China Renaissance Analyst Recommendations & Stock Picks This page lists the most recent publicly-reported stock recommendations and ratings issued by analysts at China Renaissance. These ratings and price targets were collected from public media reports and are believed to be accurate, but cannot be verified with 100% certainty. MarketBeat and its parent company are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by China Renaissance. Country All Countries United States(NYSE & NASDAQ) United States(All Exchanges) Canada United Kingdom Sector All Sectors Aerospace Auto/Tires/Trucks Basic Materials Business Services Computer and Technology Construction Consumer Discretionary Consumer Goods Consumer Staples Finance Industrial Products Medical Miscellaneous Multi-Sector Conglomerates Oils/Energy Retail/Wholesale Services Transportation Utilities All Market Caps Large Cap ($10B+) Medium Cap ($2B-$10B) Small Cap (<$2B) Market Cap MarketRank™ evaluates a company based on dividend strength, earnings, valuation, analysts forecasts, and more.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionMarketRank™Upgrade to All Access to use the All Ranks Filter Media sentiment refers to the percentage of positive news stories versus negative news stories a company has received in the past week.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionMedia SentimentUpgrade to All Access to use the All Sentiments Filter Analyst consensus is the average investment recommendation among Wall Street research analysts.Available with a MarketBeat All Access SubscriptionAnalyst ConsensusUpgrade to All Access to use the All Ratings Filter Export to Excel CompanyCurrent PriceRating DateActionBrokerageAnalystRatingPrice TargetImpact on PriceDetailsActionsNKENIKE$68.02-5.4%3/19/2025Initiated byChina RenaissanceAnalyst Cindy WangHoldLowView details for China Renaissance rating of NIKE (NYSE:NKE) on 3/19/2025MDBMongoDB$192.54+1.7%1/21/2025Initiated byChina RenaissanceAnalyst Colin LiuBuy$351.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of MongoDB (NASDAQ:MDB) on 1/21/2025BIDUBaidu$94.54+0.3%11/25/2024Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> Hold$86.00N/AView details for China Renaissance rating of Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) on 11/25/2024XPEVXPeng$21.81-1.2%11/22/2024Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$16.70N/AView details for China Renaissance rating of XPeng (NYSE:XPEV) on 11/22/2024GRABGrab$4.64+1.3%11/21/2024Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> Hold$5.40N/AView details for China Renaissance rating of Grab (NASDAQ:GRAB) on 11/21/2024GOOGLAlphabet$163.99+0.7%10/31/2024Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> BuyMediumView details for China Renaissance rating of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL) on 10/31/2024MUMicron Technology$94.72-8.0%10/28/2024Initiated byChina Renaissance-Buy$148.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Micron Technology (NASDAQ:MU) on 10/28/2024TIGRUP Fintech$8.8610/24/2024Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$7.58LowView details for China Renaissance rating of UP Fintech (NASDAQ:TIGR) on 10/24/2024EHEHang$23.05+1.7%9/24/2024Initiated byChina Renaissance-BuyHighView details for China Renaissance rating of EHang (NASDAQ:EH) on 9/24/2024NFLXNetflix$960.29+1.0%9/5/2024Initiated byChina Renaissance-Hold$680.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) on 9/5/2024 Get the Latest News and Ratings for Your StocksEnter your email address below to receive the latest headlines and analysts' recommendations for your stocks with our free daily email newsletter. TSLATesla$248.71+5.3%7/5/2024Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$290.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) on 7/5/2024SNSharkNinja$87.95-1.6%5/29/2024Initiated byChina Renaissance-BuyLowView details for China Renaissance rating of SharkNinja (NYSE:SN) on 5/29/2024BZUNBaozun$3.00-2.0%3/26/2024Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> HoldLowView details for China Renaissance rating of Baozun (NASDAQ:BZUN) on 3/26/2024TSLATesla$248.71+5.3%2/26/2024Initiated byChina Renaissance-HoldLowView details for China Renaissance rating of Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) on 2/26/2024MSFTMicrosoft$391.26+1.1%12/5/2023Initiated byChina Renaissance-Buy$466.