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Teledyne Technologies (TDY) Stock Price, News & Analysis

Teledyne Technologies logo
$507.63 +5.81 (+1.16%)
Closing price 03:59 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$508.25 +0.62 (+0.12%)
As of 07:20 PM Eastern
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About Teledyne Technologies Stock (NYSE:TDY)

Key Stats

Today's Range
50-Day Range
52-Week Range
290,741 shs
Average Volume
243,457 shs
Market Capitalization
$23.78 billion
P/E Ratio
Dividend Yield
Price Target
Consensus Rating

Company Overview

Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, together with its subsidiaries, provides enabling technologies for industrial growth markets in the United States and internationally. Its Digital Imaging segment provides visible spectrum sensors and digital cameras; and infrared, ultraviolet, visible, and X-ray spectra; as well as micro electromechanical systems and semiconductors, including analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters. This segment also offers cooled and uncooled infrared or thermal products, including sensors, camera cores, and camera systems; high-resolution, low-dose X-ray sensors, high-power microwave, and high-energy X-ray subsystems; and instruments for the measurement of physical properties and maritime products; as well as develops and manufactures multi-spectrum electro-optic/infrared imaging systems and associated products, such as lasers, optics, and radars, CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive detectors), and unmanned air and ground systems. The company's Instrumentation segment offers monitoring, control, and electronic test and measurement equipment; and power and communications connectivity devices for distributed instrumentation systems and sensor networks. The company's Aerospace and Defense Electronics segment provides electronic components and subsystems, data acquisition and communications components and equipment, harsh environment interconnects, general aviation batteries, and other components; and onboard avionics systems and ground-based applications, aircraft data and connectivity solutions, hardware systems, and software applications. Its Engineered Systems segment offers systems engineering and integration, technology development, and manufacturing solutions for defense, space, environmental, and energy applications; and designs and manufactures electrochemical energy systems and electronics for military applications. The company was founded in 1960 and is headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California.

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Teledyne Technologies Stock Analysis - MarketRank™

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70th Percentile Overall Score

TDY MarketRank™: 

Teledyne Technologies scored higher than 70% of companies evaluated by MarketBeat, and ranked 19th out of 49 stocks in the aerospace sector. Scores are calculated by averaging available category scores, with extra weight given to analysis and valuation.

  • Consensus Rating

    Teledyne Technologies has received a consensus rating of Buy. The company's average rating score is 3.00, and is based on 5 buy ratings, no hold ratings, and no sell ratings.

  • Amount of Analyst Coverage

    Teledyne Technologies has only been the subject of 2 research reports in the past 90 days.

  • Read more about Teledyne Technologies' stock forecast and price target.
  • Earnings Growth

    Earnings for Teledyne Technologies are expected to grow by 9.00% in the coming year, from $21.55 to $23.49 per share.

  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. the Market

    The P/E ratio of Teledyne Technologies is 29.46, which means that it is trading at a more expensive P/E ratio than the market average P/E ratio of about 23.56.

  • Price to Earnings Ratio vs. Sector

    The P/E ratio of Teledyne Technologies is 29.46, which means that it is trading at a less expensive P/E ratio than the Aerospace sector average P/E ratio of about 45.28.

  • Price to Earnings Growth Ratio

    Teledyne Technologies has a PEG Ratio of 3.14. PEG Ratios above 1 indicate that a company could be overvalued.

  • Price to Book Value per Share Ratio

    Teledyne Technologies has a P/B Ratio of 2.48. P/B Ratios below 3 indicates that a company is reasonably valued with respect to its assets and liabilities.

  • Read more about Teledyne Technologies' valuation and earnings.
  • Percentage of Shares Shorted

    0.84% of the float of Teledyne Technologies has been sold short.
  • Short Interest Ratio / Days to Cover

    Teledyne Technologies has a short interest ratio ("days to cover") of 1.5, which is generally considered an acceptable ratio of short interest to trading volume.
  • Change versus previous month

    Short interest in Teledyne Technologies has recently decreased by 8.43%, indicating that investor sentiment is improving significantly.
  • Dividend Yield

    Teledyne Technologies does not currently pay a dividend.

  • Dividend Growth

    Teledyne Technologies does not have a long track record of dividend growth.

