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JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF (JIRE) Institutional Ownership

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$64.40 -0.42 (-0.65%)
Closing price 04:10 PM Eastern
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$64.34 -0.06 (-0.09%)
As of 04:15 PM Eastern
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Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF (NYSEARCA:JIRE)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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JIRE Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/24/2025Mascagni Wealth Management Inc.509$30K0.0%N/A0.001%
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC149,757$8.76M0.0%+183.9%0.151%
2/28/2025 BridgePort Financial Solutions LLC12,840$816K0.4%N/A0.012%
2/24/2025 Great Valley Advisor Group Inc.734,829$43.00M1.0%+11.0%0.671%
2/21/2025 Ascent Group LLC12,399$725K0.1%-2.3%0.011%
2/19/2025 ARQ Wealth Advisors LLC49,992$2.93M1.1%-20.3%0.046%
2/18/2025 GTS Securities LLC24,279$1.42M0.1%N/A0.024%
2/17/2025 Francis Financial Inc.43,980$2.57M0.6%N/A0.044%
2/17/2025 Cetera Investment Advisers543,830$31.82M0.1%+12.5%0.545%
2/17/2025 Captrust Financial Advisors12,047$705K0.0%+8.2%0.012%
2/17/2025 Bank of America Corp DE66,381$3.88M0.0%+7,849.8%0.067%
2/14/2025 Jane Street Group LLC364,619$21.33M0.0%+1,195.7%0.365%
2/14/2025 Lido Advisors LLC375,521$21.97M0.1%N/A0.376%
2/14/2025 Tradition Wealth Management LLC197,879$11.58M1.0%+1,978.8%0.198%
2/14/2025 MML Investors Services LLC130,539$7.64M0.0%-2.0%0.131%
2/14/2025 GeoWealth Management LLC4,675$274K0.0%-8.8%0.005%
2/14/2025 Concourse Financial Group Securities Inc.7,046$427K0.0%+17.1%0.007%
2/13/2025 Garden State Investment Advisory Services LLC78,763$4.61M1.4%-32.6%0.079%
2/13/2025 CreativeOne Wealth LLC24,483$1.43M0.0%+8.2%0.025%
2/13/2025 Mariner LLC5,221$305K0.0%-6.3%0.005%
2/13/2025 Rockefeller Capital Management L.P.213,969$12.52M0.0%+2.4%0.214%
2/13/2025 Raymond James Financial Inc.319,857$18.72M0.0%N/A0.321%
2/13/2025 FMR LLC11,158,235$652.87M0.0%-8.3%11.183%
2/13/2025 Envestnet Asset Management Inc.619,441$36.24M0.0%+5.5%0.621%
2/13/2025 Wells Fargo & Company MN545$32K0.0%+1,197.6%0.001%
2/12/2025 World Investment Advisors6,344$371K0.0%+14.5%0.006%
2/12/2025 Lokken Investment Group LLC34,654$2.03M0.9%+1.3%0.035%
2/12/2025 Level Four Advisory Services LLC400,284$23.42M1.0%-7.7%0.401%
2/12/2025 JPMorgan Chase & Co.65,333,419$3.82B0.3%+8.7%65.477%
2/11/2025 LPL Financial LLC3,063,454$179.24M0.1%+10.3%3.070%
2/11/2025 Vestor Capital LLC282,555$16.53M1.3%-8.7%0.283%
2/11/2025 Wayfinding Financial LLC9,915$580K0.3%N/A0.010%
2/10/2025 Creative Financial Designs Inc. ADV34,460$2.02M0.2%-84.0%0.035%
2/10/2025 Intrepid Financial Planning Group LLC20,267$1.19M0.5%+2.1%0.020%
2/10/2025 Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.42,646$2.50M0.0%+19.4%0.043%
2/10/2025 Hughes Financial Services LLC700,765$41.00M8.4%N/A0.702%
2/10/2025 Integras Partners LLC11,495$673K0.6%N/A0.012%
2/10/2025 Commonwealth Equity Services LLC1,241,415$72.64M0.1%+10.2%1.244%
2/10/2025 Farther Finance Advisors LLC3,016$176K0.0%-39.0%0.003%
2/7/2025 HighTower Advisors LLC3,752$220K0.0%N/A0.004%
New “Trump” currency proposed in DC (Ad)

According to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Washington. Its purpose: to put Donald Trump’s face on the $100 note. All to celebrate a new “golden age” for America.

