BNY Mellon US Mid Cap Core Equity ETF (BKMC) Holdings $95.62 +0.10 (+0.10%) As of 04:10 PM Eastern Add Compare Share Share Holdings Stock AnalysisChartDividendHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock Top 100 BKMC HoldingsRankCompanyCurrent PriceWeightShares Held1NRGNRG Energy$95.62+0.4%0.59%31,7642NINiSource$40.11+0.5%0.57%72,9953YUMCYum China$52.12+0.5%0.57%57,7964IPInternational Paper$53.40+0.4%0.55%54,1315PODDInsulet$262.61+1.5%0.54%10,9596NTNXNutanix$69.81-1.7%0.53%39,3397SNASnap-on$337.25+2.4%0.53%8,1468TPRTapestry$70.44+0.3%0.52%36,5159AUAngloGold Ashanti$37.18+0.5%0.50%78,80910DOCUDocuSign$81.40-2.1%0.50%31,580 Get the Latest News and Ratings for BKMC and Related StocksEnter your email address below to receive the latest news and analysts' ratings for BNY Mellon US Mid Cap Core Equity ETF and its competitors with MarketBeat's FREE daily newsletter. 11EQHEquitable$52.14+0.9%0.50%48,51112FNFFidelity National Financial$65.13+0.6%0.50%40,96413BURLBurlington Stores$238.36+0.3%0.49%10,00014FFIVF5$266.27+0.9%0.49%9,20115MASMasco$69.56+1.3%0.48%33,73316CASYCasey's General Stores$434.04+0.5%0.47%5,81217DPZDomino's Pizza$459.45+2.8%0.47%5,38618KEYKeyCorp$16.01+1.3%0.47%151,94119RPMRPM International$115.82+1.5%0.46%19,78720TWLOTwilio$98.20-0.8%0.46%22,51721BJBJ's Wholesale Club$114.29+2.1%0.45%20,67522GENGen Digital$26.54+0.4%0.45%85,36923USFDUS Foods$65.48+1.5%0.45%34,46624GGGGraco$83.55+0.1%0.44%26,41325GWREGuidewire Software$187.400.0%0.44%12,38526KIMKimco Realty$21.26+1.6%0.44%104,52327UNMUnum Group$81.53+1.9%0.44%28,52428PNRPentair$87.52+0.8%0.43%25,29729SFMSprouts Farmers Market$152.64+3.3%0.43%15,64330GLPIGaming and Leisure Properties$50.90+1.0%0.42%42,14931TXTTextron$72.25-1.0%0.42%29,19632WPCW. P. Carey$63.12+2.1%0.42%34,03033DTDynatrace$47.10-2.7%0.41%42,12634FLEXFlex$33.08-0.3%0.41%59,47435INSMInsmed$76.29-2.2%0.41%27,42536UDRUDR$45.19+1.5%0.41%47,90437ACMAECOM$92.69+0.2%0.40%20,92438ITCIIntra-Cellular Therapies$131.92+0.1%0.40%15,37139JKHYJack Henry & Associates$182.60+2.2%0.40%11,43640POOLPool$318.35+1.1%0.40%5,971The Same Setup That Led to a 131% Gold Surge Is Happening Now (Ad)Historically, when confidence in credit markets gets too high, a gold acceleration phase follows… And we’re seeing the same setup playing out again… With central banks piling into gold, inflation lingering, and debt levels soaring, I believe we’re on the verge of another Gold acceleration cycle—and it could happen fast. Back in November, I told folks to “buy the dip” in gold and I sure hope they listened… I cannot promise future returns or against losses, but now I’m giving you another heads-up… I broke down exactly what I am seeing and how anyone with a regular brokerage account can take advantage… Without actually holding any gold…We packaged it up for you to view right here.41UTHRUnited Therapeutics$308.27+0.4%0.40%6,47442CPTCamden Property Trust$122.27+0.8%0.39%16,56343OCOwens Corning$142.81+0.1%0.39%13,54044XPOXPO$107.60+0.5%0.39%17,75845NLYAnnaly Capital Management$20.31+1.7%0.38%89,11946ELSEquity LifeStyle Properties$66.70+0.4%0.38%28,77847PFGCPerformance Food Group$78.67+1.7%0.38%24,44948RGAReinsurance Group of America$196.85+0.5%0.38%10,07649RNRRenaissanceRe$239.94-1.0%0.38%8,06650SOFISoFi Technologies$11.63-1.9%0.38%160,24151AMHAmerican Homes 4 Rent$37.87+0.8%0.37%52,72852FIXComfort Systems USA$322.56-0.5%0.37%5,54053CWCurtiss-Wright$317.44+0.2%0.37%5,96554EWBCEast West Bancorp$89.76+0.8%0.37%21,93355JLLJones Lang LaSalle$248.13+0.9%0.37%7,26856REGRegency Centers$73.76+1.2%0.37%25,71457TXRHTexas Roadhouse$166.63-2.6%0.37%10,43258AFRMAffirm$45.19-2.2%0.36%36,84059JNPRJuniper