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Bandwidth (BAND) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$15.13 -0.19 (-1.24%)
Closing price 03/7/2025 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$15.18 +0.05 (+0.36%)
As of 03/7/2025 06:30 PM Eastern
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Bandwidth (NASDAQ:BAND) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$3.03 M
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BAND Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Bandwidth Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/5/2025Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell9,878$15.24$150,540.72  
3/3/2025Daryl RaifordCFOSell24,253$15.58$377,861.74  
3/3/2025David A MorkenCEOSell13,653$15.70$214,352.10  
3/3/2025Devesh AgarwalCOOSell6,538$15.70$102,646.60  
3/3/2025Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell3,770$15.70$59,189.00  
3/3/2025Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell5,629$15.70$88,375.30  
1/21/2025Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell499$16.01$7,988.99  
1/6/2025Daryl RaifordCFOSell1,305$17.39$22,693.95  
1/6/2025David A MorkenCEOSell2,777$17.39$48,292.03  
1/6/2025Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell120$17.39$2,086.80  
1/6/2025Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell822$17.39$14,294.58  
1/3/2025David A MorkenCEOSell1,221$16.97$20,720.37  
1/3/2025Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell45$16.97$763.65  
12/2/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell4,371$20.70$90,479.70  
11/29/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell10,389$21.26$220,870.14  
11/29/2024David A MorkenCEOSell15,410$21.26$327,616.60  
11/29/2024Devesh AgarwalCOOSell5,239$21.26$111,381.14  
11/29/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell3,658$21.26$77,769.08  
11/29/2024Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell5,561$21.26$118,226.86  
11/4/2024David A MorkenCEOSell95$18.73$1,779.35  
11/4/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell10$18.73$187.30  
9/3/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell4,350$16.97$73,819.50  
8/29/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell1,245$17.42$21,687.90  
8/29/2024David A MorkenCEOSell1,235$17.42$21,513.70  
8/29/2024Devesh AgarwalCOOSell628$17.42$10,939.76  
8/29/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell400$17.42$6,968.00  
8/29/2024Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell667$17.42$11,619.14  
7/23/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell1,769$22.22$39,307.18  
6/28/2024Kade RossInsiderSell3,500$16.92$59,220.00  
6/14/2024Lukas M RoushDirectorBuy4,963$16.12$80,003.56  
6/5/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell7,600$20.80$158,080.00  
5/31/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell13,410$20.01$268,334.10  
5/29/2024Anthony BartoloCOOSell918$20.40$18,727.20  
5/29/2024Daryl RaifordCFOSell805$20.40$16,422.00  
5/29/2024David A MorkenCEOSell1,290$20.40$26,316.00  
5/29/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell417$20.40$8,506.80  
5/29/2024Richard Brandon AsbillGeneral CounselSell696$20.40$14,198.40  
5/14/2024Kade RossInsiderSell68$22.15$1,506.20  
5/10/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell2,500$21.61$54,025.00  
4/15/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell25$16.96$424.00  
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3/22/2024Anthony BartoloCOOSell7,798$18.75$146,212.50  
3/22/2024Devin M KrupkaInsiderSell546$18.75$10,237.50  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

BAND Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

The list of insiders at Bandwidth includes Anthony Bartolo, Daryl Raiford, David A Morken, Devesh Agarwal, Devin M Krupka, Douglas A Suriano, Kade Ross, Lukas M Roush, Marina C Carreker, Rebecca Bottorff, and Richard Brandon Asbill. Learn more on insiders at BAND.

6.20% of Bandwidth stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on BAND's insider holdings.

The following insider purchased BAND shares in the last 24 months: Lukas M Roush ($80,003.56).

Insiders have purchased a total of 4,963 BAND shares in the last 24 months for a total of $80,003.56 bought.

The following insiders have sold BAND shares in the last 24 months: Anthony Bartolo ($245,647.80), Daryl Raiford ($1,375,740.29), David A Morken ($816,721.14), Devesh Agarwal ($224,967.50), Devin M Krupka ($248,467.92), Kade Ross ($62,536.65), Rebecca Bottorff ($3,213.32), and Richard Brandon Asbill ($469,118.37).

Insiders have sold a total of 197,492 Bandwidth shares in the last 24 months for a total of $3,446,412.99 sold.

Bandwidth Key Executives

This page (NASDAQ:BAND) was last updated on 3/9/2025 by Staff
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