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Sprouts Farmers Market (SFM) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$145.42 +3.03 (+2.13%)
Closing price 04:00 PM Eastern
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$145.88 +0.46 (+0.32%)
As of 06:49 PM Eastern
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Sprouts Farmers Market (NASDAQ:SFM) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$37.39 M
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SFM Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Sprouts Farmers Market Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
3/20/2025Alisa GmelichCMOSell289$139.43$40,295.27  
3/20/2025Douglas Gregory RauchDirectorSell1,000$140.25$140,250.00  
3/20/2025James H BahrenburgCTOSell307$139.42$42,801.94  
3/20/2025Kim CoffinSVPSell756$140.65$106,331.40  
3/20/2025Nicholas KonatCOOSell531$139.43$74,037.33  
3/20/2025Stacy W HilgendorfVPSell229$139.43$31,929.47  
3/19/2025Jack SinclairCEOSell2,915$140.22$408,741.30  
3/19/2025Timmi ZalatorisInsiderSell736$137.45$101,163.20  
3/17/2025Alisa GmelichCMOSell445$137.42$61,151.90  
3/17/2025Jack SinclairCEOSell49,898$137.42$6,856,983.16  
3/17/2025Kim CoffinSVPSell4,060$137.42$557,925.20  
3/17/2025Nicholas KonatCOOSell8,755$137.42$1,203,112.10  
3/17/2025Stacy W HilgendorfVPSell890$137.42$122,303.80  
3/17/2025Timmi ZalatorisInsiderSell775$137.42$106,500.50  
3/14/2025Timmi ZalatorisInsiderSell1,065$134.97$143,743.05  
3/5/2025Joe FortunatoDirectorSell5,000$144.80$724,000.00  
2/5/2025Jack SinclairCEOSell2,915$167.54$488,379.10  
1/15/2025Jack SinclairCEOSell2,935$138.74$407,201.90  
12/18/2024Markwayne MullinU.S. Congress Member (R-OK)Sell$135.19$15,001 - $50,000
12/17/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$138.99$794,188.86  
12/12/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell30,000$149.24$4,477,200.00  
12/11/2024Douglas Gregory RauchDirectorSell700$148.89$104,223.00  
12/3/2024Joseph D O'learyDirectorSell350$150.11$52,538.50  
11/4/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$132.60$757,676.40  
11/4/2024Joe FortunatoDirectorSell11,500$132.84$1,527,660.00  
11/4/2024Joseph L HurleyInsiderSell4,956$132.66$657,462.96  
10/11/2024Dustin HamiltonInsiderSell921$113.60$104,625.60  
10/7/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$112.41$642,310.74  
9/9/2024Dustin HamiltonInsiderSell1,997$99.20$198,102.40  
9/3/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$101.09$577,628.26  
8/29/2024John Scott NealInsiderSell6,535$102.29$668,465.15  
8/27/2024Dustin HamiltonInsiderSell5,097$102.00$519,894.00  
8/26/2024Kristen E BlumDirectorSell2,000$100.00$200,000.00  
8/21/2024Dustin HamiltonInsiderSell500$97.52$48,760.00  
8/12/2024Hari K AvulaDirectorSell2,500$96.50$241,250.00  
8/9/2024Joel D AndersonDirectorSell20,851$96.16$2,005,032.16  
8/5/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$95.52$545,801.28  
8/2/2024Joe FortunatoDirectorSell7,895$98.38$776,710.10  
8/1/2024Stacy W HilgendorfVPSell1,904$101.12$192,532.48  
8/1/2024Timmi ZalatorisInsiderSell56,800$100.00$5,680,000.00  
7/2/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,714$83.38$476,433.32  
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6/20/2024Jack SinclairCEOSell5,718$77.07$440,686.26  
5/21/2024Joe FortunatoDirectorSell5,000$78.48$392,400.00  
5/9/2024David McglincheyInsiderSell12,219$74.01$904,328.19  
5/8/2024Nicholas KonatCOOSell31,000$74.14$2,298,340.00  
5/6/2024Brandon F LombardiInsiderSell5,174$74.97$387,894.78  
5/6/2024Kim CoffinSVPSell1,322$75.05$99,216.10  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

SFM Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

1.10% of Sprouts Farmers Market stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on SFM's insider holdings.

The following insiders have sold SFM shares in the last 24 months: Alisa Gmelich ($131,370.30), Brandon F Lombardi ($2,690,022.58), Curtis Valentine ($61,724.66), David Mcglinchey ($5,977,533.96), Douglas Gregory Rauch ($694,185.75), Dustin Hamilton ($988,494.66), Hari K Avula ($241,250.00), Jack Sinclair ($22,043,855.28), James H Bahrenburg ($42,801.94), Joe Fortunato ($4,249,000.10), Joel D Anderson ($2,005,032.16), John Scott Neal ($3,028,975.56), Joseph D O'leary ($52,538.50), Joseph L Hurley ($1,718,574.00), Kim Coffin ($3,923,655.54), Kristen E Blum ($200,000.00), Lawrence Molloy ($8,978,484.32), Nicholas Konat ($5,594,062.21), Stacy W Hilgendorf ($918,140.56), Terri F Graham ($316,750.00), and Timmi Zalatoris ($6,361,258.61).

Insiders have sold a total of 1,055,795 Sprouts Farmers Market shares in the last 24 months for a total of $70,217,710.69 sold.

Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) has sold shares of Sprouts Farmers Market in the last year totaling $32,500.

This page (NASDAQ:SFM) was last updated on 3/24/2025 by Staff
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