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The Top-Rated Dividend Stocks for 2023

MarketBeat tracks approximately 250,000 analyst recommendations each year and tracks more than 15,000 securities around the globe that pay dividends.

This slide show lists the 15 dividend-paying stocks that also have the highest average analyst recommendations from Wall Street's equities research analysts over the last 12 months.

Click the "Continue to Slide #1" button view the top-rated dividend-payer.

Has Trump Finally Gone Too Far? (Ad)

Lately, there's been a lot of buzz around a secret loophole executive insiders are using to make millions buying and selling their own stocks. It's so powerful ... so profitable ... that most people immediately assume this is just another example of Trump doing what's best for business executives. But surprisingly, this loophole has been on the books for many years and executives have been using it to make HUNDREDS of millions of dollars. And here's the good news.

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