When you see what could happen – I think you’ll be excited.
2/7/2025 Tiemann Investment Advisors LLC3,715$217K0.1%N/A0.004%
2/7/2025 Kendall Capital Management79,131$4.63M1.4%+148.1%0.079%
2/6/2025 Vestmark Advisory Solutions Inc.294,304$17.22M0.6%+14.5%0.295%
2/6/2025 Bellevue Asset Management LLC68,549$4.01M2.1%+1.8%0.069%
2/6/2025 Raymond James Financial Inc.319,857$18.72M0.0%N/A0.321%
2/6/2025 Assetmark Inc.1,586,042$92.80M0.3%+1.1%1.590%
2/6/2025 Meridian Wealth Management LLC8,382$490K0.0%-2.6%0.008%
2/6/2025 Gentry Private Wealth LLC15,044$880K3.7%-11.0%0.015%
2/6/2025 Jones Financial Companies Lllp141,035$8.25M0.0%+71.2%0.141%
2/5/2025 Halbert Hargrove Global Advisors LLC816$48K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/5/2025 West Michigan Advisors LLC60,669$3.55M1.1%-1.5%0.061%
2/5/2025 Conservest Capital Advisors Inc.9,912$580K0.1%N/A0.010%
2/5/2025 Whipplewood Advisors LLC3,237$189K0.1%N/A0.003%
2/4/2025 IFP Advisors Inc5,235$306K0.0%+7.6%0.005%
2/4/2025 New England Professional Planning Group Inc.738,485$43.21M21.5%+2.0%0.740%
2/3/2025 First Horizon Advisors Inc.140,520$8.22M0.2%-3.5%0.141%
2/3/2025 Parcion Private Wealth LLC635,514$37.18M2.8%-37.0%0.637%
2/3/2025 Elk River Wealth Management LLC343,248$20.08M3.6%+5.9%0.344%
2/3/2025 TBH Global Asset Management LLC3,795$222K0.1%-87.5%0.004%
2/3/2025 Private Advisor Group LLC307,878$18.01M0.1%+9.6%0.309%
1/31/2025 Global Retirement Partners LLC4,173$244K0.0%-4.8%0.004%
1/31/2025 C2P Capital Advisory Group LLC d.b.a. Prosperity Capital Advisors51,250$3.00M0.1%N/A0.051%
1/31/2025 Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.10,948$641K0.0%+131.5%0.011%
1/31/2025 Cutler Investment Counsel LLC254,817$14.91M1.9%+59.1%0.255%
1/31/2025 Sanctuary Advisors LLC10,354$641K0.0%+23.5%0.010%
1/30/2025 Csenge Advisory Group23,842$1.40M0.1%+0.9%0.024%
1/30/2025 MN Wealth Advisors LLC74,973$4.39M2.5%+10.1%0.075%
1/30/2025 Walkner Condon Financial Advisors LLC9,280$543K0.1%+79.3%0.009%
1/30/2025 Bogart Wealth LLC818,247$47.88M2.3%+10.6%0.820%
1/29/2025 C2P Capital Advisory Group LLC d.b.a. Prosperity Capital Advisors51,250$3.00M0.1%N/A0.051%
1/29/2025 Financial Connections Group Inc.15,898$930K0.4%+109.0%0.016%
1/29/2025 TFB Advisors LLC15,823$926K0.3%+14.9%0.016%
1/29/2025 Sovran Advisors LLC5,095$297K0.0%N/A0.005%
1/29/2025 Essex Financial Services Inc.4,352$255K0.0%N/A0.004%
1/29/2025 Wagner Wealth Management LLC94,711$5.54M1.4%+8.7%0.095%
1/28/2025 Kestra Private Wealth Services LLC32,075$1.88M0.0%+956.5%0.032%
1/28/2025 Kingsview Wealth Management LLC26,272$1.54M0.0%+74.7%0.026%
1/28/2025 Leo Wealth LLC276,529$16.18M1.4%-18.7%0.277%
1/27/2025 Etesian Wealth Advisors Inc.56,336$3.30M1.5%+53.8%0.056%
1/27/2025 Greenwood Capital Associates LLC43,906$2.57M0.3%N/A0.044%
1/24/2025 Family Investment Center Inc.431,097$25.22M6.4%-1.1%0.432%
1/24/2025 U.S. Capital Wealth Advisors LLC71,806$4.20M0.1%+17.9%0.072%
1/24/2025 N.E.W. Advisory Services LLC40,102$2.35M0.2%-7.1%0.040%
1/23/2025 Valicenti Advisory Services Inc.27,458$1.61M0.4%+11.6%0.028%
1/23/2025 Gateway Wealth Partners LLC4,011$235K0.1%+30.6%0.004%
1/22/2025 Aspire Capital Advisors LLC108,708$6.36M1.8%+6.9%0.109%
1/22/2025 Buffington Mohr McNeal275,091$16.10M2.7%+1.5%0.276%
1/22/2025 Bryant Woods Investment Advisors LLC52,495$3.07M1.5%+18.0%0.053%
1/21/2025 Summit Investment Advisory Services LLC25,967$1.52M0.8%+4.5%0.026%
1/21/2025 Marshall Financial Group LLC24,088$1.41M0.3%+1.6%0.024%
New “Trump” currency proposed in DC (Ad)

