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7 Retail Stocks to Buy for a Back-to-School Surge


Advice like “skate where the puck is going" may sound like billboard investing, but there's a lot of truth to it relating to retail stocks. That is, if you're willing to look below the headlines.  

Retail sales are weak. And if you adjust the numbers for inflation, the numbers are negative. This may reflect the real state of the consumer. At the very least, it tracks with the consumer's perception of their personal finances. 

So it's a bad time to invest in retail stocks, right? Well, maybe not. The reason is because it's back-to-school season. That won't be reflected in the results from retailers in this coming earnings season, but they'll be offering guidance.  

Third-quarter earnings are also likely to correspond with an interest rate cut from the Federal Reserve. That means this is a good time for investors to consider buying retail stocks. This special presentation gives you seven companies to consider.  

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.


Urgent 2024 Election Summit [link enclosed] (Ad)

With the 2024 election just weeks away, a new crisis is barrelling down on America… one that could cleave the financial world in two the moment the polls close. I predict they could see investment losses of 50% (or more) in the weeks following the presidential election.

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