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NewRiver REIT (NRR) News Today

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GBX 67.70 +0.30 (+0.45%)
As of 03/11/2025 12:43 PM Eastern
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Earns "House Stock" Rating from Shore Capital
Shore Capital reissued a "house stock" rating on shares of NewRiver REIT in a research note on Thursday.
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Sets New 12-Month Low - Time to Sell?
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Hits New 12-Month Low - What's Next?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Cross Below 200-Day Moving Average - What's Next?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average - What's Next?
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below 200 Day Moving Average - Here's Why
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average - What's Next?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Passes Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Pass Below 200 Day Moving Average - Here's Why
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Crosses Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Should You Sell?
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NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) Insider Sells £49,663.35 in Stock
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR - Get Free Report) insider Will Hobman sold 62,865 shares of NewRiver REIT stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, December 17th. The shares were sold at an average price of GBX 79 ($1.00), for a total transaction of £49,663.35 ($63,136.73).
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NewRiver REIT plc to Issue Dividend of GBX 3 (LON:NRR)
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) announced a dividend on Thursday, December 12th. Stockholders of record on Thursday, December 19th will be paid a dividend of GBX 3 ($0.04) per share by the real estate investment trust on Tuesday, January 28th. This represents a dividend yield of 3.82%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, December 19th. The official announcement can be viewed at this link.
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Passes Below 200 Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average - What's Next?
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Above 200-Day Moving Average - Here's Why
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average - Here's Why
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Crosses Above 200 Day Moving Average - Here's Why
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Cross Above 200-Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
NewRiver REIT plc (NRR.L)
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Crosses Above Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Should You Sell?
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NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) Insider Alastair Miller Acquires 18,297 Shares
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR - Get Free Report) insider Alastair Miller bought 18,297 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, September 30th. The stock was bought at an average cost of GBX 82 ($1.10) per share, for a total transaction of £15,003.54 ($20,090.44).
NewRiver Regulatory News (NRR)
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Pass Above 200-Day Moving Average of $75.89
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Above 200-Day Moving Average of $75.89
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Cross Above 200 Day Moving Average of $75.95
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Above Two Hundred Day Moving Average of $75.95
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Cross Above 200 Day Moving Average of $76.05
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Crosses Above Two Hundred Day Moving Average of $76.05
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average of $76.25
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below 200 Day Moving Average of $76.25
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NewRiver REIT plc Announces Dividend of GBX 3.20 (LON:NRR)
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) announced a dividend on Friday, June 21st. Shareholders of record on Thursday, July 4th will be paid a dividend of GBX 3.20 ($0.04) per share by the real estate investment trust on Friday, August 16th. This represents a yield of 4.42%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, July 4th. The official announcement can be viewed at this link.
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Crosses Below 200-Day Moving Average of $78.06
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average of $78.06
Mining For Small-Cap REIT Gems
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average of $80.37
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average of $80.37
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Stock Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average of $81.19
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average of $81.19
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NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Shares Pass Below 200 Day Moving Average of $81.80
NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR) Share Price Passes Below 200 Day Moving Average of $81.80
Northview Residential REIT: Noisy Q3 But Thesis Intact
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Shore Capital Reaffirms House Stock Rating for NewRiver REIT (LON:NRR)
Shore Capital restated a "house stock" rating on shares of NewRiver REIT in a research note on Friday.
Office REITs
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Will Hobman Acquires 22,748 Shares of NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) Stock
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR - Free Report) insider Will Hobman acquired 22,748 shares of NewRiver REIT stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, June 28th. The stock was acquired at an average cost of GBX 8,742 ($111.15) per share, with a total value of £1,988,630.16 ($2,528,455.38).
Top 3 REITs For 2023
2 REITs To Help You Sleep Well At Night
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Insider Buying: NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR) Insider Buys 26,875 Shares of Stock
NewRiver REIT plc (LON:NRR - Get Rating) insider Will Hobman bought 26,875 shares of the company's stock in a transaction on Tuesday, November 29th. The stock was bought at an average price of GBX 74 ($0.89) per share, for a total transaction of £19,887.50 ($23,791.72).
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This page (LON:NRR) was last updated on 3/12/2025 by Staff
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