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American Realty Investors (ARL) Stock Price, News & Analysis

American Realty Investors logo
$15.02 -0.38 (-2.44%)
Closing price 03/3/2025 03:57 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$15.02 -0.01 (-0.03%)
As of 03/3/2025 04:38 PM Eastern
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About American Realty Investors Stock (NYSE:ARL)

Key Stats

Today's Range
50-Day Range
52-Week Range
6,014 shs
Average Volume
4,403 shs
Market Capitalization
$242.68 million
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Price Target
Consensus Rating

Company Overview

American Realty Investors, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, acquires, develops, owns, and manages multifamily and commercial real estate properties in the Southern United States. It operates through two segments, Residential and Commercial. The company leases apartment units to residents; and office, industrial, and retail space to various for-profit businesses, as well as local, state, and federal agencies. It also offers tenant services, including parking and storage space rental; and sells land and properties. The company was incorporated in 1999 and is based in Dallas, Texas. American Realty Investors, Inc. is a subsidiary of Realty Advisors, Inc.

American Realty Investors Stock Analysis - MarketRank™

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6th Percentile Overall Score

ARL MarketRank™: 

American Realty Investors scored higher than 6% of companies evaluated by MarketBeat, and ranked 949th out of 952 stocks in the finance sector. Scores are calculated by averaging available category scores, with extra weight given to analysis and valuation.

  • Consensus Rating

    There is not enough analysis data for American Realty Investors.

  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. the Market

    The P/E ratio of American Realty Investors is -14.59, which means that its earnings are negative and its P/E ratio cannot be compared to companies with positive earnings.

  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. Sector

    The P/E ratio of American Realty Investors is -14.59, which means that its earnings are negative and its P/E ratio cannot be compared to companies with positive earnings.

  • Read more about American Realty Investors' valuation and earnings.
  • Percentage of Shares Shorted

    1.48% of the float of American Realty Investors has been sold short.
  • Short Interest Ratio / Days to Cover

    American Realty Investors has a short interest ratio ("days to cover") of 4.
  • Change versus previous month

    Short interest in American Realty Investors has recently increased by 8.00%, indicating that investor sentiment is decreasing significantly.
  • Dividend Yield

    American Realty Investors does not currently pay a dividend.

  • Dividend Growth

    American Realty Investors does not have a long track record of dividend growth.

  • Percentage of Shares Shorted

    1.48% of the float of American Realty Investors has been sold short.
  • Short Interest Ratio / Days to Cover

    American Realty Investors has a short interest ratio ("days to cover") of 4.
  • Change versus previous month

    Short interest in American Realty Investors has recently increased by 8.00%, indicating that investor sentiment is decreasing significantly.
  • News Sentiment

    American Realty Investors has a news sentiment score of 0.59. This score is calculated as an average of sentiment of articles about the company over the last seven days and ranges from 2 (good news) to -2 (bad news). This is a lower news sentiment than the 0.81 average news sentiment score of Finance companies.
  • News Coverage This Week

    MarketBeat has tracked 1 news article for American Realty Investors this week, compared to 0 articles on an average week.
  • Insider Buying vs. Insider Selling

    In the past three months, American Realty Investors insiders have not sold or bought any company stock.

  • Percentage Held by Insiders

    90.82% of the stock of American Realty Investors is held by insiders. A high percentage of insider ownership can be a sign of company health.

  • Read more about American Realty Investors' insider trading history.
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ARL Stock News Headlines

Collect $7k per month from Tesla’s SECRET dividend
Tesla doesn't pay a traditional dividend.... But I just discovered a secret backdoor to collect a secret 69% dividend from Tesla… Which could put up to $7,013 in your pocket every month…
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ARL Stock Analysis - Frequently Asked Questions

American Realty Investors' stock was trading at $14.68 at the beginning of 2025. Since then, ARL shares have increased by 2.4% and is now trading at $15.0250.
View the best growth stocks for 2025 here

American Realty Investors, Inc. (NYSE:ARL) posted its earnings results on Tuesday, August, 14th. The financial services provider reported $0.35 earnings per share for the quarter. The financial services provider earned $31.61 million during the quarter. American Realty Investors had a negative net margin of 33.78% and a negative trailing twelve-month return on equity of 2.05%.

American Realty Investors' top institutional investors include Geode Capital Management LLC (0.21%), PFG Investments LLC (0.17%), Northern Trust Corp (0.15%) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (0.03%).
View institutional ownership trends

Shares of ARL stock can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include Charles Schwab, E*TRADE, Fidelity, and Vanguard Brokerage Services.

Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some other companies that American Realty Investors investors own include NVIDIA (NVDA), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Tesla (TSLA), Meta Platforms (META), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Netflix (NFLX) and Home Depot (HD).

Company Calendar

Last Earnings
Next Earnings (Estimated)
Fiscal Year End

Industry, Sector and Symbol

Stock Exchange
Real estate operators (except developers) & lessors
Real Estate
Current Symbol
Year Founded


Trailing P/E Ratio
Forward P/E Ratio
P/E Growth
Net Income
$3.97 million
Pretax Margin


Sales & Book Value

Annual Sales
$49.33 million
Price / Cash Flow
Price / Book


Free Float
Market Cap
$242.68 million
Not Optionable

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This page (NYSE:ARL) was last updated on 3/4/2025 by Staff
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