According to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Washington. Its purpose: to put Donald Trump’s face on the $100 note. All to celebrate a new “golden age” for America.

When you see what could happen – I think you’ll be excited.
1/21/2025 Grimes & Company Inc.48,035$2.81M0.1%+985.0%0.048%
1/21/2025 Geneos Wealth Management Inc.11,280$660K0.0%N/A0.011%
1/21/2025 Firethorn Wealth Partners LLC4,400$257K0.1%+4.1%0.004%
1/17/2025 Galvin Gaustad & Stein LLC28,691$1.68M0.2%+47.0%0.029%
1/17/2025 Janney Montgomery Scott LLC1,093,256$63.97M0.2%-8.1%1.096%
1/16/2025 MassMutual Private Wealth & Trust FSB18,227$1.07M0.0%+3.8%0.018%
1/16/2025 Purus Wealth Management LLC28,973$1.70M0.7%N/A0.029%
1/15/2025 Wealth Alliance Advisory Group LLC273,848$16.02M3.4%+1.6%0.274%
1/15/2025 Choice Wealth Advisors LLC313,018$18.32M9.4%+3.6%0.314%
1/15/2025 Lake Street Private Wealth LLC9,894$579K0.1%+25.2%0.010%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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JIRE Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of JIRE shares?

During the previous two years, 154 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were JPMorgan Chase & Co. ($3.82B), FMR LLC ($652.87M), LPL Financial LLC ($179.24M), Assetmark Inc. ($92.80M), Commonwealth Equity Services LLC ($72.64M), Janney Montgomery Scott LLC ($63.97M), and Bogart Wealth LLC ($47.88M).Learn more on JIRE's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF stock?

Of the 145 institutional investors that purchased JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: JPMorgan Chase & Co. ($6.30M), FMR LLC ($3.13M), LPL Financial LLC ($1.47M), Parcion Private Wealth LLC ($1.01M), Bogart Wealth LLC ($782.93K), New England Professional Planning Group Inc. ($738.49K), and Hughes Financial Services LLC ($700.77K).

How much institutional buying is happening at JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 24,878,502 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $1.50B in transactions.

Which JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 53 institutional investors that sold JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: JPMorgan Chase & Co. ($18.50M), Assetmark Inc. ($1.20M), FMR LLC ($1.01M), Flow Traders U.S. LLC ($430.35K), Parcion Private Wealth LLC ($373.20K), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($328.70K), and Jane Street Group LLC ($290.84K).

How much institutional selling is happening at JPMorgan International Research Enhanced Equity ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 23,472,950 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $1.42B in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:JIRE) was last updated on 3/28/2025 by Staff
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