The following insiders have sold BRZE shares in the last 24 months: Battery Partners Xi, Llc ($1,430,712.16), Chelsea R Stoner ($816,608.00), Dharmesh Thakker ($1,111,259.16), Fernando Machado ($142,453.11), Isabelle Winkles ($5,075,026.55), Jesse Feldman ($256,012.68), Jonathan Hyman ($17,226,437.67), Michael Maurice Brown ($1,054,249.73), Morad Elhafed ($534,900.00), Myles Kleeger ($22,222,723.96), Pankaj Malik ($1,996,926.75), Phillip M Fernandez ($981,045.00), Roger H Lee ($1,720,244.10), Scott R. Tobin ($739,778.52), Susan Wiseman ($10,474,590.59), and William Magnuson ($4,890,253.16).