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8 Growth Stocks to Sell Now

According to many analysts, the market is poised for a significant rally after the recent mid-term elections. But for some stocks, the day of reckoning may have come. These stocks had been flaming out before October's correction but may have been hoping that a post-election bounce would allow investors to overlook some of the core issues surrounding their business.

But the market can be ruthlessly efficient and while there are many solid companies that should see a surge into 2019, there are several stocks that have some proving to do. We've put together this slideshow that lists eight growth stocks that are no longer growing. For some stocks, this may be just a minor bump in the road, while others may have to address some larger, systemic issues moving forward. Either way, as you look to evaluate your portfolio for 2019, these growth stocks are enduring growing pains.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button to view the first company.