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Vertu Motors (VTU) News Today

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GBX 53.30 -0.10 (-0.19%)
As of 03/5/2025 12:03 PM Eastern
Vertu Motors Issues Share Options to Key Executives
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Stock Price Down 0.1% - Here's What Happened
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Trading Down 0.1% - What's Next?
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Share Price Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average - Here's Why
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Stock Crosses Below 200-Day Moving Average - Should You Sell?
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Stock Passes Below 200 Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Pass Below 200 Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Cross Below 200 Day Moving Average - Should You Sell?
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Stock Crosses Below 200-Day Moving Average - Here's Why
Vertu Motors Appoints Amanda Cox as Independent Non-Executive Director
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Cross Below 200-Day Moving Average - Should You Sell?
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Stock Passes Below 200-Day Moving Average - Time to Sell?
Vertu Motors Executes Share Buyback to Enhance Shareholder Value
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Pass Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Cross Below 200 Day Moving Average - Here's Why
Vertu Motors Advances Share Buyback Strategy
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Down 0.3% - What's Next?
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Down 0.3% - Here's What Happened
Vertu Motors Releases Half-Year Financial Report
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Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) Insider Sells £129,845.76 in Stock
Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU - Get Free Report) insider David Crane sold 196,736 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, October 29th. The stock was sold at an average price of GBX 66 ($0.86), for a total value of £129,845.76 ($168,390.30).
Vertu Motors Acquires Burrows Motor - Quick Facts
Vertu Motors profits hit by higher costs
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Vertu Motors plc Announces Dividend of GBX 0.90 (LON:VTU)
Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) declared a dividend on Wednesday, October 16th. Investors of record on Thursday, December 12th will be given a dividend of GBX 0.90 ($0.01) per share on Friday, January 17th. This represents a dividend yield of 1.56%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, December 12th. The official announcement can be seen at this link.
A Look At The Fair Value Of Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU)
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Share Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average of $71.74
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Pass Below 200 Day Moving Average of $71.74
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Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Shares Cross Below Two Hundred Day Moving Average of $71.49
Vertu Motors (LON:VTU) Share Price Crosses Below 200 Day Moving Average of $71.49
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David Crane Buys 2,222 Shares of Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) Stock
Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU - Get Free Report) insider David Crane purchased 2,222 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, June 10th. The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 80 ($1.02) per share, for a total transaction of £1,777.60 ($2,263.59).
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Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) Insider Purchases £40,000 in Stock
Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU - Get Free Report) insider Jonathan Mark Mewett bought 50,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Friday, May 17th. The shares were acquired at an average cost of GBX 80 ($1.00) per share, for a total transaction of £40,000 ($50,238.63).
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Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) Increases Dividend to GBX 1.50 Per Share
Vertu Motors plc (LON:VTU) declared a dividend on Wednesday, May 15th. Investors of record on Thursday, June 27th will be paid a dividend of GBX 1.50 ($0.02) per share on Friday, July 26th. This represents a yield of 1.97%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, June 27th. This is a boost from Vertu Motors's previous dividend of $0.85. The official announcement can be seen at this link.
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This page (LON:VTU) was last updated on 3/6/2025 by Staff
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