iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF Rating $96.40 -0.79 (-0.81%) As of 10:22 AM Eastern This is a fair market value price provided by Learn more. Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.IJS Aggregate RatingHold 2.44Holdings in IJS have an aggregate rating of Hold based on 2,530 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 437 companies (95.1% of the portfolio).IJS Aggregate Price Target$96.40High Prediction$96.40Average Prediction$96.40Low Prediction$96.40Holdings in IJS have an aggregate price target of $96.40 and a range of $96.40 to $96.40 covering 437 companies (95.1% of the portfolio).IJS Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy6 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy85 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy124 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold179 Hold rating(s)Reduce34 Reduce rating(s)Sell4 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell5 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 100 IJS Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings1.10%QRVOQorvo$70.81-1.0%4.415 of 5 stars2.05$95.84 35.4%19Positive News1.04%COOPMr. Cooper Group$122.39+17.1%4.7953 of 5 stars2.90$112.22 -8.3%10News CoveragePositive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.99%JXNJackson Financial$81.90-1.5%3.5475 of 5 stars2.00$97.40 18.9%5Positive NewsGap Down0.98%LNCLincoln National$35.23-1.3%4.8038 of 5 stars2.00$37.40 6.2%10News CoveragePositive News0.94%VFCVF$15.05-4.1%4.1282 of 5 stars2.23$22.67 50.6%22Short Interest ↑Gap Down0.90%RHIRobert Half$53.64-0.5%4.937 of 5 stars2.50$74.92 39.7%60.88%MTHMeritage Homes$70.09-0.3%4.91 of 5 stars2.44$106.25 51.6%9Positive News0.79%ABGAsbury Automotive Group$211.09-3.2%2.4065 of 5 stars2.17$263.00 24.6%60.74%ALAir Lease$47.66-1.2%4.272 of 5 stars2.60$55.67 16.8%50.69%NSITInsight Enterprises$151.04-1.0%3.6677 of 5 stars2.50$212.50 40.7%4Short Interest ↑Positive News0.66%OGNOrganon & Co.$14.46-0.3%4.7529 of 5 stars2.43$20.80 43.8%7Positive News0.62%BCCBoise Cascade$97.00-1.3%4.9681 of 5 stars2.29$128.50 32.5%7Short Interest ↓Positive News0.57%BXMTBlackstone Mortgage Trust$19.64+1.3%2.7274 of 5 stars2.43$20.83 6.1%7Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↓0.56%UCBUnited Community Banks$27.55-0.9%3.8495 of 5 stars2.25$33.00 19.8%4Gap Up0.56%MDUMDU Resources Group$16.59-0.4%4.7054 of 5 stars2.75$21.00 26.6%4News CoveragePositive News0.56%MPWMedical Properties Trust$5.99-0.9%2.987 of 5 stars2.13$5.64 -5.7%8Positive News0.56%TRNOTerreno Realty$63.13+0.6%2.4632 of 5 stars2.25$69.09 9.5%12Positive News0.55%JBTMJBT Marel$121.05-1.0%1.8215 of 5 stars3.00$143.00 18.1%10.55%TDSTelephone and Data Systems$38.21-0.8%3.4972 of 5 stars3.00$53.50 40.0%2News CoveragePositive News0.54%ASOAcademy Sports and Outdoors$44.35-3.7%4.134 of 5 stars2.50$60.13 35.6%16Gap Up0.52%BBWIBath & Body Works$30.40-1.8%4.9568 of 5 stars2.72$45.06 48.3%18Short Interest ↑Positive News0.52%DXCDXC Technology$16.77-1.8%2.864 of 5 stars1.86$21.29 26.9%7Gap Up0.51%IACIAC$45.54-1.7%4.5503 of 5 stars2.85$64.31 41.2%130.51%ABMABM Industries$47.26-0.1%4.284 of 5 stars2.00$53.67 13.6%3Analyst RevisionPositive News0.51%AVAAvista$41.56+1.3%4.0347 of 5 stars1.67$37.33 -10.2%3Positive News0.50%CRCCalifornia Resources$43.99+0.4%4.0135 