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10 Slow and Steady Stocks to Own in Any Market

We’re all familiar with the phrase “slow and steady wins the race”. It applies to many things in life and none more so than investing. Consistency and discipline are the hallmarks of building a robust portfolio that can weather any kind of market.

Slow and steady growth can also be good when it comes to defining the particular stocks that investors put in their portfolio. But like most things in life, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So while we recommend that you consider any, or some, of the stocks we're about to review, every investor needs to look for diversification in their portfolio, with the idea that diversification means more than just investing in different asset classes, but also being diversified within asset classes.

With that in mind, here are 10 slow and steady stocks that you can put in your portfolio and enjoy watching them grow. It’s no coincidence that many of these stocks offer a dividend. What you might not expect is not a single utility stock is among them.

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