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Pimco Total Return ETF (BOND) Institutional Ownership

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$91.70 -0.14 (-0.15%)
Closing price 04:10 PM Eastern
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$91.66 -0.03 (-0.04%)
As of 07:15 PM Eastern
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Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for Pimco Total Return ETF (NYSEARCA:BOND)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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BOND Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Pimco Total Return ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC459,955$41.59M0.1%+227.5%0.777%
2/25/2025 B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc.125,813$11.43M0.4%-6.8%0.274%
2/24/2025 Ameriflex Group Inc.10,807$983K0.4%N/A0.023%
2/22/2025 American Trust7,758$702K0.1%N/A0.017%
2/21/2025 Ascent Group LLC3,544$320K0.0%N/A0.008%
2/21/2025 Vermillion Wealth Management Inc.2,751$249K0.1%N/A0.006%
2/18/2025 Retirement Planning Group LLC51,955$4.70M0.2%-2.3%0.113%
2/18/2025 Connecticut Wealth Management LLC72,985$6.60M0.3%+55.9%0.159%
2/18/2025 Cornerstone Advisory LLC49,559$4.53M0.5%-57.6%0.108%
2/18/2025 Pinnacle Financial Group LLC IL6,604$597K0.2%+55.1%0.014%
2/18/2025 Novem Group172,860$15.63M2.3%N/A0.376%
2/18/2025 Continuum Advisory LLC10,872$983K0.1%+27.7%0.024%
2/18/2025 Glen Eagle Advisors LLC4,422$400K0.1%+10.1%0.010%
2/17/2025 Waverly Advisors LLC234,736$21.23M0.3%+261.1%0.510%
2/17/2025 Visionary Wealth Advisors83,819$7.58M0.4%+3.2%0.182%
2/17/2025 Royal Bank of Canada569,734$51.51M0.0%-0.8%1.239%
2/17/2025 Millennium Management LLC7,416$671K0.0%N/A0.016%
2/17/2025 Lionshead Wealth Management LLC12,446$1.13M0.8%N/A0.027%
2/17/2025 Gotham Asset Management LLC21,833$1.97M0.0%N/A0.047%
2/17/2025 Focus Partners Wealth2,846$257K0.0%N/A0.006%
2/17/2025 Dunhill Financial LLC128,360$11.61M5.4%+29.4%0.279%
2/17/2025 EP Wealth Advisors LLC32,042$2.90M0.0%+23.9%0.070%
2/17/2025 Cetera Investment Advisers454,998$41.14M0.1%+12.6%0.989%
2/17/2025 Captrust Financial Advisors142,123$12.85M0.0%+9.7%0.309%
2/17/2025 Cary Street Partners Financial LLC3,360$304K0.0%N/A0.007%
2/17/2025 Citadel Advisors LLC112,861$10.21M0.0%+2,737.1%0.245%
2/17/2025 Bank of America Corp DE1,006,486$91.01M0.0%+1.4%2.188%
2/17/2025 BNP Paribas Financial Markets358,746$32.44M0.0%N/A0.780%
2/17/2025 Ameriprise Financial Inc.13,243$1.20M0.0%+94.7%0.029%
2/17/2025 Arrowroot Family Office LLC13,129$1.19M0.6%+2.1%0.029%
2/17/2025 Asset Management Group Inc.7,595$687K0.1%-47.8%0.017%
2/17/2025 Accredited Wealth Management LLC20,864$1.89M1.7%N/A0.045%
2/14/2025 Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV323,019$29.21M0.1%+66.0%0.702%
2/14/2025 Jane Street Group LLC7,851$710K0.0%-68.4%0.017%
2/14/2025 Rehmann Capital Advisory Group5,904$534K0.0%-20.1%0.013%
2/14/2025 Comerica Bank42,608$3.85M0.0%+43.3%0.093%
2/14/2025 Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC6,679$604K0.0%-6.9%0.015%
2/14/2025 Berger Financial Group Inc16,157$1.46M0.1%N/A0.035%
2/14/2025 Prosperity Consulting Group LLC2,323$210K0.0%+7.1%0.005%
2/14/2025 Capital Analysts LLC3,351$303K0.0%+44.7%0.007%
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2/14/2025 Keyvantage Wealth LLC62,059$5.61M4.0%N/A0.135%
