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7 Gold Stocks That Can Anchor Any Portfolio


Many investors have a love or hate relationship with gold. But there's little debate that as a store of value, few asset classes compare to the time-honored benefit of owning gold. More hotly debated benefits of gold are its role as a hedge against inflation and whether it has intrinsic (i.e., monetary) value. 

To the concept of being a hedge, the record of gold is mixed. However, there is an entire generation of investors who have not experienced inflation of the type that the United States experienced in the 1970s. From 1971 to 1974, an ounce of gold increased in price from $35 to $180. And from 1978 to January 1980, the yellow metal climbed all the way to $850.  

But on the latter, gold investors will point to gold's essential role as an insurance policy. Because if a country's fiat currency is compromised due to inflation, investors will begin to seek the safety of hard assets. That explains why, despite the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates at historically low levels between 2008 and 2022, the price of gold soared.  

Many gold investors enjoy buying the physical metal in the form of bars or coins. But for many investors, buying gold stocks can provide exposure without the reciprocal costs of taking physical custody of gold. This presentation will give you seven gold stocks that you should consider to provide an anchor in your portfolio in good times or bad.  

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