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Sunrun (RUN) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$6.56 +0.18 (+2.82%)
Closing price 04:00 PM Eastern
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$6.56 +0.01 (+0.08%)
As of 07:54 PM Eastern
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Sunrun (NASDAQ:RUN) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
$1.02 M
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$11.90 M
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RUN Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Sunrun Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/6/2025Danny AbajianCFOSell1,484$6.65$9,868.60  
3/6/2025Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell1,686$6.64$11,195.04  
3/6/2025Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell1,544$6.64$10,252.16  
3/6/2025Mary PowellCEOSell2,046$6.65$13,605.90  
3/6/2025Paul S DicksonCROSell1,642$6.65$10,919.30  
3/3/2025Edward Harris FensterDirectorBuy150,000$6.80$1,020,000.00  
2/19/2025Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$9.10$455,000.00  
1/17/2025Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$9.59$479,500.00  
1/6/2025Danny AbajianCFOSell3,734$11.18$41,746.12  
1/6/2025Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell2,012$11.18$22,494.16  
1/6/2025Mary PowellCEOSell4,350$11.18$48,633.00  
1/6/2025Paul S DicksonCROSell2,968$11.18$33,182.24  
12/19/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$9.42$471,000.00  
12/2/2024Mary PowellCEOSell1,766$11.66$20,591.56  
11/19/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$9.94$497,000.00  
10/18/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$14.60$730,000.00  
10/7/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell4,869$16.35$79,608.15  
10/7/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell2,624$16.35$42,902.40  
10/7/2024Mary PowellCEOSell6,415$16.34$104,821.10  
10/7/2024Paul S DicksonCROSell4,017$16.35$65,677.95  
9/19/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$20.20$1,010,000.00  
9/11/2024Edward Harris FensterDirectorSell4,646$18.01$83,674.46  
9/6/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell2,141$18.23$39,030.43  
9/6/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell2,357$18.23$42,968.11  
9/6/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell1,937$18.23$35,311.51  
9/6/2024Mary PowellCEOSell3,410$18.23$62,164.30  
9/6/2024Paul S DicksonCROSell2,537$18.23$46,249.51  
9/4/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell9,694$19.75$191,456.50  
9/3/2024Mary PowellCEOSell2,148$18.79$40,360.92  
8/19/2024Gerald Alan RiskDirectorSell9,045$20.04$181,261.80  
8/7/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell24,161$19.24$464,857.64  
7/19/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$16.93$846,500.00  
7/8/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell4,662$12.62$58,834.44  
7/8/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell2,513$12.61$31,688.93  
7/8/2024Mary PowellCEOSell5,569$12.62$70,280.78  
7/8/2024Paul S DicksonCROSell3,855$12.62$48,650.10  
6/20/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$12.11$605,500.00  
6/12/2024Edward Harris FensterDirectorSell44,646$15.91$710,317.86  
6/10/2024Katherine August-DewildeDirectorSell23,584$13.74$324,044.16  
6/6/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell2,092$14.43$30,187.56  
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6/6/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell2,299$14.44$33,197.56  
6/6/2024Mary PowellCEOSell3,017$14.45$43,595.65  
6/6/2024Paul S DicksonCROSell2,486$14.43$35,872.98  
6/5/2024Lynn Michelle JurichDirectorSell50,000$14.06$703,000.00  
5/31/2024Edward Harris FensterDirectorSell9,248$15.00$138,720.00  
5/31/2024Mary PowellCEOSell1,741$14.86$25,871.26  
4/11/2024Edward Harris FensterDirectorSell172,920$11.95$2,066,394.00  
4/8/2024Danny AbajianCFOSell17,440$12.07$210,500.80  
4/8/2024Jeanna SteeleInsiderSell10,176$12.07$122,824.32  
4/8/2024Mary PowellCEOSell22,549$12.07$272,166.43  
4/8/2024Paul S DicksonCROSell14,945$12.07$180,386.15  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

RUN Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

3.77% of Sunrun stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on RUN's insider holdings.

The following insiders have purchased RUN shares in the last 24 months: Alan Ferber ($97,300.00), and Edward Harris Fenster ($1,020,000.00).

Insiders have purchased a total of 160,000 RUN shares in the last 24 months for a total of $1,117,300.00 bought.

The following insiders have sold RUN shares in the last 24 months: Danny Abajian ($1,149,515.72), Edward Harris Fenster ($9,855,099.19), Gerald Alan Risk ($181,261.80), Jeanna Steele ($1,039,732.44), Katherine August-Dewilde ($324,044.16), Lynn Michelle Jurich ($6,219,430.94), Mary Powell ($1,110,026.21), Michelle Philpot ($15,758.46), and Paul S Dickson ($697,003.59).

Insiders have sold a total of 1,371,415 Sunrun shares in the last 24 months for a total of $20,591,872.51 sold.

This page (NASDAQ:RUN) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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