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7 Stocks to Buy That Will Benefit From Inflation

There are two narratives that are getting conflated when it comes to inflation. The first is whether or not inflation is occurring. And the second is whether inflation will get out of control.

To the first point, the clear answer is absolutely. There are price increases in everything from commodities to semiconductor chips. And even though lumber prices have gone down it’s a good bet that many consumers will put off their deck projects for another day.

And, of course, inflation numbers tend to strip out gas and groceries – but those are precisely the areas where consumers feel inflation the most. Inflation is real.

But is this just “transitory” as many analysts and the Fed itself claim? Or is it only the beginning of something much worse? The answer to those questions is probably above our pay grade.

As an investor, the inflation narrative only changes where you allocate your investment dollars. And for the most part, you’re probably only looking at a small percentage of your portfolio.

However, the first rule of investing is to not lose money so it’s important to identify companies that can provide a hedge against inflation – transitory or otherwise.

That’s the focus of this special presentation. Right now there are many strong companies that benefit when inflation is on the rise.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.