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Samfine Creation Holdings Group (SFHG) News Today

Samfine Creation Holdings Group logo
$0.72 -0.15 (-17.25%)
Closing price 04:00 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$0.70 -0.02 (-2.92%)
As of 07:59 PM Eastern
Extended trading is trading that happens on electronic markets outside of regular trading hours. This is a fair market value extended hours price provided by Learn more.
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited (SFHG)
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Ltd
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited stock logo
Samfine Creation Holdings Group Limited's (NASDAQ:SFHG) Quiet Period Set To Expire on November 25th
Samfine Creation Holdings Group's (NASDAQ:SFHG - Get Free Report) quiet period will expire on Monday, November 25th. Samfine Creation Holdings Group had issued 2,000,000 shares in its public offering on October 15th. The total size of the offering was $8,000,000 based on an initial share price of $4.00. During Samfine Creation Holdings Group's quiet period, insiders and any underwriters involved in the IPO are prevented from issuing any earnings forecasts or research reports for the company because of SEC regulations. Following the expiration of the company's quiet period, it's expected that the brokerages that served as underwriters on the stock will initiate research coverage on the company.
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This page (NASDAQ:SFHG) was last updated on 3/26/2025 by Staff
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