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AltynGold (ALTN) Stock Chart & Stock Price History

GBX 364.80 +1.80 (+0.50%)
As of 02/21/2025 12:35 PM Eastern

AltynGold Stock Price Performance

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ALTN Stock Chart for Saturday, February, 22, 2025

AltynGold Stock Price History

DateOpening PriceClosing PriceHighLowVolumeMarket Capitalization
02/21/2025GBX 363.31GBX 364.80
GBX 386GBX 338.50185,546 shs£118.19 million
02/20/2025GBX 337.81GBX 363.31
GBX 374.33GBX 328192,318 shs£117.71 million
02/19/2025GBX 299.58GBX 337.81
GBX 348GBX 30289,282 shs£109.45 million
02/18/2025GBX 316GBX 299.58
GBX 318GBX 29427,036 shs£97.06 million
02/17/2025GBX 287.55GBX 316
GBX 316GBX 28644,275 shs£102.38 million
02/14/2025GBX 299.84GBX 287.55
GBX 308GBX 28465,198 shs£93.16 million
02/13/2025GBX 296GBX 299.84
GBX 310GBX 28272,205 shs£97.14 million
02/12/2025GBX 296GBX 296GBX 318GBX 282.9651,474 shs£80.90 million
02/11/2025GBX 304.32GBX 296
GBX 335.40GBX 296109,680 shs£80.90 million
02/10/2025GBX 304.88GBX 304.32
GBX 324GBX 298.8888,612 shs£83.17 million
02/07/2025GBX 297.10GBX 304.88
GBX 304.88GBX 282.3323,234 shs£83.32 million
02/06/2025GBX 307.30GBX 297.10
GBX 316.24GBX 281.1166,203 shs£81.20 million
02/05/2025GBX 290GBX 307.30
GBX 319.10GBX 279.4288,515 shs£83.99 million
02/04/2025GBX 268.77GBX 290
GBX 300GBX 270.04114,455 shs£79.26 million
02/03/2025GBX 257.92GBX 268.77
GBX 281.75GBX 247.5559,310 shs£73.46 million
01/31/2025GBX 247.10GBX 257.92
GBX 257.92GBX 244.1258,179 shs£70.49 million
01/30/2025GBX 235.77GBX 247.10
GBX 247.10GBX 242.7727,116 shs£67.53 million
01/29/2025GBX 238GBX 235.77
GBX 248.89GBX 23051,526 shs£64.44 million
01/28/2025GBX 234.60GBX 238
GBX 250GBX 218.7733,965 shs£65.05 million
01/27/2025GBX 237.90GBX 234.60
GBX 252GBX 23243,676 shs£64.12 million
01/24/2025GBX 222GBX 237.90
GBX 237.90GBX 227.8823,927 shs£65.02 million
01/23/2025GBX 222GBX 222GBX 228.50GBX 22212,798 shs£60.67 million
01/22/2025GBX 224GBX 222
GBX 234GBX 22244,745 shs£60.67 million
01/21/2025GBX 225.12GBX 224
GBX 224GBX 218.6013,799 shs£61.22 million

This page (LON:ALTN) was last updated on 2/22/2025 by Staff
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