of 5 stars2.92$66.92 52.1%13Short Interest ↑0.50%FULH.B. Fuller$54.10-1.2%4.6664 of 5 stars2.00$70.00 29.4%6Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastAnalyst Revision0.48%AUBAtlantic Union Bankshares$30.35-1.1%4.7855 of 5 stars2.80$43.20 42.3%5Positive News0.47%GPIGroup 1 Automotive$375.56-0.1%3.9469 of 5 stars2.83$450.33 19.9%60.47%TGNATEGNA$18.11+0.1%2.5042 of 5 stars2.75$21.75 20.1%4Positive News0.46%CWTCalifornia Water Service Group$48.77+1.1%4.8718 of 5 stars2.75$53.25 9.2%4Positive News0.46%GNWGenworth Financial$7.04-0.5%3.2812 of 5 stars2.00$7.00 -0.5%1Positive News0.45%NWLNewell Brands$6.15-3.8%4.7705 of 5 stars2.33$10.81 75.8%9Short Interest ↑Positive News0.45%PTENPatterson-UTI Energy$8.24+0.5%4.1861 of 5 stars2.77$11.54 40.2%13Positive News0.45%SEESealed Air$28.61-1.3%4.4929 of 5 stars2.62$40.25 40.7%13Short Interest ↑Analyst RevisionNews Coverage0.45%WDWalker & Dunlop$83.72-0.4%3.8867 of 5 stars3.00$107.50 28.4%30.44%ETSYEtsy$46.79+0.2%4.5787 of 5 stars2.19$58.42 24.9%270.44%LXPLXP Industrial Trust$8.65+0.4%4.4724 of 5 stars2.50$11.33 31.0%4Positive News0.43%INDBIndependent Bank$61.88-1.2%4.8881 of 5 stars3.33$79.00 27.7%3Positive News0.43%MRPMillrose Properties$26.30-0.8%N/A4.00$25.00 -4.9%10.43%REZIResideo Technologies$17.48-1.9%4.2655 of 5 stars3.00$25.00 43.0%1Positive News0.42%RDNRadian Group$32.94+0.4%2.5312 of 5 stars2.40$36.80 11.7%5Positive News0.41%CTRECareTrust REIT$28.76+0.4%1.8508 of 5 stars2.50$31.00 7.8%6Positive News0.41%PENNPENN Entertainment$16.62-1.7%3.961 of 5 stars2.50$23.56 41.7%18Options Volume0.41%SFNCSimmons First National$20.32-0.7%4.3647 of 5 stars2.00$23.33 14.8%3Positive News0.40%PDCOPatterson Companies$31.24+0.1%3.7505 of 5 stars2.09$26.57 -14.9%11Positive News0.40%PECOPhillips Edison & Company, Inc.$36.15+0.5%0.9887 of 5 stars2.50$38.83 7.4%6Short Interest ↑0.40%QDELQuidelOrtho$34.08-2.3%4.3051 of 5 stars2.50$51.20 50.3%6Positive News0.40%LUMNLumen Technologies$3.83-2.9%2.4674 of 5 stars1.89$4.59 20.1%90.39%BFHBread Financial$48.64-2.7%3.9256 of 5 stars2.19$59.69 22.7%16Analyst Revision0.39%CWENClearway Energy$29.95-0.7%2.4865 of 5 stars3.00$34.71 15.9%6Positive News0.38%HUBGHub Group$36.87-0.7%4.272 of 5 stars2.27$47.18 28.0%110.38%ABRArbor Realty Trust$11.50-2.3%2.2044 of 5 stars1.83$13.75 19.6%6Gap Down0.38%AIRAAR$54.39-4.8%3.7247 of 5 stars3.20$80.80 48.6%5Earnings ReportAnalyst ForecastGap Down0.38%LCIILCI Industries$85.97-1.6%4.3428 of 5 stars2.40$121.50 41.3%5Short Interest ↑News Coverage0.36%MRCYMercury Systems$41.54-3.0%1.6919 of 5 stars2.50$43.86 5.6%8Positive News0.36%SBCFSeacoast Banking Co. of Florida$25.22-1.1%3.3546 of 5 stars2.40$30.00 19.0%5Positive News0.36%WAFDWaFd$28.06-0.9%4.602 of 5 stars2.00$33.75 20.3%4Positive News0.35%DIODDiodes$41.98-3.1%3.2647 of 5 stars2.33$63.33 50.9%3Short Interest ↓0.35%PSMTPriceSmart$85.53-0.6%3.2443 of 5 stars3.00$90.00 5.2%1Positive News0.35%RNSTRenasant$33.30-1.3%4.3237 of 5 stars2.67$42.83 28.6%60.35%SANMSanmina$75.43-1.6%3.756 of 5 stars2.00$80.50 6.7%2Positive News0.35%AAPAdvance Auto Parts$39.02+0.2%4.1508 of 5 stars2.00$45.13 15.6%17Positive News0.35%AMTMAmentum$17.99-0.4%2.9528 of 5 stars2.40$26.20 45.6%5Positive News0.35%MTXMinerals Technologies$63.19-0.7%3.9844 of 5 stars3.00$101.00 59.8%1Short Interest ↑Positive News0.35%PFSProvident Financial