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) on 12/5/2023GOTUGaotu Techedu$3.40-5.7%11/24/2023Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> HoldLowView details for China Renaissance rating of Gaotu Techedu (NYSE:GOTU) on 11/24/2023SNAPSnap$9.33+1.1%10/26/2023Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Sell -> Hold$9.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Snap (NYSE:SNAP) on 10/26/2023SNAPSnap$9.33+1.1%7/28/2023Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Sell$7.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Snap (NYSE:SNAP) on 7/28/2023METAMeta Platforms$596.25+1.7%7/28/2023Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$380.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META) on 7/28/ Group$64.23-0.5%6/8/2023Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$46.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Group (NASDAQ:TCOM) on 6/8/2023TMETencent Music Entertainment Group$14.00-2.0%5/17/2023Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$10.60LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Tencent Music Entertainment Group (NYSE:TME) on 5/17/2023ASXASE Technology$9.76-0.8%2/9/2023Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> HoldLowView details for China Renaissance rating of ASE Technology (NYSE:ASX) on 2/9/2023KCKingsoft Cloud$15.43-6.4%1/9/2023Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> SellLowView details for China Renaissance rating of Kingsoft Cloud (NASDAQ:KC) on 1/9/2023NIONIO$4.51-4.4%12/29/2022Target Lowered byChina RenaissanceAnalyst cut theHold$12.30 -> $10.40LowView details for China Renaissance rating of NIO (NYSE:NIO) on 12/29/2022HUYAHUYA$3.21+0.0%12/13/2022Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> Buy$4.30 -> $4.20LowView details for China Renaissance rating of HUYA (NYSE:HUYA) on 12/13/2022XPEVXPeng$21.81-1.2%12/2/2022Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> Hold$40.50 -> $11.30LowView details for China Renaissance rating of XPeng (NYSE:XPEV) on 12/2/2022NIONIO$4.51-4.4%11/14/2022Downgraded byChina RenaissanceAnalyst cut theBuy -> Hold$24.30 -> $12.30LowView details for China Renaissance rating of NIO (NYSE:NIO) on 11/14/2022SESEA$126.01-0.9%11/1/2022Target Lowered byChina Renaissance-$100.00 -> $94.00LowView details for China Renaissance rating of SEA (NYSE:SE) on 11/1/2022QFINQifu Technology$44.89-2.5%9/29/2022Reiterated byChina Renaissance-Buy$20.80LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Qifu Technology (NASDAQ:QFIN) on 9/29/2022FINVFinVolution Group$10.03+0.4%9/29/2022Reiterated byChina Renaissance-Buy$6.20LowView details for China Renaissance rating of FinVolution Group (NYSE:FINV) on 9/29/2022LULufax$3.00-0.5%9/29/2022Downgraded byChina Renaissance-Buy -> Hold$12.40LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Lufax (NYSE:LU) on 9/29/2022MOMOHello Group$6.57-1.5%6/15/2022Upgraded byChina Renaissance-Hold -> BuyHighView details for China Renaissance rating of Hello Group (NASDAQ:MOMO) on 6/15/2022GRABGrab$4.64+1.3%6/6/2022Initiated byChina RenaissanceAnalyst Yi Sin NgohBuy$4.20LowView details for China Renaissance rating of Grab (NASDAQ:GRAB) on 6/6/2022 MarketBeat Community Rating for China RenaissanceCommunity Ranking: 2.5 out of 5 (2.5 of 5 stars)Outperform Votes: 24,729 (Vote Outperform)Underperform Votes: 25,328 (Vote Underperform)Total Votes: 50,057MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about China Renaissance and other research firms. Vote "Outperform" if you believe China Renaissance's recommendations will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote "Underperform" if you believe China Renaissance's recommendations will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days. 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