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7 Gene Editing Stocks with Game-Changing Potential


Successful investors frequently look for the next big thing. For many investors in 2023 that means looking at electric vehicle or clean energy stocks. Those are probably good bets if investors are looking for outsize gains in the next decade. Another option for investors looking for market-beating performance in the next 10 years is gene editing stocks. 

The field of gene editing took off in earnest with the human genome project in the late 1990s. Scientists announced that work completed in 2022.  

The next step is what to do with the information we have. The benefit of mapping the human genome is that as scientists understand how genes work, it will be easier to use technology to create cures that can deal with underlying problems created by problematic genes.  

This means we may be years away from having treatments for diseases like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease that today we can only dream of. The stocks of the companies that create these treatments are likely to soar. And that's why now is an ideal time for risk-tolerant investors to have these stocks in their portfolio or at least on their watchlist.  

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