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KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF (KCCA) Institutional Ownership

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$17.04 +0.30 (+1.79%)
As of 02/21/2025 04:10 PM Eastern

Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF (NYSEARCA:KCCA)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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KCCA Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
2/17/2025 Quantinno Capital Management LP11,800$232K0.0%N/A0.130%
2/17/2025 Battery Global Advisors LLC97,421$1.91M1.0%-4.9%1.071%
2/14/2025 Bienville Capital Management LLC131,127$2.57M0.6%+308.5%1.441%
2/14/2025 Jane Street Group LLC46,282$908K0.0%N/A0.509%
2/14/2025 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC657,526$12.90M3.0%-5.8%7.226%
2/13/2025 Global Endowment Management LP22,400$439K0.1%-56.3%0.246%
2/12/2025 Biltmore Family Office LLC14,370$282K0.0%N/A0.158%
2/10/2025 Hollencrest Capital Management25,000$490K0.0%N/A0.275%
2/7/2025 Permanent Capital Management LP178,184$3.50M1.1%N/A1.958%
1/17/2025 Sharp Financial Services LLC11,634$228K0.2%-30.3%0.128%
12/26/2024 JPMorgan Chase & Co.1,467$32K0.0%-79.5%0.016%
11/12/2024 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.19,330$417K0.1%-20.3%0.212%
11/12/2024 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,555,928$33.55M0.8%+48.1%17.098%
11/6/2024 Palo Alto Wealth Advisors LLC33,638$776K0.3%-27.2%0.370%
8/14/2024 Bank of Montreal Can33,200$744K0.0%+242.7%0.365%
8/14/2024 Battery Global Advisors LLC89,121$2.00M1.3%N/A0.979%
8/13/2024 Clayton Partners LLC34,196$766K0.6%-12.8%0.376%
8/13/2024 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,050,822$23.55M0.6%-30.6%11.547%
8/7/2024 Jordan Park Group LLC4,560,952$102.21M7.8%+2.9%50.120%
7/31/2024 Picton Mahoney Asset Management1,300$29K0.0%-48.0%0.014%
7/15/2024 Sharp Financial Services LLC13,768$309K0.3%N/A0.151%
5/9/2024 Picton Mahoney Asset Management2,500$71K0.0%-72.2%0.027%
5/3/2024 Clarity Capital Partners LLC34,728$995K0.7%+22.3%0.377%
4/23/2024 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,514,394$43.39M1.2%+10.9%16.642%
3/5/2024 Twin Focus Capital Partners LLC8,150$246K0.0%-42.4%0.089%
2/20/2024 Clarity Capital Partners LLC28,397$856K0.6%N/A0.309%
2/14/2024 Clayton Partners LLC39,066$1.18M0.9%+14.8%0.425%
2/12/2024 Global Endowment Management LP41,000$1.24M0.1%-48.2%0.446%
2/8/2024 Lane Generational LLC13,734$414K0.5%-30.7%0.149%
2/8/2024 Jordan Park Group LLC4,416,825$133.18M9.2%+0.5%48.009%
2/6/2024 Picton Mahoney Asset Management9,000$271K0.0%-10.0%0.098%
2/6/2024 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,365,825$41.18M1.4%+1.7%14.846%
2/5/2024 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.21,335$643K0.1%+11.9%0.232%
1/24/2024 International Assets Investment Management LLC3,015$100K0.0%N/A0.033%
1/5/2024 Riverwater Partners LLC20,900$630K0.5%N/A0.227%
11/15/2023 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC484,286$13.79M4.3%+20.4%5.264%
11/9/2023 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation409,078$11.65M0.7%-17.5%4.447%
11/8/2023 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.19,060$543K0.1%-27.5%0.207%
10/30/2023 Palo Alto Wealth Advisors LLC12,680$361K0.3%N/A0.138%
10/30/2023 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,342,650$38.22M1.4%-1.3%14.594%
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10/19/2023 Lane Generational LLC19,815$564K0.7%-5.3%0.215%
8/14/2023 Jordan Park Group LLC4,640,409$117.96M7.8%+2.3%50.439%
8/8/2023 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.26,285$668K0.1%-48.3%0.286%
8/7/2023 Biltmore Family Office LLC23,785$605K0.1%-2.4%0.259%
8/3/2023 Picton Mahoney Asset Management10,000$254K0.0%-27.0%0.109%
8/2/2023 Nkcfo LLC17,000$432K0.2%N/A0.185%
8/2/2023 Bank of Montreal Can38,857$1.01M0.0%N/A0.422%
7/25/2023 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,360,181$34.58M1.3%-15.1%14.318%
5/8/2023 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.50,795$1.21M0.2%-64.9%0.529%
5/8/2023 Picton Mahoney Asset Management13,700$327K0.0%+22.3%0.143%
5/4/2023 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,602,623$38.21M1.5%-1.0%16.694%
4/28/2023 U S Global Investors Inc.2,000$48K0.0%N/A0.021%
2/14/2023 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC743,481$17.27M3.3%-59.6%7.587%
2/13/2023 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.144,534$3.36M0.5%-15.3%1.475%
2/13/2023 Picton Mahoney Asset Management11,200$260K0.0%+96.5%0.114%
2/8/2023 Jordan Park Group LLC4,592,819$106.70M8.3%+2.0%46.866%
2/7/2023 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,619,221$37.61M1.7%-5.8%16.523%
2/1/2023 Bank of Montreal Can10,243$254K0.0%N/A0.105%
1/31/2023 Lane Generational LLC21,222$493K0.7%+9.9%0.217%
11/15/2022 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC1,841,760$40.56M8.5%-6.6%16.592%
11/15/2022 Flow Traders U.S. LLC89,460$1.97M0.1%+27.3%0.806%
11/14/2022 Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund215,600$4.75M0.0%+102.8%1.942%
11/10/2022 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,718,159$37.83M2.0%+64.6%15.479%
11/9/2022 Picton Mahoney Asset Management5,700$125K0.0%-20.8%0.051%
11/2/2022 Lane Generational LLC19,308$425K0.6%+10.4%0.174%
10/28/2022 Jordan Park Group LLC4,504,929$99.20M7.7%N/A40.954%
8/15/2022 Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC1,972,120$51.26M10.2%+119.1%23.992%
8/13/2022 Flow Traders U.S. LLC70,259$1.83M0.1%+611.6%0.855%
8/11/2022 Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund106,300$2.76M0.0%N/A1.293%
8/9/2022 Summit Trail Advisors LLC1,043,920$27.13M1.7%N/A12.700%
8/5/2022 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.175,050$4.55M0.6%+3.8%2.130%
8/4/2022 Lane Generational LLC17,487$454K0.6%-7.9%0.175%
7/15/2022Karp Capital Management Corp184,587$4.80M0.8%N/A2.246%
5/13/2022 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.168,705$4.33M0.5%+62.1%3.276%
5/13/2022 Global Endowment Management LP105,000$2.69M0.2%+110.0%2.039%
5/11/2022 Picton Mahoney Asset Management7,200$186K0.0%-5.3%0.138%
5/10/2022 Lane Generational LLC18,986$487K0.4%N/A0.365%
4/28/2022 Nkcfo LLC17,000$436K0.1%N/A0.325%
2/16/2022SG3 Management LLC25,000$706K0.0%N/A0.510%
2/11/2022 Summit Trail Advisors LLC567,446$16.03M1.0%N/A11.640%
2/10/2022 Picton Mahoney Asset Management7,600$213K0.0%N/A0.156%
2/10/2022 Global Endowment Management LP50,000$1.41M0.1%N/A1.026%
2/8/2022 U S Global Investors Inc.2,000$56K0.0%N/A0.041%
2/8/2022 Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc.104,085$2.94M0.4%N/A2.157%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

