First Trust Multi-Manager Small Cap Opportunities ETF Rating $18.18 -0.20 (-1.09%) As of 04:10 PM Eastern Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock First Trust Multi-Manager Small Cap Opportunities ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.MMSC Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.74Holdings in MMSC have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 2,278 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 203 companies (95.5% of the portfolio).MMSC Aggregate Price Target$18.18High Prediction$18.18Average Prediction$18.18Low Prediction$18.18Holdings in MMSC have an aggregate price target of $18.18 and a range of $18.18 to $18.18 covering 203 companies (95.5% of the portfolio).MMSC Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy1 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy52 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy119 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold31 Hold rating(s)Reduce0 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by First Trust Multi-Manager Small Cap Opportunities ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 100 MMSC Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings2.16%CYBRCyberArk Software$338.00+0.7%2.6543 of 5 stars2.96$417.22 23.4%27Analyst ForecastPositive NewsGap Down1.80%BRBRBellRing Brands$74.39+0.3%2.633 of 5 stars2.80$79.13 6.4%15Positive News1.51%PLMRPalomar$137.08+0.2%2.0433 of 5 stars2.57$127.83 -6.7%7Positive News1.38%KTOSKratos Defense & Security Solutions$29.69-3.2%3.6768 of 5 stars2.80$32.67 10.0%10Short Interest ↑Positive NewsGap Down1.12%SFMSprouts Farmers Market$152.64+3.3%3.3373 of 5 stars2.36$167.00 9.4%14Positive News1.12%DRSLeonardo DRS$32.88+0.2%1.9074 of 5 stars2.67$34.83 5.9%6Gap Down1.10%FTITechnipFMC$31.73+1.8%4.0001 of 5 stars3.00$36.31 14.4%14Positive News0.96%RBCRBC Bearings$321.73-1.2%3.2937 of 5 stars2.57$361.20 12.3%7News CoveragePositive News0.95%GMEDGlobus Medical$73.18+0.9%4.9667 of 5 stars2.75$97.09 32.7%12Positive News0.94%CRNXCrinetics Pharmaceuticals$33.54-3.4%4.3737 of 5 stars2.92$73.00 117.7%13Gap DownHigh Trading Volume0.94%VNOMViper Energy$45.15+2.2%4.5816 of 5 stars3.00$58.77 30.2%13Analyst ForecastPositive News0.93%NTRANatera$141.41-1.8%3.0909 of 5 stars3.00$178.12 26.0%16Short Interest ↑Positive NewsGap Down0.92%CWANClearwater Analytics$26.83+1.1%4.4333 of 5 stars2.80$33.80 26.0%10Short Interest ↑Positive News0.89%FCFSFirstCash$120.32+0.8%4.8132 of 5 stars2.75$135.67 12.8%4Positive News0.89%RYANRyan Specialty$73.96+1.4%1.9632 of 5 stars2.38$75.27 1.8%13Positive News0.88%HALOHalozyme Therapeutics$63.810.0%4.2705 of 5 stars2.60$62.78 -1.6%10News CoveragePositive News0.86%EZPWEZCORP$14.72+0.3%3.7339 of 5 stars3.00$16.88 14.6%4Analyst Downgrade0.85%EXELExelixis$36.92+0.6%4.5343 of 5 stars2.50$37.59 1.8%20Upcoming EarningsAnalyst RevisionPositive News0.82%ERJEmbraer$46.28+0.1%1.5137 of 5 stars2.60$44.50 -3.8%50.81%HQYHealthEquity$88.37+1.6%4.1716 of 5 stars3.00$112.23 27.0%130.81%OLLIOllie's Bargain Outlet$116.36+2.8%3.1671 of 5 stars2.69$123.08 5.8%13Insider Trade0.81%GWREGuidewire Software$187.400.0%3.3435 of 5 stars2.69$206.08 10.0%13Analyst RevisionPositive News0.79%VSECVSE$119.99+2.9%1.9268 of 5 stars3.00$118.67 -1.1%60.76%AXONAxon Enterprise$525.95-1.7%3.9989 of 5 stars2.71$604.67 15.0%14Short Interest ↓Positive NewsGap Down0.76%CRSCarpenter Technology$181.44+0.1%3.5311 of 5 stars2.67$167.17 -7.9%6Positive NewsGap Down0.75%LGNDLigand Pharmaceuticals$105.14-2.3%4.4733 of 5 stars3.00$147.00 