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Axon Enterprise (AXON) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$574.50 +1.98 (+0.35%)
As of 01:56 PM Eastern

Axon Enterprise (NASDAQ:AXON) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$195.58 M
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AXON Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Axon Enterprise Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/17/2025Jeri WilliamsDirectorSell307$552.72$169,685.04  
1/13/2025Robert Bresnahan, Jr.U.S. Congress Member (R-PA)Sell$568.68$1,001 - $15,000
1/2/2025Caitlin Elizabeth KalinowskiDirectorSell450$604.07$271,831.50  
12/23/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell1,035$624.47$646,326.45  
12/18/2024Markwayne MullinU.S. Congress Member (R-OK)Sell$609.96$15,001 - $50,000
12/17/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell1,370$639.14$875,621.80  
12/17/2024Joshua IsnerPresidentSell1,291$642.43$829,377.13  
12/16/2024Michael GarnreiterDirectorSell1,000$639.69$639,690.00  
12/4/2024Julie A CullivanDirectorSell1,261$682.06$860,077.66  
12/3/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell2,304$654.79$1,508,636.16  
11/12/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell21,834$593.88$12,966,775.92  
11/12/2024Joshua IsnerPresidentSell20,000$606.15$12,123,000.00  
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10/15/2024Michael GarnreiterDirectorSell1,000$437.98$437,980.00  
10/3/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell4,767$404.14$1,926,535.38  
10/1/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell47,314$400.07$18,928,911.98  
9/30/2024Jeri WilliamsDirectorSell110$400.00$44,000.00  
9/16/2024Michael GarnreiterDirectorSell1,000$380.99$380,990.00  
9/12/2024Brittany BagleyCFOSell4,338$378.95$1,643,885.10  
9/10/2024Joshua IsnerPresidentSell25,811$359.84$9,287,830.24  
9/9/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell8,182$364.86$2,985,284.52  
9/5/2024Julie A CullivanDirectorSell900$353.53$318,177.00  
9/3/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell75,000$356.53$26,739,750.00  
8/30/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell50,000$364.02$18,201,000.00  
8/26/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell70,000$362.21$25,354,700.00  
8/23/2024Patrick W SmithCEOSell80,300$371.78$29,853,934.00  
8/21/2024Caitlin Elizabeth KalinowskiDirectorSell450$373.03$167,863.50  
8/9/2024Matthew R McbradyDirectorSell2,000$364.66$729,320.00  
5/31/2024Julie A CullivanDirectorSell993$281.72$279,747.96  
5/28/2024Julie A CullivanDirectorSell478$286.04$136,727.12  
5/9/2024Jeffrey C KuninsInsiderSell43,668$309.94$13,534,459.92  
5/9/2024Jeri WilliamsDirectorSell308$310.07$95,501.56  
5/9/2024Joshua IsnerPresidentSell44,000$309.96$13,638,240.00  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

AXON Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

6.10% of Axon Enterprise stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on AXON's insider holdings.

The following insiders have purchased AXON shares in the last 24 months: Brittany Bagley ($50,000.00), and Hadi Partovi ($8,685,200.00).

Insiders have purchased a total of 45,250 AXON shares in the last 24 months for a total of $8,735,200.00 bought.

The following insiders have sold AXON shares in the last 24 months: Brittany Bagley ($1,643,885.10), Caitlin Elizabeth Kalinowski ($439,695.00), Jeffrey C Kunins ($47,117,708.25), Jeri Williams ($309,186.60), Joshua Isner ($56,979,902.02), Julie A Cullivan ($2,334,190.33), Matthew R Mcbrady ($729,320.00), Michael Garnreiter ($1,458,660.00), and Patrick W Smith ($141,643,666.60).

Insiders have sold a total of 776,636 Axon Enterprise shares in the last 24 months for a total of $252,656,213.90 sold.

Robert Bresnahan, Jr. (R-PA) and Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) have sold shares of Axon Enterprise in the last year totaling $40,500.

Axon Enterprise Key Executives

This page (NASDAQ:AXON) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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