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Alignment Healthcare (ALHC) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$15.38 -0.14 (-0.90%)
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Alignment Healthcare (NASDAQ:ALHC) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$15.18 M
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ALHC Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

Alignment Healthcare Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
2/18/2025Dawn Christine MaroneyPresidentSell30,000$13.72$411,600.00  
2/12/2025Andreas P WagnerInsiderSell14,878$14.38$213,945.64  
2/11/2025John E KaoCEOSell90,000$14.23$1,280,700.00  
1/24/2025Hakan KardesInsiderSell14,500$14.98$217,210.00  
1/21/2025Hakan KardesInsiderSell10,500$14.99$157,395.00  
1/15/2025Dawn Christine MaroneyPresidentSell30,000$13.61$408,300.00  
1/13/2025John E KaoCEOSell90,000$13.06$1,175,400.00  
12/11/2024John E KaoCEOSell90,000$11.65$1,048,500.00  
12/10/2024Sebastian BurzacchiCOOSell8,550$11.26$96,273.00  
12/5/2024Hyong KimInsiderSell62,574$12.20$763,402.80  
11/27/2024Hakan KardesInsiderSell35,000$12.80$448,000.00  
11/15/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell30,000$11.35$340,500.00  
11/11/2024John E KaoCEOSell90,000$13.42$1,207,800.00  
11/11/2024Joseph S KonowieckiDirectorSell6,920$13.73$95,011.60  
11/11/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell30,500$13.42$409,310.00  
11/4/2024Hakan KardesInsiderSell20,500$13.06$267,730.00  
11/1/2024Hakan KardesInsiderSell4,500$12.98$58,410.00  
10/31/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell36,197$12.04$435,811.88  
10/29/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell4,483$12.01$53,840.83  
10/15/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell30,000$10.77$323,100.00  
10/14/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell30,500$11.50$350,750.00  
10/9/2024John E KaoCEOSell90,000$11.33$1,019,700.00  
10/8/2024Hyong KimInsiderSell22,460$11.03$247,733.80  
10/8/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell39,320$12.04$473,412.80  
10/1/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell667$11.79$7,863.93  
10/1/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell21,375$10.66$227,857.50  
9/13/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell14,500$12.00$174,000.00  
9/12/2024Hakan KardesInsiderSell25,000$11.48$287,000.00  
9/11/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell8,561$10.01$85,695.61  
9/4/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell1,300$10.00$13,000.00  
9/4/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell1,650$10.00$16,500.00  
8/22/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell7,074$9.02$63,807.48  
8/15/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell20,000$8.70$174,000.00  
8/14/2024Jeffrey H MargolisDirectorSell1,200$8.83$10,596.00  
8/2/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell1,333$9.00$11,997.00  
7/19/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell36,700$10.01$367,367.00  
7/19/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell38,858$10.01$388,968.58  
7/17/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell23,163$10.00$231,630.00  
7/17/2024Joseph S KonowieckiDirectorSell25,000$10.00$250,000.00  
7/17/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell22,100$10.00$221,000.00  
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7/15/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell15,034$9.05$136,057.70  
7/15/2024Jeffrey H MargolisDirectorSell1,200$8.94$10,728.00  
7/15/2024Joseph S KonowieckiChairmanSell22,400$9.06$202,944.00  
7/12/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell300$9.00$2,700.00  
7/12/2024Joseph S KonowieckiChairmanSell2,600$9.00$23,400.00  
7/1/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell666$8.00$5,328.00  
6/14/2024Christopher J JoyceInsiderSell16,000$8.01$128,160.00  
6/14/2024Jeffrey H MargolisDirectorSell1,200$8.06$9,672.00  
6/12/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell20,000$8.21$164,200.00  
3/28/2024Robert L ScavoInsiderSell1,821$4.84$8,813.64  
3/28/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell4,299$4.84$20,807.16  
3/19/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell15,861$5.05$80,098.05  
3/19/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell28,522$5.05$144,036.10  
3/15/2024Robert L ScavoInsiderSell4,852$4.89$23,726.28  
3/15/2024Robert Thomas FreemanCFOSell11,858$4.89$57,985.62  
3/14/2024John E KaoCEOBuy103,000$4.82$496,460.00  
3/8/2024Dawn Christine MaroneyInsiderSell23,000$5.44$125,120.00  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

ALHC Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

The list of insiders at Alignment Healthcare includes Andreas P Wagner, Atlantic (Aln Hlth) L General, Christopher J Joyce, Dawn Christine Maroney, Dinesh M Kumar, Donald Steven Furman, Hakan Kardes, Hyong Kim, Jeffrey H Margolis, John E Kao, Joseph S Konowiecki, Richard A Cross, Robert L Scavo, Robert Thomas Freeman, Sebastian Burzacchi, and Warburg Pincus Partners Gp Llc. Learn more on insiders at ALHC.

6.60% of Alignment Healthcare stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on ALHC's insider holdings.

The following insiders have purchased ALHC shares in the last 24 months: John E Kao ($496,460.00), and Joseph S Konowiecki ($662,000.00).

Insiders have purchased a total of 203,000 ALHC shares in the last 24 months for a total of $1,158,460.00 bought.

The following insiders have sold ALHC shares in the last 24 months: Andreas P Wagner ($213,945.64), Christopher J Joyce ($385,571.43), Dawn Christine Maroney ($2,689,722.53), Dinesh M Kumar ($109,735.58), Hakan Kardes ($1,435,745.00), Hyong Kim ($1,011,136.60), Jeffrey H Margolis ($98,748.00), John E Kao ($6,190,440.99), Joseph S Konowiecki ($600,253.80), Richard A Cross ($45,364.38), Robert L Scavo ($32,539.92), Robert Thomas Freeman ($3,198,292.90), and Sebastian Burzacchi ($96,273.00).

Insiders have sold a total of 1,478,603 Alignment Healthcare shares in the last 24 months for a total of $16,107,769.77 sold.

Alignment Healthcare Key Executives

This page (NASDAQ:ALHC) was last updated on 3/4/2025 by Staff
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