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Aptus Defined Risk ETF (DRSK) Institutional Ownership

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$27.52 +0.42 (+1.56%)
Closing price 03:59 PM Eastern
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$27.50 -0.02 (-0.08%)
As of 04:05 PM Eastern
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Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for Aptus Defined Risk ETF (BATS:DRSK)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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DRSK Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Aptus Defined Risk ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/24/2025Mascagni Wealth Management Inc.2,570$70K0.1%N/A0.006%
2/26/2025 Virtue Capital Management LLC9,596$263K0.1%-6.2%0.048%
2/17/2025 Captrust Financial Advisors137,723$3.78M0.0%-1.7%0.696%
2/14/2025 Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC4,250,236$116.58M1.4%+22.2%21.466%
2/14/2025 Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC4,828$133K0.0%-7.8%0.024%
2/13/2025 Waterloo Capital L.P.562,802$15.44M1.6%+5.2%2.842%
2/5/2025 Maripau Wealth Management LLC117,568$3.23M1.9%+44.4%0.594%
2/5/2025 Magnolia Private Wealth LLC38,600$1.06M0.6%N/A0.195%
1/29/2025 Comprehensive Financial Planning Inc. PA12,953$355K0.3%N/A0.065%
1/17/2025 Park Place Capital Corp494,580$13.57M3.8%+32.9%2.498%
1/10/2025 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,380,237$65.29M11.2%+1.7%12.021%
1/10/2025 ORG Partners LLC924,028$25.35M3.4%+4.2%4.667%
11/14/2024 Captrust Financial Advisors140,054$3.96M0.0%-7.2%0.707%
11/13/2024 Private Trust Co. NA8,500$241K0.0%+507.1%0.043%
10/30/2024 United Advisor Group LLC178,307$5.05M1.1%+27.6%0.901%
10/22/2024 Maripau Wealth Management LLC81,394$2.30M2.0%+59.0%0.411%
10/11/2024 ORG Partners LLC887,043$25.10M4.0%+14.3%4.480%
10/8/2024 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,339,421$66.21M12.5%+1.3%11.815%
10/8/2024 Park Place Capital Corp372,250$10.54M3.0%+12.0%1.880%
8/12/2024 Waterloo Capital L.P.516,314$13.96M1.7%-0.8%2.608%
7/16/2024 ORG Partners LLC776,405$20.94M2.6%N/A3.921%
7/8/2024 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,308,627$62.40M12.6%+1.2%11.660%
7/2/2024 Park Place Capital Corp332,443$8.99M2.9%+84.3%1.679%
4/23/2024 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,280,858$60.81M11.5%+10.2%12.886%
4/18/2024 Park Place Capital Corp180,387$4.81M1.7%N/A0.798%
2/14/2024 Waterloo Capital L.P.406,083$10.23M1.7%-16.6%1.797%
1/29/2024 ORG Partners LLC709,336$17.88M3.0%+5,834.9%3.139%
1/10/2024 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,068,912$52.14M11.4%-7.9%9.154%
11/13/2023 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,245,657$52.35M11.9%-8.5%9.937%
11/3/2023 ORG Partners LLC11,952$279K0.1%N/A0.053%
7/18/2023 Virtue Capital Management LLC30,785$764K0.1%-7.3%0.120%
7/13/2023 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,453,400$60.99M14.3%+2.6%9.528%
7/6/2023Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Advisors LLC8,435$210K0.1%-28.2%0.033%
5/10/2023 Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC8,587$223K0.0%N/A0.032%
5/10/2023 WealthPLAN Partners LLC2,242$58K0.0%-85.1%0.008%
5/8/2023 WealthPlan Investment Management LLC9,833$255K0.0%-34.9%0.037%
5/5/2023 Silver Oak Securities Incorporated337,358$8.76M1.4%+6.2%1.256%
4/26/2023 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,390,354$62.08M15.3%+9.0%8.903%
4/12/2023Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Advisors LLC11,743$305K0.1%N/A0.044%
3/6/2023 OLD Mission Capital LLC99,284$2.54M0.1%N/A0.370%
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2/10/2023 CoreCap Advisors LLC2,830$72K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/3/2023 Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC2,193,152$56.15M14.1%-28.9%0.000%
2/2/2023 Silver Oak Securities Incorporated317,751$8.13M1.5%-25.1%0.000%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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DRSK Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of DRSK shares?

During the previous two years, 19 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of Aptus Defined Risk ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC ($116.58M), Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC ($65.29M), ORG Partners LLC ($25.35M), Waterloo Capital L.P. ($15.44M), Park Place Capital Corp ($13.57M), Silver Oak Securities Incorporated ($8.76M), and United Advisor Group LLC ($5.05M).Learn more on DRSK's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying Aptus Defined Risk ETF stock?

Of the 14 institutional investors that purchased Aptus Defined Risk ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: ORG Partners LLC ($1.63M), Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC ($771.17K), Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC ($571.57K), Park Place Capital Corp ($494.58K), Maripau Wealth Management LLC ($66.38K), Magnolia Private Wealth LLC ($38.60K), and United Advisor Group LLC ($38.59K).

How much institutional buying is happening at Aptus Defined Risk ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 3,704,453 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $99.11M in transactions.

Which Aptus Defined Risk ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

The following institutional investors have sold Aptus Defined Risk ETF stock in the last 24 months: Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC ($384.49K), Waterloo Capital L.P. ($85.17K), Captrust Financial Advisors ($13.17K), WealthPLAN Partners LLC ($12.85K), WealthPlan Investment Management LLC ($5.26K), Edmonds Duncan Registered Investment Advisors LLC ($3.31K), and Virtue Capital Management LLC ($3.04K).

How much institutional selling is happening at Aptus Defined Risk ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 507,697 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $12.46M in transactions.

This page (BATS:DRSK) was last updated on 3/27/2025 by Staff
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