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Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF (DFSV) Institutional Ownership

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$28.84 -0.26 (-0.89%)
As of 03/25/2025 04:10 PM Eastern

Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF (NYSEARCA:DFSV)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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DFSV Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/24/2025Avant Financial Advisors LLC258,759$7.97M7.2%N/A0.178%
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC727,961$22.41M0.0%+29.0%0.511%
3/7/2025 Aegis Wealth Management LLC55,854$1.72M1.2%N/A0.039%
3/7/2025 Bannerman Wealth Management Group LLC8,206$253K0.2%N/A0.006%
3/3/2025 American Investment Services Inc.112,099$3.45M0.6%-1.3%0.079%
2/27/2025 XY Planning Network Inc.59,726$1.84M1.4%N/A0.060%
2/26/2025 Discipline Wealth Solutions LLC136,582$4.20M1.9%+14.4%0.137%
2/26/2025 Ballentine Capital Advisors Inc255,125$7.85M4.1%-0.3%0.256%
2/20/2025 Forum Financial Management LP49,290$1.52M0.0%N/A0.049%
2/19/2025 Pinney & Scofield Inc.105,731$3.25M2.5%N/A0.106%
2/19/2025 WCG Wealth Advisors LLC10,626$327K0.0%-3.9%0.011%
2/18/2025 McMill Wealth Management34,333$1.06M0.4%N/A0.034%
2/18/2025 Pettinga Financial Advisors LLC125,367$3.86M0.9%+73.5%0.126%
2/18/2025 Investmark Advisory Group LLC49,165$1.51M0.7%+6.1%0.049%
2/18/2025 Legacy Financial Group Inc.77,109$2.37M0.8%+4.9%0.077%
2/18/2025 Mosaic Family Wealth Partners LLC864,830$26.62M3.8%+4.8%0.867%
2/18/2025 McIlrath & Eck LLC192,731$5.93M0.8%+7.1%0.193%
2/18/2025 Focus Partners Advisor Solutions LLC719,160$22.14M0.4%+19.9%0.721%
2/17/2025 Vance Wealth LLC245,754$7.56M2.9%-1.3%0.246%
2/17/2025 Two Sigma Investments LP63,600$1.96M0.0%N/A0.064%
2/17/2025 True Wealth Design LLC66,188$2.04M0.8%-16.2%0.066%
2/17/2025 Studio Investment Management LLC1,279$39K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/17/2025 Safeguard Investment Advisory Group LLC740,889$22.81M6.3%+2.8%0.743%
2/17/2025 Quadcap Wealth Management LLC37,288$1.15M0.2%+8.4%0.037%
2/17/2025 Pathstone Holdings LLC3,104,289$95.56M0.4%+15.2%3.114%
2/17/2025 Lionshead Wealth Management LLC7,010$216K0.2%N/A0.007%
2/17/2025 Greenline Partners LLC181,365$5.58M0.8%N/A0.182%
2/17/2025 Focus Partners Wealth1,999,597$61.55M0.2%+11.8%2.006%
2/17/2025 Evensky & Katz LLC57,034$1.76M0.1%-23.6%0.057%
2/17/2025 EP Wealth Advisors LLC2,151,513$66.22M0.5%-8.1%2.158%
2/17/2025 Cetera Investment Advisers12,364$381K0.0%N/A0.012%
2/17/2025 Cardiff Park Advisors LLC320,433$9.86M0.9%+1.5%0.321%
2/17/2025 Cary Street Partners Financial LLC14,360$442K0.0%N/A0.014%
2/17/2025 Bank of America Corp DE1,569,990$48.32M0.0%+16.2%1.575%
2/17/2025 Ancora Advisors LLC142,738$4.39M0.1%+10.4%0.143%
2/14/2025 Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV8,274$255K0.0%-93.5%0.008%
2/14/2025 Rehmann Capital Advisory Group67,965$2.09M0.1%+4.3%0.068%
2/14/2025 Navigoe LLC199,129$6.13M6.0%N/A0.200%
2/14/2025 Northern Trust Corp617,498$19.01M0.0%+25.4%0.619%
2/14/2025 Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC194,017$5.97M0.1%+3.2%0.195%
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2/14/2025 Betterment LLC118,220$3.64M0.0%+55.9%0.119%
2/14/2025 Oak Wealth Advisors LLC67,984$2.09M1.6%N/A0.068%
2/14/2025 Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC151,328$4.66M0.0%-0.3%0.152%
2/14/2025 Keyvantage Wealth LLC9,240$284K0.2%N/A0.009%
2/14/2025 Stifel Financial Corp116,676$3.59M0.0%-1.3%0.117%
2/14/2025 OneDigital Investment Advisors LLC386,071$11.88M0.1%-0.7%0.387%
2/14/2025 Wealth Dimensions Group Ltd.384,625$11.84M2.9%+9.3%0.386%
2/14/2025 BOS Asset Management LLC249,848$7.69M2.8%+1.2%0.251%
2/14/2025 Forum Financial Management LP49,290$1.52M0.0%N/A0.049%
2/14/2025 Freedom Investment Management Inc.293,912$9.05M0.8%-6.7%0.295%
2/14/2025 GeoWealth Management LLC36,421$1.12M0.0%+60.2%0.037%
2/14/2025 Arista Wealth Management LLC1,710,771$52.66M12.6%+3.4%1.716%
2/13/2025 Tobias Financial Advisors Inc.295,916$9.11M1.8%+6.3%0.297%
2/13/2025 Strategic Investment Solutions Inc. IL272,002$8.12M2.6%+18.1%0.273%
2/13/2025 Cravens & Co Advisors LLC113,180$3.48M2.7%+0.9%0.114%
2/13/2025 NewEdge Advisors LLC1,013,030$31.18M0.2%+4.9%1.016%
2/13/2025 Verisail Partners LLC15,270$470K0.2%N/A0.015%
2/13/2025 Rather & Kittrell Inc.446,722$13.75M3.2%+6.0%0.448%
2/13/2025 Main Street Financial Solutions LLC10,733$330K0.0%-7.8%0.011%
2/13/2025 Mariner LLC279,462$8.60M0.0%+4.5%0.280%
2/13/2025 SageView Advisory Group LLC57,429$1.77M0.1%-0.9%0.058%
2/13/2025 Savvy Advisors Inc.7,255$223K0.0%N/A0.007%
2/13/2025 Rockefeller Capital Management L.P.42,758$1.32M0.0%N/A0.043%
2/13/2025 Oder Investment Management LLC12,645$389K0.3%N/A0.013%
2/13/2025 Glass Jacobson Investment Advisors llc30,232$931K0.3%+7.2%0.030%
2/13/2025 Cahill Wealth Management LLC269,456$8.29M4.2%+4.1%0.270%
2/13/2025 Redwood Park Advisors LLC1,681$52K0.0%N/A0.002%
2/13/2025 Raymond James Financial Inc.1,203,680$37.05M0.0%N/A1.207%
2/13/2025 Advisory Services Network LLC17,081$526K0.0%+32.4%0.017%
2/13/2025 Renaissance Technologies LLC33,900$1.04M0.0%N/A0.034%
2/13/2025 Bank of Montreal Can694,921$21.39M0.0%+6.0%0.697%
2/13/2025 Cerity Partners LLC789,402$24.30M0.1%+19.1%0.792%
2/13/2025 Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp345,821$10.64M0.2%+13.1%0.347%
2/13/2025 Hurley Capital LLC5,063$156K0.1%N/A0.005%
2/13/2025 Envestnet Asset Management Inc.1,031,381$31.75M0.0%+3.4%1.034%
2/13/2025 Wells Fargo & Company MN3,877$119K0.0%-9.1%0.004%
2/12/2025 Astra Wealth Partners LLC15,095$465K0.4%N/A0.015%
2/12/2025 Grant Private Wealth Management Inc65,513$2.02M2.2%N/A0.066%
2/12/2025 Martin Worley Group71,966$2.22M1.4%N/A0.072%
2/12/2025 Disciplined Investors L.L.C.114,527$3.50M3.4%N/A0.115%
2/12/2025 Huntington National Bank1,049$32K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/12/2025 Riggs Capital Management LLC20,672$636K0.6%N/A0.021%
2/12/2025 Prudent Man Investment Management Inc.14,277$439K0.2%N/A0.014%
2/12/2025 C M Bidwell & Associates Ltd.23,021$709K0.4%+5.9%0.023%
2/12/2025 Physician Wealth Advisors Inc.25,643$789K0.1%+14.5%0.026%
2/12/2025 Life Planning Partners Inc9,521$309K0.0%N/A0.010%
2/12/2025 Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC24,364$750K0.0%+13.3%0.024%
2/12/2025 Riverchase Wealth Management LLC19,526$601K0.4%N/A0.020%
2/12/2025 Hippocratic Financial Advisors LLC153,827$4.74M3.3%N/A0.154%
2/12/2025 JPMorgan Chase & Co.300,957$9.26M0.0%+6.1%0.302%
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2/12/2025 Foundation Wealth Management LLC PA169,451$5.22M2.5%N/A0.170%
2/12/2025 Financial Engines Advisors L.L.C.162,405$5.00M0.0%+82.8%0.163%
2/11/2025 Jackson Thornton Wealth Management LLC888,800$27.36M3.5%+7.3%0.891%
2/11/2025 Clune & Associates LTD.74,072$2.28M0.8%N/A0.074%
2/11/2025 LPL Financial LLC1,224,192$37.68M0.0%+18.2%1.228%
2/11/2025 Blueprint Investment Partners LLC18,874$581K0.1%N/A0.019%
2/11/2025 von Borstel & Associates Inc.516,191$15.89M6.2%+46.2%0.518%
2/11/2025 Millstone Evans Group LLC8,732$269K0.2%N/A0.009%
2/11/2025 Truepoint Inc.633,817$19.51M0.5%-3.7%0.636%
2/11/2025 Elevate Wealth Advisory Inc.9,889$304K0.2%+18.6%0.010%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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DFSV Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of DFSV shares?