Networks$36.20+0.2%0.36%51,24860SJMJ. M. Smucker$118.35+1.7%0.36%16,28061CHRWC.H. Robinson Worldwide$102.40+1.3%0.35%18,49162KMXCarMax$78.08+2.7%0.35%24,47263DKSDICK'S Sporting Goods$201.900.0%0.35%8,87764E-mini S&P MidCap 400 Future Mar 25N/A0.35%665NDSNNordson$201.72+0.6%0.35%8,53266FTITechnipFMC$31.73+1.8%0.35%67,01067ALLEAllegion$130.58+1.8%0.34%13,73068DUOLDuolingo$310.54-1.4%0.34%5,92269EMNEastman Chemical$88.14+1.3%0.34%18,22270NBIXNeurocrine Biosciences$110.60-2.3%0.34%15,78371SCIService Co. International$80.25+0.6%0.34%21,59372TOLToll Brothers$105.68+0.6%0.34%15,86673ARAntero Resources$40.50+2.0%0.33%46,03174CCKCrown$89.30+1.3%0.33%18,65075EPAMEPAM Systems$169.00+0.0%0.33%8,70576WTRGEssential Utilities$39.55+0.7%0.33%43,31477FTAIFTAI Aviation$111.03-1.2%0.33%15,88078HSTHost Hotels & Resorts$14.21+1.0%0.33%109,82079ITTITT$129.18+0.4%0.33%12,36480LECOLincoln Electric$189.16-0.2%0.33%8,76681LKQLKQ$42.54+2.3%0.33%38,81482NWSANews$27.22+2.4%0.33%61,12983OVVOvintiv$42.94+1.7%0.33%41,59884PAYCPaycom Software$218.82+0.0%0.33%8,02285PNWPinnacle West Capital$95.28+1.2%0.33%17,96086RBCRBC Bearings$321.73-1.2%0.33%4,85687THCTenet Healthcare$134.70+1.2%0.33%13,66888WWDWoodward$182.49-0.4%0.33%9,34489AIZAssurant$209.96+1.8%0.32%8,07690CLHClean Harbors$197.100.0%0.32%8,108The Same Setup That Led to a 131% Gold Surge Is Happening Now (Ad)Historically, when confidence in credit markets gets too high, a gold acceleration phase follows… And we’re seeing the same setup playing out again… With central banks piling into gold, inflation lingering, and debt levels soaring, I believe we’re on the verge of another Gold acceleration cycle—and it could happen fast. Back in November, I told folks to “buy the dip” in gold and I sure hope they listened… I cannot promise future returns or against losses, but now I’m giving you another heads-up… I broke down exactly what I am seeing and how anyone with a regular brokerage account can take advantage… Without actually holding any gold…We packaged it up for you to view right here.91GLGlobe Life$131.83+1.6%0.32%13,13092MANHManhattan Associates$173.04-0.3%0.32%9,50293SOLVSolventum$76.02+1.7%0.32%21,71194CNHCNH GLOBAL N V Foreign$12.30+5.6%0.31%121,94595KNSLKinsale Capital Group$486.72+0.9%0.31%3,47996LAMRLamar Advertising$113.78+1.2%0.31%13,80697TAPMolson Coors Beverage$60.95+0.7%0.31%26,09298OHIOmega Healthcare Investors$38.070.0%0.31%41,82299PENPenumbra$267.84+0.1%0.31%5,733100RGLDRoyal Gold$163.51+0.8%0.31%10,277 Geographic ExposureUnited States91.9%Bermuda1.4%Ireland1.0%Cayman Islands0.8%United Kingdom0.4%Singapore0.4%Netherlands0.3%Puerto Rico0.2%Luxembourg0.2%Hong Kong0.1%Canada0.1%Marshall Islands0.1%Currency ExposureUSD100.3%Sector ExposureFinancials18.5%Consumer Discretionary14.3%Industrials13.3%Technology8.9%Health Care8.5%Materials5.9%Consumer Staples4.3%Energy2.2%Utilities2.0%Communications2.0%Real Estate0.5%Industry ExposureReal Estate Management & Development6.8%Machinery4.6%Specialty Retail4.5%Banks4.3%Insurance3.8%Software3.7%Hotels Restaurants & Leisure3.5%Health Care Equipment & Supplies2.8%Biotechnology2.7%Household Durables2.5%Health Care Providers & Services2.2%Diversified Consumer Services2.1%Utilities2.0%Capital Markets2.0%Chemicals1.8%Media1.8%Containers & Packaging1.7%Electrical Equipment1.5%Aerospace & Defense1.5%Textiles Apparel & Luxury Goods1.5%Construction & Engineering1.4%Metals & Mining1.4%Distributors1.4%IT Services1.4%Oil Gas & Consumable Fuels1.3%Food Products1.2%Communications Equipment1.1%Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment1.1%Diversified Financial Services1.0%Transportation Infrastructure0.9%Construction Materials0.9%Building Products0.8%Electronic Equipment Instruments & Components0.8%Air