2/14/2025 Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC81,884$7.40M0.1%+2.2%0.178%
2/14/2025 Brasada Capital Management LP11,499$1.03M0.2%-18.1%0.025%
2/14/2025 IHT Wealth Management LLC2,265$205K0.0%-61.4%0.005%
2/14/2025 Stifel Financial Corp264,307$23.90M0.0%+3.8%0.575%
2/14/2025 OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC1,154,236$104.37M1.2%+12.6%2.510%
2/14/2025 TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.13,483$1.22M0.0%-2.7%0.029%
2/14/2025 Transce3nd LLC305$28K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/14/2025 MML Investors Services LLC158,260$14.31M0.0%+2.5%0.344%
2/14/2025 Freedom Investment Management Inc.187,923$16.99M1.4%-4.5%0.409%
2/14/2025 Goodman Advisory Group LLC44,015$3.98M1.2%+12.2%0.096%
2/14/2025 Concourse Financial Group Securities Inc.5,240$475K0.0%+19.5%0.011%
2/13/2025 NewEdge Advisors LLC609,082$55.07M0.3%+31.8%1.324%
2/13/2025 M Holdings Securities Inc.116,617$10.55M1.7%+3.3%0.254%
2/13/2025 CreativeOne Wealth LLC377,268$34.11M1.0%+14.1%0.820%
2/13/2025 Mariner LLC144,601$13.08M0.0%+153.8%0.314%
2/13/2025 Sagespring Wealth Partners LLC8,642$781K0.0%N/A0.019%
2/13/2025 NFP Retirement Inc.7,530$681K0.1%-72.1%0.016%
2/13/2025 Coign Capital Advisors LLC2,485$225K0.2%N/A0.005%
2/13/2025 Blue Edge Capital LLC2,874$260K0.0%-15.6%0.006%
2/13/2025 Kelman Lazarov Inc.234,930$21.24M3.8%+1.9%0.511%
2/13/2025 Scotia Capital Inc.370,718$33.52M0.2%-5.1%0.806%
2/13/2025 Advisory Services Network LLC25,047$2.27M0.0%+57.0%0.054%
2/13/2025 Sand Hill Global Advisors LLC527,443$47.69M2.0%-1.2%1.147%
2/13/2025 Rollins Financial Advisors LLC2,744$248K0.0%-9.5%0.006%
2/13/2025 Bank of Montreal Can59,372$5.37M0.0%+13.7%0.129%
2/13/2025 Cerity Partners LLC6,045$547K0.0%-52.3%0.013%
2/13/2025 Aristides Capital LLC14,337$1.30M0.3%+12.1%0.031%
2/13/2025 Wedbush Securities Inc.15,812$1.43M0.1%+105.2%0.034%
2/13/2025 Envestnet Asset Management Inc.1,542,994$139.52M0.0%-1.4%3.355%
2/13/2025 Wells Fargo & Company MN1,546,158$139.80M0.0%+2.0%3.362%
2/12/2025 PAX Financial Group LLC156,699$14.17M2.5%+5.1%0.341%
2/12/2025 World Investment Advisors2,744$248K0.0%N/A0.006%
2/12/2025 Roger Wittlin Investment Advisory LLC42,800$3.87M2.2%-42.1%0.093%
2/12/2025 OneAscent Financial Services LLC34,525$3.14M0.3%N/A0.075%
2/12/2025 Private Portfolio Partners LLC3,833$347K0.1%+29.0%0.008%
2/12/2025 National Bank of Canada FI28,202$2.55M0.0%+36.3%0.061%
2/12/2025 Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC78,008$7.05M0.1%+6.0%0.170%
2/12/2025 Moment Partners LLC4,000$362K0.1%N/A0.009%
2/12/2025 JPMorgan Chase & Co.533,985$48.28M0.0%+0.1%1.161%
2/12/2025 Ausdal Financial Partners Inc.2,292$207K0.0%N/A0.005%
2/12/2025 PKS Advisory Services LLC10,002$904K0.2%N/A0.022%
2/11/2025 Syverson Strege & Co64,715$5.85M2.0%+3.9%0.141%
2/11/2025 Dudley Capital Management LLC15,510$1.40M0.7%-2.2%0.034%
2/11/2025 LPL Financial LLC1,482,055$134.01M0.1%+16.4%3.223%
2/11/2025 M Holdings Securities Inc.10,545$953K0.6%-90.7%0.023%
2/11/2025 Del Sette Capital Management LLC49,471$4.47M3.6%+11.5%0.108%
2/11/2025 Wealth Advisors of Iowa LLC16,422$1.49M0.7%+66.9%0.036%
2/11/2025 1620 Investment Advisors Inc.11,430$1.03M0.8%+3.0%0.025%
2/11/2025 Vickerman Investment Advisors Inc.239,118$21.62M5.9%-2.2%0.520%
Musk’s real agenda in D.C. (Ad)

