat is pleased to announce the following new features that have recently been added to the MarketBeat website:

Stock Comparison Tool - If you want to get exposure to a certain industry or category of stocks, but aren't sure which is the best pick
among multiple options, use our stock comparison to compare up to five different stocks on more than 30 key financial metrics. This tool is currently free.

Idea Engine ($) -
 The MarketBeat Idea engine uses machine learning, proprietary algorithms and our private database of millions of financial data points to identify five stocks each week that are poised for near term growth. The first recommendation this tool issued was Microchip Technology (MCHP) on May 15th. Less than one month later, the stock was up by 10%. On May 22nd, the top pick was Applied Materials (AMAT). That stock was up 7.2% two and a half weeks later on June 8th. This tool is only available to MarketBeat All Access subscribers.

Portfolio Export ($) - MarketBeat All Access subscribers have the ability to export certain data from our database to Excel. We've now added the ability for All Access subscribers to export more than 20 key metrics about stocks on their watchlist. Export your data here.

Special Dividends - We have created a page that lists upcoming special dividend payments. View it here.

Slide Shows - We have developed several "top ten" list for stocks that meet specific criteria. Check them out here.

We hope you enjoy using these new features!

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