As of the most recent reporting period, the following institutional investors, funds, and major shareholders have reported short positions of Advanced Micro Devices: CTC LLC, Barclays PLC, National Bank of Canada FI, Jane Street Group LLC, Wolverine Trading LLC, Readystate Asset Management LP, Point72 DIFC Ltd, Parallax Volatility Advisers L.P., Maven Securities LTD, HighTower Advisors LLC, Hilltop Holdings Inc., Centiva Capital LP, Paloma Partners Management Co, Berkley W R Corp, Garda Capital Partners LP, Verition Fund Management LLC, Capstone Investment Advisors LLC, Walleye Trading LLC, Walleye Capital LLC, PEAK6 Investments LLC, BNP Paribas Financial Markets, Bank of Montreal Can, DRW Securities LLC, Citigroup Inc., One River Asset Management LLC, LMR Partners LLP, Marathon Trading Investment Management LLC, Gladius Capital Management LP, Mirae Asset Securities USA Inc., Mizuho Markets Cayman LP, Wolverine Asset Management LLC, SpiderRock Advisors LLC, Austin Private Wealth LLC, Belvedere Trading LLC, Genus Capital Management Inc., Caas Capital Management LP, SteelPeak Wealth LLC, XR Securities LLC, Signaturefd LLC, Toth Financial Advisory Corp, Portman Square Capital LLP, CenterStar Asset Management LLC, Concourse Financial Group Securities Inc., Oak Hill Wealth Advisors LLC, Watts Gwilliam & Co. LLC, Capital CS Group LLC, SG Americas Securities LLC, Point72 DIFC Ltd, and Maven Securities LTD. These positions are disclosed in Form 13F filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.