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Stem (STEM) Insider Trading & Ownership

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$0.41 -0.02 (-5.01%)
Closing price 03/3/2025 03:59 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$0.41 +0.00 (+1.01%)
As of 03/3/2025 07:59 PM Eastern
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Stem (NYSE:STEM) Insider Buying and Selling Activity

Insider Ownership
Number Of
Insiders Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Buying
(Last 12 Months)
Number Of
Insiders Selling
(Last 12 Months)
Amount Of
Insider Selling
(Last 12 Months)
$1.36 M
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STEM Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter

Stem Insider and Congressional Trades History

Transaction DateNameTitleBuy/SellNumber of SharesAverage Share PriceTotal TransactionDetails
2/20/2025Hofeldt AlbertCTOSell13,294$0.63$8,375.22  
2/20/2025Matthew TappinInsiderSell8,130$0.63$5,121.90  
5/28/2024Matthew TappinInsiderSell1,388$1.32$1,832.16  
5/2/2024John Eugene CarringtonCEOSell194,171$1.85$359,216.35  
4/30/2024Alan RussoCROSell24,142$1.87$45,145.54  
4/30/2024Prakesh PatelInsiderSell23,863$1.87$44,623.81  
4/30/2024William John BushCFOSell24,035$1.87$44,945.45  
3/19/2024Robert SchaeferInsiderSell100,000$1.82$182,000.00  
3/18/2024David S BuzbyDirectorBuy33,800$1.81$61,178.00  
3/15/2024David S BuzbyDirectorBuy62,500$1.84$115,000.00  
3/15/2024Kim HomenockInsiderBuy24,000$1.84$44,160.00  
3/14/2024Michael James CarlsonCOOBuy10,118$1.75$17,706.50  
3/12/2024Larsh JohnsonCTOSell20,000$2.00$40,000.00  
3/11/2024Rahul ShuklaCAOSell21,332$2.21$47,143.72  
3/8/2024John Eugene CarringtonCEOSell85,038$2.19$186,233.22  
3/8/2024Larsh JohnsonCTOSell35,880$2.19$78,577.20  
3/8/2024Michael James CarlsonCOOSell35,269$2.19$77,239.11  
3/8/2024Rahul ShuklaCAOSell19,899$2.19$43,578.81  
3/8/2024Robert SchaeferInsiderSell37,463$2.19$82,043.97  
3/8/2024William John BushCFOSell46,034$2.19$100,814.46  
3/5/2024Matthew TappinInsiderSell3,837$2.41$9,247.17  
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

STEM Insider Trading Activity - Frequently Asked Questions

The list of insiders at Stem includes Adam Daley, Alan Russo, Anil Tammineedi, David S Buzby, Hofeldt Albert, John Eugene Carrington, Kim Homenock, Larsh Johnson, Lisa L Troe, Matthew Tappin, Michael James Carlson, Prakesh Patel, Rahul Shukla, Robert Schaefer, Saul R Laureles, and William John Bush. Learn more on insiders at STEM.

10.17% of Stem stock is owned by insiders. Learn more on STEM's insider holdings.

The following insiders have purchased STEM shares in the last 24 months: David S Buzby ($475,018.00), Kim Homenock ($44,160.00), and Michael James Carlson ($17,706.50).

Insiders have purchased a total of 192,418 STEM shares in the last 24 months for a total of $536,884.50 bought.

The following insiders have sold STEM shares in the last 24 months: Alan Russo ($184,435.70), Hofeldt Albert ($8,375.22), John Eugene Carrington ($681,368.95), Kim Homenock ($181,863.36), Larsh Johnson ($156,988.09), Lisa L Troe ($39,360.00), Matthew Tappin ($70,003.40), Michael James Carlson ($116,402.91), Prakesh Patel ($49,815.01), Rahul Shukla ($121,605.43), Robert Schaefer ($264,043.97), Saul R Laureles ($66,694.42), and William John Bush ($216,256.10).

Insiders have sold a total of 883,021 Stem shares in the last 24 months for a total of $2,157,212.56 sold.

Stem Key Executives

This page (NYSE:STEM) was last updated on 3/4/2025 by Staff
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