During the previous two years, 394 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Scissortail Wealth Management LLC ($724.79M), Savant Capital LLC ($247.88M), Alaska Permanent Fund Corp ($234.57M), JMG Financial Group Ltd. ($167.39M), Merriman Wealth Management LLC ($155.05M), Mather Group LLC. ($128.50M), and Corient Private Wealth LLC ($122.32M).Learn more on DFSV's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF stock?

Of the 381 institutional investors that purchased Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: Alaska Permanent Fund Corp ($8.21M), Savant Capital LLC ($5.56M), Mather Group LLC. ($4.17M), EP Wealth Advisors LLC ($2.67M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($2.41M), Arista Wealth Management LLC ($2.25M), and Modera Wealth Management LLC ($2.20M).

How much institutional buying is happening at Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 75,029,859 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $2.12B in transactions.

Which Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 128 institutional investors that sold Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: Alaska Permanent Fund Corp ($584.42K), Arista Wealth Management LLC ($571.42K), EP Wealth Advisors LLC ($515.67K), BetterWealth LLC ($400.73K), Aveo Capital Partners LLC ($392.60K), JMG Financial Group Ltd. ($252.36K), and Truepoint Inc. ($203.72K).

How much institutional selling is happening at Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 5,091,592 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $148.64M in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:DFSV) was last updated on 3/26/2025 by Staff
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