KCCA Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of KCCA shares?

During the previous two years, 26 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Jordan Park Group LLC ($102.21M), Summit Trail Advisors LLC ($33.55M), Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC ($12.90M), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ($11.65M), Permanent Capital Management LP ($3.50M), Bienville Capital Management LLC ($2.57M), and Battery Global Advisors LLC ($1.91M).Learn more on KCCA's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF stock?

Of the 21 institutional investors that purchased KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: Summit Trail Advisors LLC ($676.85K), Jordan Park Group LLC ($252.80K), Permanent Capital Management LP ($178.18K), Bienville Capital Management LLC ($99.03K), Battery Global Advisors LLC ($89.12K), Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC ($81.97K), and Bank of Montreal Can ($62.37K).

How much institutional buying is happening at KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 1,651,688 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $38.37M in transactions.

Which KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 14 institutional investors that sold KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: Summit Trail Advisors LLC ($740.14K), Pekin Hardy Strauss Inc. ($130.40K), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ($86.75K), Global Endowment Management LP ($66.98K), Knightsbridge Asset Management LLC ($40.82K), Palo Alto Wealth Advisors LLC ($12.55K), and Picton Mahoney Asset Management ($12.40K).

How much institutional selling is happening at KraneShares California Carbon Allowance Strategy ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 1,124,543 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $27.05M in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:KCCA) was last updated on 2/22/2025 by Staff
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