In this urgent exposé, you’ll discover… How Elon and Donald Trump are quietly drawing a radical new map of America…

2/11/2025 Goodman Financial Corp2,695$244K0.1%-35.6%0.006%
2/11/2025 L.K. Benson & Company P.C.4,763$431K0.3%N/A0.010%
2/11/2025 GM Advisory Group LLC101,155$9.15M0.5%+1.3%0.220%
2/11/2025 Koss Olinger Consulting LLC667,584$60.36M5.3%+158.9%1.452%
2/11/2025 VSM Wealth Advisory LLC12,331$1.12M0.4%N/A0.027%
2/10/2025 Horizon Investments LLC237,863$21.42M0.6%-2.0%0.517%
2/10/2025 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans321,966$29.52M0.1%-1.6%0.700%
2/10/2025 Parallel Advisors LLC14,415$1.30M0.0%-33.9%0.031%
2/10/2025 Addison Capital Co6,778$613K0.2%+5.4%0.015%
2/10/2025 Harbour Investments Inc.88,575$8.01M0.2%-1.0%0.193%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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BOND Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of BOND shares?

During the previous two years, 463 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of Pimco Total Return ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Aspire Private Capital LLC ($171.78B), CWM LLC ($341.77M), Essential Planning LLC. ($174.45M), Tectonic Advisors LLC ($147.43M), Wells Fargo & Company MN ($139.80M), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($139.52M), and LPL Financial LLC ($134.01M).Learn more on BOND's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying Pimco Total Return ETF stock?

Of the 379 institutional investors that purchased Pimco Total Return ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: Essential Planning LLC. ($1.93M), Osaic Holdings Inc. ($1.88M), CWM LLC ($1.32M), LPL Financial LLC ($1.01M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($906.29K), Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC ($729.27K), and Koss Olinger Consulting LLC ($672.34K).

How much institutional buying is happening at Pimco Total Return ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 21,566,263 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $1.98B in transactions.

Which Pimco Total Return ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 242 institutional investors that sold Pimco Total Return ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: International Assets Investment Management LLC ($446.24K), Your Advocates Ltd. LLP ($384.60K), Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV ($318.79K), Fragasso Group Inc. ($307.90K), Cardinal Point Capital Management ULC ($301.15K), Osaic Holdings Inc. ($286.33K), and FORVIS Wealth Advisors LLC ($219.00K).

How much institutional selling is happening at Pimco Total Return ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 5,820,616 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $534.24M in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:BOND) was last updated on 3/27/2025 by Staff
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