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Lavras Gold (LGC) Insider Trading & Ownership

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C$2.06 -0.09 (-4.19%)
As of 03:59 PM Eastern

Lavras Gold (CVE:LGC) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
C$2.22 M
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
C$3.07 M
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LGC Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Lavras Gold Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/19/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy37,000C$2.06C$76,220.00
3/13/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy50,000C$1.96C$98,000.00
2/18/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy183,000C$2.35C$430,050.00
2/11/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy40,000C$2.35C$94,000.00
1/28/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy2,000C$2.47C$4,940.00
1/24/20252176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell16,100C$2.50C$40,250.00
1/21/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy4,000C$2.26C$9,040.00
1/14/2025Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy19,200C$2.17C$41,664.00
1/8/2025Rowland Wallace UlothDirectorBuy1,200C$2.40C$2,880.00
12/31/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy900C$2.30C$2,070.00
12/19/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell34,700C$2.29C$79,417.89
12/11/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy15,800C$2.40C$37,920.00
12/9/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell154,600C$2.43C$376,296.40
12/9/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy10,000C$2.46C$24,600.00
11/26/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell113,200C$2.47C$279,207.80
11/19/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy20,600C$2.51C$51,706.00
11/7/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy115,600C$2.50C$289,000.00
10/18/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell400,000C$2.55C$1,020,000.00
10/16/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell200,000C$2.60C$519,240.00
10/16/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy20,000C$2.50C$50,000.00
10/10/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy5,000C$2.47C$12,350.00
10/8/2024Rowland Wallace UlothDirectorBuy30,500C$2.49C$75,945.00
9/23/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell39,300C$0.27C$10,469.52
9/23/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy3,400C$2.54C$8,636.00
9/18/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy5,000C$2.64C$13,200.00
9/16/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy12,600C$2.60C$32,760.00
9/12/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell52,600C$2.62C$137,564.78
9/12/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy3,400C$2.70C$9,180.00
9/10/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy17,800C$2.50C$44,500.00
9/3/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell33,600C$2.62C$87,984.96
8/20/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell44,500C$2.56C$114,035.70
8/7/2024Rowland Wallace UlothDirectorBuy1,800C$1.74C$3,132.00
7/23/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy1,100C$1.92C$2,112.00
7/16/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy4,200C$1.95C$8,190.00
7/12/20242176423 Ontario Ltd.InsiderSell193,900C$2.08C$402,420.06
6/26/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy10,000C$1.80C$18,000.00
6/24/2024Lawrence LepardDirectorBuy35,000C$1.86C$64,935.50
6/20/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy7,200C$1.54C$11,088.00
6/10/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy26,500C$1.60C$42,400.00
5/9/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy20,000C$1.61C$32,200.00
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5/7/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy126,200C$1.54C$194,348.00
5/3/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy9,100C$1.48C$13,468.00
4/30/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy18,800C$1.40C$26,320.00
4/16/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy50,000C$1.52C$76,000.00
4/9/2024Rostislav Christov RaykovDirectorBuy200,000C$1.61C$322,000.00
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

LGC Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

The list of insiders at Lavras Gold includes 2176423 Ontario Ltd., Alexander David Birkett, Jonathan Victor Hill, Lawrence Lepard, Michael Christopher Durose, Rostislav Christov Raykov, and Rowland Wallace Uloth. Learn more on insiders at LGC.

43.82% of Lavras Gold stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on LGC's insider holdings.

The following insiders have purchased LGC shares in the last 24 months: Alexander David Birkett (C$13,895.00), Jonathan Victor Hill (C$984.00), Lawrence Lepard (C$132,435.50), Rostislav Christov Raykov (C$2,359,642.00), and Rowland Wallace Uloth (C$226,802.00).

Insiders have purchased a total of 1,674,900 LGC shares in the last 24 months for a total of C$2,733,758.50 bought.

The following insider sold LGC shares in the last 24 months: 2176423 Ontario Ltd. (C$3,066,887.11).

Insiders have sold a total of 1,282,500 Lavras Gold shares in the last 24 months for a total of C$3,066,887.11 sold.

Lavras Gold Key Executives

  • Mr. Michael Christopher Durose M.Sc. (Age 58)
    P.Geo., President, CEO & Director
    Compensation: $175k
  • Mr. Hemdat Sawh BSc(Geology) (Age 68)
    C.A., CPA, M.B.A., CFO & Corporate Secretary
    Compensation: $150k
  • Ms. Naomi Nemeth B.Sc. (Age 64)
    M.A., Vice President of Investor Relations

This page (CVE:LGC) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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