  • Percentage of Shares Shorted

    0.84% of the float of Teledyne Technologies has been sold short.
  • Short Interest Ratio / Days to Cover

    Teledyne Technologies has a short interest ratio ("days to cover") of 1.5, which is generally considered an acceptable ratio of short interest to trading volume.
  • Change versus previous month

    Short interest in Teledyne Technologies has recently decreased by 8.43%, indicating that investor sentiment is improving significantly.
  • News Sentiment

    Teledyne Technologies has a news sentiment score of 1.05. This score is calculated as an average of sentiment of articles about the company over the last seven days and ranges from 2 (good news) to -2 (bad news). This is a higher news sentiment than the 0.80 average news sentiment score of Aerospace companies.
  • News Coverage This Week

    MarketBeat has tracked 28 news articles for Teledyne Technologies this week, compared to 10 articles on an average week.
  • Search Interest

    Only 1 people have searched for TDY on MarketBeat in the last 30 days. This is a decrease of -75% compared to the previous 30 days.
  • MarketBeat Follows

    Only 4 people have added Teledyne Technologies to their MarketBeat watchlist in the last 30 days. This is a decrease of -43% compared to the previous 30 days.
  • Insider Buying vs. Insider Selling

    In the past three months, Teledyne Technologies insiders have sold more of their company's stock than they have bought. Specifically, they have bought $0.00 in company stock and sold $17,709,721.00 in company stock.

  • Percentage Held by Insiders

    Only 2.14% of the stock of Teledyne Technologies is held by insiders.

  • Percentage Held by Institutions

    91.58% of the stock of Teledyne Technologies is held by institutions. High institutional ownership can be a signal of strong market trust in this company.

  • Read more about Teledyne Technologies' insider trading history.
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TDY Stock News Headlines

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TDY Stock Analysis - Frequently Asked Questions

Teledyne Technologies' stock was trading at $464.13 on January 1st, 2025. Since then, TDY shares have increased by 9.4% and is now trading at $507.6340.
View the best growth stocks for 2025 here

Teledyne Technologies Incorporated (NYSE:TDY) posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, January, 22nd. The scientific and technical instruments company reported $5.52 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $5.23 by $0.29. The business's revenue for the quarter was up 5.4% on a year-over-year basis.
Read the conference call transcript

Teledyne Technologies subsidiaries include Micralyne Inc, Falcon Analytical, Teledyne e2v, Hanson Research Corp, CARIS, Frontline Test Equipment, Industrial Control Machines, and more.

Teledyne Technologies' top institutional investors include Vanguard Group Inc. (12.04%), Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD (8.97%), Aristotle Capital Management LLC (4.24%) and Janus Henderson Group PLC (3.70%). Insiders that own company stock include Robert Mehrabian, Simon M Lorne, Michael T Smith, Jason Vanwees, Charles Crocker, Sue Main, Melanie Susan Cibik, Kenneth C Dahlberg, Stephen Finis Blackwood, Schack Wesley W Von, George C Bobb III, Jane Cecile Sherburne and Cynthia Y Belak.
View institutional ownership trends

Shares of TDY stock can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include Charles Schwab, E*TRADE, Fidelity, and Vanguard Brokerage Services.

Based on aggregate information from My MarketBeat watchlists, some other companies that Teledyne Technologies investors own include American Water Works (AWK), Humana (HUM), DiamondRock Hospitality (DRH), Waste Connections (WCN), The RMR Group (RMR), AUO (AUOTY) and Voyager Therapeutics (VYGR).

Company Calendar

Last Earnings
Next Earnings (Estimated)
Fiscal Year End

Industry, Sector and Symbol

Stock Exchange
Search & navigation equipment
Aerospace & Defense
Current Symbol
Year Founded

Price Target and Rating

Average Stock Price Target
High Stock Price Target
Low Stock Price Target
Potential Upside/Downside
Consensus Rating
Rating Score (0-4)
Research Coverage
5 Analysts


Trailing P/E Ratio
Forward P/E Ratio
P/E Growth
Net Income
$819.20 million
Pretax Margin


Sales & Book Value

Annual Sales
$5.67 billion
Cash Flow
$24.52 per share
Price / Cash Flow
Book Value
$204.91 per share
Price / Book


Free Float
Market Cap
$23.58 billion

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This page (NYSE:TDY) was last updated on 3/24/2025 by Staff
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