39.8%6Short Interest ↑Positive News0.75%LTHLife Time Group$30.23-0.9%3.7047 of 5 stars2.62$35.62 17.8%13Short Interest ↑Gap DownHigh Trading Volume0.74%MGNIMagnite$11.41-1.6%4.0065 of 5 stars2.92$19.27 68.9%13Positive NewsGap Down0.74%KNFKnife River$90.35+0.8%2.453 of 5 stars3.00$110.40 22.2%5Positive NewsGap Down0.73%FTAIFTAI Aviation$111.03-1.2%4.159 of 5 stars2.75$173.67 56.4%12Positive NewsGap Down0.72%CVLTCommvault Systems$157.76-2.6%3.894 of 5 stars2.50$156.44 -0.8%10Positive NewsGap Down0.72%CWCurtiss-Wright$317.44+0.2%3.8872 of 5 stars2.71$386.86 21.9%7Positive News0.71%AVAVAeroVironment$119.19-1.4%3.1541 of 5 stars3.00$202.40 69.8%8Gap Down0.71%XENEXenon Pharmaceuticals$33.55-2.1%2.4448 of 5 stars3.00$57.38 71.0%9Analyst UpgradeNews CoveragePositive News0.70%GKOSGlaukos$98.49-3.4%4.4188 of 5 stars2.92$163.25 65.8%13Positive News0.69%VIRTVirtu Financial$38.12+1.0%4.0589 of 5 stars2.43$31.36 -17.7%7Positive News0.68%BOOTBoot Barn$107.51+3.2%4.8797 of 5 stars3.00$181.92 69.2%13Positive News0.68%BROSDutch Bros$61.92-1.0%4.0954 of 5 stars3.00$78.36 26.6%16Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Analyst RevisionGap Down0.68%PIPRPiper Sandler Companies$247.53+0.0%1.2815 of 5 stars2.00$286.00 15.5%2News CoveragePositive NewsGap Down0.68%PIPRPiper Sandler Companies$247.53-16.8%1.2815 of 5 stars2.00$286.00 15.5%2News CoveragePositive NewsGap Down0.67%PTCTPTC Therapeutics$50.96-6.0%3.8762 of 5 stars2.53$63.77 25.1%15Analyst ForecastGap DownHigh Trading Volume0.67%VRNSVaronis Systems$40.45-2.9%4.5712 of 5 stars2.79$58.53 44.7%19Analyst UpgradeShort Interest ↓News CoveragePositive News0.67%WINGWingstop$225.58+0.7%3.8314 of 5 stars2.73$350.73 55.5%22Analyst Upgrade0.67%BFAMBright Horizons Family Solutions$127.18+0.5%3.6886 of 5 stars2.70$137.67 8.2%10Short Interest ↑Positive News0.66%FLSFlowserve$48.88+0.2%4.6405 of 5 stars3.00$68.60 40.4%11Ex-DividendPositive NewsGap Down0.66%RBRKRubrik$60.96-4.2%2.701 of 5 stars3.00$70.00 14.8%21Options VolumeGap UpHigh Trading Volume0.64%KNSLKinsale Capital Group$486.72+0.9%2.5623 of 5 stars2.27$468.56 -3.7%11Positive News0.63%ESTCElastic$89.12-2.8%3.4687 of 5 stars2.77$130.74 46.7%26Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Gap Down0.63%JBTMJBT Marel$122.28+0.0%2.1627 of 5 stars3.00$143.00 16.9%10.62%COMPCompass$8.72-4.4%3.2659 of 5 stars2.57$9.89 13.4%7Gap Down0.60%BCPCBalchem$166.00+1.3%4.2403 of 5 stars2.50$190.00 14.5%2Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.60%SGSweetgreen$25.05-1.9%3.6143 of 5 stars2.69$36.27 44.8%13Gap Down0.59%CRCrane$153.77+1.2%4.02 of 5 stars2.67$174.80 13.7%60.58%PCVXVaxcyte$37.76-45.6%2.0415 of 5 stars3.00$147.50 290.6%9News CoveragePositive NewsGap DownHigh Trading Volume0.58%SUPNSupernus Pharmaceuticals$32.75+1.4%2.7578 of 5 stars2.33$36.00 9.9%3Short Interest ↓0.58%UPSTUpstart$46.03-2.7%4.1886 of 5 stars2.21$73.38 59.4%14News CoverageGap Down0.56%RGENRepligen$127.24-4.6%4.7495 of 5 stars2.57$178.64 40.4%14Positive News0.56%ASOAcademy Sports and Outdoors$45.61-1.0%4.1307 of 5 stars2.50$60.13 31.8%16Gap Down0.56%KRMNKarman$33.46-4.6%N/A3.17$38.75 15.8%60.56%MGYMagnolia Oil & Gas$25.26+0.3%3.0006 of 5 stars2.14$27.77 9.9%14Positive News0.55%IRTCiRhythm Technologies$104.68-0.3%2.0344 of 5 stars2.82$119.73 14.4%11Positive News0.54%LRNStride$126.36+0.1%1.8373 of 5 stars2.67$119.33 -5.6%6Positive News0.53%RVLVRevolve Group$21.48-3.6%4.0838 of 5 stars2.53$30.53 42.2%15Positive NewsGap Down0.52%EXLSExlService$47.21+0.9%3.6511 of 5 stars2.88$47.38 0.3%8Short Interest ↑Positive News0.50%SPSCSPS Commerce$132.73-0.6%4.0256 of 5 stars2.55$207.11 56.0%11Positive News0.50%SMPLSimply Good Foods$34.49+0.3%3.3201 of 5 stars2.56$39.56 14.7%9Positive News0.50%MANHManhattan Associates$173.04-0.3%4.6644 of 5 stars2.90$243.78 40.9%100.50%MTSIMACOM Technology Solutions$100.38+1.9%3.6877 of 5 stars2.91$131.50 31.0%11Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.50%SITESiteOne Landscape Supply$121.20-0.6%2.357 of 5 stars2.33$154.56 27.5%9Positive News0.49%NTNXNutanix$69.81-1.7%4.9313 of 5 stars3.00$87.79 25.7%15Short Interest ↓Positive News0.49%ECPGEncore Capital Group$34.28+0.1%4.2572 of 5 stars3.25$62.67 82.8%4Positive News0.49%POWLPowell Industries$170.33-3.6%4.3489 of 5 stars3.50$312.00 83.2%2Positive NewsGap Down0.48%SDGRSchrödinger$19.74-1.1%2.4154 of 5 stars3.00$32.29 63.6%8Gap Down0.47%BLFSBioLife Solutions$22.84-12.0%1.9238 of 5 stars3.00$29.86 30.7%7Positive NewsHigh Trading Volume0.46%MEDPMedpace$304.69-2.5%4.4063 of 5 stars2.38$376.30 23.5%13Short Interest ↓Positive NewsHigh Trading$243.16-1.6%4.0709 of 5 stars2.88$352.64 45.0%24Analyst ForecastShort Interest ↑Positive NewsGap Down0.46%APGEApogee Therapeutics$37.36-5.9%2.1987 of 5 stars3.00$92.17 146.7%6Positive NewsGap Down0.46%RYTMRhythm Pharmaceuticals$52.97-3.3%4.4016 of 5 stars2.92$69.46 31.1%13Gap Down0.45%SKWDSkyward Specialty Insurance Group$52.92+0.6%4.1786 of 5 stars2.82$56.25 6.3%11Short Interest ↓Positive News0.45%AAONAAON$78.13+0.1%4.758 of 5 stars3.00$115.50 47.8%6Positive NewsGap Down0.45%CAKECheesecake Factory$48.66-2.1%3.9046 of 5 stars2.24$52.38 7.6%170.45%EXEChesapeake Energy$111.32+0.3%3.6555 of 5 stars2.89$120.71 8.4%180.45%AZEKAZEK$48.86-1.6%3.2193 of 5 stars2.44$54.32 11.2%16Positive NewsGap UpHigh Trading Volume0.44%INTAIntapp$58.38-2.6%2.9053 of 5 stars2.64$66.45 13.8%11Positive News0.44%HUBGHub Group$37.17+0.1%4.2657 of 5 stars2.27$47.18 26.9%110.44%TVTXTravere Therapeutics$17.92-8.9%2.7276 of 5 stars2.93$30.62 70.8%14Positive News0.44%CIENCiena$60.43-1.8%4.8245 of 5 stars2.79$81.38 34.7%14Gap Down0.44%GTLSChart Industries$144.43-1.9%4.229 of 5 stars2.92$202.33 40.1%13Positive NewsGap Down0.44%SHAKShake Shack$88.19+0.0%4.3264 of 5 stars2.42$124.05 40.7%19Analyst RevisionGap Down0.43%FRSHFreshworks$14.11-2.9%3.4383 of 5 stars2.46$21.14 49.8%13Analyst Forecast0.43%FIVEFive Below$74.93+2.4%4.5476 of 5 stars2.20$102.16 36.3%20Gap Down0.43%TREXTrex$58.11+1.4%3.4284 of 5 stars2.31$78.63 35.3%16Positive News0.41%RMBSRambus$51.78-3.6%3.9803 of 5 stars3.13$76.71 48.2%8Positive NewsGap Down0.41%FWRGFirst Watch Restaurant Group$16.65-1.2%3.94 of 5 stars2.80$22.27 33.8%10Positive News0.41%HCIHCI Group$148.95-1.0%2.6914 of 5 stars2.75$140.00 -6.0%40.41%LNNLindsay$126.27-0.4%2.6419 of 5 stars2.50$136.00 7.7%2Upcoming Earnings0.41%MMSMaximus$68.200.0%4.2379 of 5 stars3.00$90.00 32.0%1Short Interest ↓Positive News0.41%SKYSkyline Champion$94.91+0.9%1.264 of 5 stars2.20$90.20 -5.0%5Positive News0.40%BBIOBridgeBio Pharma$34.57-1.5%4.6559 of 5 stars2.92$52.64 52.3%12Analyst ForecastOptions Volume0.40%LSCCLattice Semiconductor$52.45-5.2%4.2016 of 5 stars2.83$66.25 26.3%12Positive NewsGap Up This page (NYSEARCA:MMSC) was last updated on 3/31/2025 by Staff From Our PartnersA market crash is coming—here’s whenThe stock market cycle I've used to identify the most likely day of the next market crash is the exact same in...Chaikin Analytics | SponsoredYour Wealth is Under AttackPlease don't wait—this is your moment to take action. 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