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7 Regional Banks Where You Can Deposit Your Investment Capital


When many investors think about banking stocks, the big banks come to mind. These are banks like JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC), and Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C). Many of these banks have fortress-like balance sheets because of a solid deposit base and less exposure to risky loans. Simply put, these are the banks into which many high net-worth individuals and businesses want to deposit their cash.  

In that regard, it pays to be too big to fail.  

But as investments, the big banks may not always be the best option, particularly for growth-oriented investors. For that, you should consider investing in regional banks. These banks have smaller market caps, but depending on the regions that they cover, they could offer investors the opportunity for a higher overall total return. As a bonus, many of these stocks are attractively priced and frequently pay attractive dividends.  

As with any investment, however, the quality of the companies you invest in matters. Here are seven regional banks that are safe alternatives for your deposits and your investment capital as well.  

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