Services$16.99-0.5%4.398 of 5 stars3.00$24.00 41.3%4News CoveragePositive News0.34%PPBIPacific Premier Bancorp$21.03-1.1%4.0738 of 5 stars2.50$27.00 28.4%6Positive News0.34%CWKCushman & Wakefield$10.10-0.9%4.5305 of 5 stars2.00$14.10 39.6%6Short Interest ↓0.34%ENOVEnovis$37.26-1.3%3.3815 of 5 stars2.75$58.50 57.0%4Positive News0.34%MCMoelis & Company$56.88-1.8%3.395 of 5 stars1.86$71.83 26.3%7Short Interest ↑Positive News0.34%SIGSignet Jewelers$56.85-3.4%4.1955 of 5 stars2.60$81.60 43.5%50.33%ALKSAlkermes$32.51-2.1%4.5956 of 5 stars2.69$39.38 21.1%13Positive News0.33%TRMKTrustmark$34.17-0.4%3.2842 of 5 stars2.40$40.60 18.8%5News CoveragePositive News0.33%AEOAmerican Eagle Outfitters$11.23-1.6%4.9164 of 5 stars2.09$16.00 42.4%11Options VolumeAnalyst Revision0.33%AGOAssured Guaranty$86.73-0.6%4.1104 of 5 stars2.67$103.33 19.2%3Positive News0.33%HAYWHayward$13.48-1.9%3.6195 of 5 stars2.25$17.13 27.0%40.32%AEISAdvanced Energy Industries$92.46-2.5%4.7883 of 5 stars2.80$126.56 36.9%10Positive NewsGap Up0.32%STRAStrategic Education$84.38-1.5%4.3739 of 5 stars3.00$112.33 33.1%30.32%CCSCentury Communities$66.72-0.2%4.3775 of 5 stars2.25$103.00 54.4%4Positive News0.32%STCStewart Information Services$71.50-0.2%1.3768 of 5 stars2.67$79.00 10.5%3Short Interest ↑Positive News0.31%KLICKulicke and Soffa Industries$31.78-3.9%3.1093 of 5 stars2.60$52.00 63.7%5Positive News0.31%ABCBAmeris Bancorp$56.34-1.0%4.1119 of 5 stars2.83$70.50 25.1%6News CoveragePositive News0.31%OTTROtter Tail$80.83+0.1%2.0606 of 5 stars2.0010.31%WERNWerner Enterprises$29.27-0.2%3.7489 of 5 stars1.87$36.13 23.5%150.31%BANCBanc of California$14.00-1.1%4.7507 of 5 stars2.64$18.18 29.9%110.31%CNMDCONMED$58.64-0.4%4.6063 of 5 stars2.60$77.20 31.6%5Short Interest ↑Positive News0.31%HIHillenbrand$23.96-4.0%4.398 of 5 stars2.50$36.50 52.4%2Positive News0.31%VSHVishay Intertechnology$15.77-2.5%3.2011 of 5 stars2.33$22.00 39.5%3Positive News0.30%CRGYCrescent Energy$11.03-1.0%4.8796 of 5 stars2.85$17.09 54.9%13Analyst ForecastPositive News0.30%KWRQuaker Chemical$123.00-2.0%4.1929 of 5 stars2.67$173.67 41.2%30.29%FHBFirst Hawaiian$24.13-0.7%3.738 of 5 stars1.57$29.00 20.2%70.29%PINCPremier$19.19+0.3%2.0822 of 5 stars2.00$20.17 5.1%7Short Interest ↓Positive News0.29%SMPLSimply Good Foods$34.36-0.1%3.3185 of 5 stars2.56$39.56 15.1%9Upcoming EarningsPositive News0.29%DANDana$13.02-1.1%4.7245 of 5 stars2.67$18.50 42.1%90.29%MTRNMaterion$81.32-2.5%4.208 of 5 stars3.00$152.00 86.9%10.29%OIO-I Glass$11.29-2.2%4.5659 of 5 stars2.75$15.38 36.2%80.29%SEMSelect Medical$16.66-0.9%4.995 of 5 stars2.75$27.25 63.6%4Positive News0.28%JBLUJetBlue Airways$4.89-6.2%3.272 of 5 stars1.67$6.33 29.5%12Positive News0.28%ARCBArcBest$69.91-1.3%4.6635 of 5 stars2.31$107.00 53.1%130.28%CENTACentral Garden & Pet$32.02-0.3%3.8782 of 5 stars2.80$41.00 28.0%5Positive News This page (NYSEARCA:IJS) was last updated on 3/31/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersA brutally honest economic warning for 2025 (see proof)New York Times best-selling financial author and world-renowned economist Addison Wiggin (a man who’s worked s...Banyan Hill Publishing | Sponsored$2 Trillion Disappears Because of Fed's Secretive New Move$2 trillion has disappeared from the US government's books. 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