Freight & Logistics0.8%Thrifts & Mortgage Finance0.7%Beverages0.7%Commercial Services & Supplies0.6%Auto Components0.6%Trading Companies & Distributors0.5%Renewable Energy0.5%Leisure Products0.4%Airlines0.4%Energy Equipment & Services0.4%Pharmaceuticals0.4%Automobiles0.3%Consumer Products0.3%Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure0.3%Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts0.3%Health Care Technology0.2%Paper & Forest Products0.2%Equity Real Estate Investment0.2%Professional Services0.2%Internet & Direct Marketing Retail0.2%Personal Products0.1%Household Products0.1%SubIndustry ExposureREIT6.9%Diversified Banks4.3%Application Software3.4%Industrial Machinery3.3%Biotechnology2.7%Home Improvement Retail2.0%Restaurants1.7%Health Care Equipment1.6%Electrical Components & Equipment1.5%Aerospace & Defense1.5%Property & Casualty Insurance1.5%Apparel Accessories & Luxury1.4%Health Care Facilities1.4%Life & Health Insurance1.3%Food Retail1.2%Specialized Consumer Services1.2%Packaged Foods & Meats1.2%IT Consulting & Other Services1.2%Communications Equipment1.1%Construction Materials1.1%Life Sciences Tools & Services1.1%Semiconductors1.1%Construction & Engineering1.0%Reinsurance1.0%Oil & Gas Exploration & Production1.0%Thrifts & Mortgage Finance0.9%Casinos & Gaming0.9%Specialty Chemicals0.9%Metal & Glass Containers0.9%Automotive Retail0.8%Paper Packaging0.8%Food Distributors0.8%Building Products0.8%Steel0.8%Apparel Retail0.8%Investment Banking & Brokerage0.8%Air Freight & Logistics0.8%Hotels Resorts & Cruise Lines0.8%Asset Management & Custody Banks0.8%Agricultural Products0.7%Consumer Electronics0.7%Trucking0.7%Trading Companies & Distributors0.7%Publishing & Broadcasting0.6%Electronic Manufacturing Services0.6%Construction Machinery & Heavy Trucks0.6%Electric Utilities0.6%Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders0.6%Multi-Utilities0.6%Environmental & Facilities Services0.6%Auto Parts & Equipment0.6%Health Care Services0.5%Specialty Stores0.5%Diversified Chemicals0.5%Renewable Energy Equipment0.5%Financial Exchanges & Data0.5%Consumer Finance0.5%Internet Services & Infrastruc0.4%Cable & Satellite0.4%Leisure Products0.4%Interactive Media & Services0.4%Airlines0.4%Agricultural & Farm Machinery0.4%Oil & Gas Equipment & Services0.4%Pharmaceuticals0.4%Soft Drinks0.4%Distributors0.4%Health Care Supplies0.4%Real Estate Services0.4%Systems Software0.3%Homebuilding0.3%Diversified Metals & Mining0.3%Automobile Manufacturers0.3%Brewers0.3%Advertising0.3%Computer & Electronics Retail0.3%Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing0.3%Precious Metals & Minerals0.3%Drug Retail0.2%Health Care Distributors0.2%Managed Health Care0.2%Education Services0.2%Forest Products0.2%Leisure Facilities0.2%Marine Ports & Services0.2%Human Resource & Employment Services0.2%Technology Distributors0.2%Internet & Direct Marketing Retail0.2%Research & Consulting Services0.2%Personal Products0.1%Homefurnishing Retail0.1%Department Stores0.1%Oil & Gas Storage & Transporta0.1%Household Products0.1%Maturity Exposure0-10.4% Related Companies and Tools Related Companies GRPM Holdings JPME Holdings FNY Holdings IMCV Holdings QVMM Holdings EWMC Holdings RFG Holdings EZM Holdings XMLV Holdings XMVM Holdings This page (NYSEARCA:BKMC) was last updated on 3/31/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersA market crash is coming—here’s whenThe stock market cycle I've used to identify the most likely day of the next market crash is the exact same in...Chaikin Analytics | SponsoredYour Wealth is Under AttackPlease don't wait—this is your moment to take action. 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