T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation Equity ETF Rating $33.20 +0.07 (+0.21%) As of 03/25/2025 04:10 PM Eastern Add Compare Share Share Ratings Stock AnalysisChartHeadlinesHoldingsOwnershipRatingsBuy This Stock T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation Equity ETF Aggregate Rating and Price Target (2025)How MarketBeat Aggregates ETF Rating and Price TargetMarketBeat calculates the aggregate rating and price target for an ETF by considering the weight of each stock in its portfolio. These ratings and price targets are based on the most recent ratings given by Wall Street analysts over the past year. The aggregate rating reviews the ETF's overall performance and is categorized as strong sell, sell, reduce, hold, moderate buy, buy, or strong buy. The aggegreate price target represents the average potential upside for the consensus price target of individual holdings in the ETF.TCAF Aggregate RatingModerate Buy 2.79Holdings in TCAF have an aggregate rating of Moderate Buy based on 1,669 analyst ratings issued in the past year covering 89 companies (96.4% of the portfolio).TCAF Aggregate Price Target$33.20High Prediction$33.20Average Prediction$33.20Low Prediction$33.20Holdings in TCAF have an aggregate price target of $33.20 and a range of $33.20 to $33.20 covering 89 companies (96.4% of the portfolio).TCAF Consensus Ratings of HoldingsStrong Buy0 Strong Buy rating(s)Buy11 Buy rating(s)Moderate Buy62 Moderate Buy rating(s)Hold16 Hold rating(s)Reduce0 Reduce rating(s)Sell0 Sell rating(s)Strong Sell0 Strong Sell rating(s) Ratings for Stocks Held by T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation Equity ETF Strong Sell Sell Reduce Hold Moderate Buy Buy Strong Buy Ratings for the Top 89 TCAF Holdings Export to ExcelWeight In ETFCompanyShare PriceMarketRank™Consensus Rating ScoreConsensus Price TargetPossible UpsideNumber of RatingsIndicator(s)ViewRatings8.27%MSFTMicrosoft$395.16+0.5%4.8919 of 5 stars2.93$510.59 29.2%305.47%NVDANVIDIA$120.69-0.6%4.9006 of 5 stars2.98$171.51 42.1%42Insider TradeAnalyst Revision5.27%AAPLApple$223.75+1.4%4.2067 of 5 stars2.58$243.65 8.9%36Analyst Revision4.97%AMZNAmazon.com$205.71+1.2%4.924 of 5 stars2.98$260.65 26.7%453.19%ROPRoper Technologies$579.07+0.4%2.989 of 5 stars2.75$623.60 7.7%12News CoveragePositive News3.02%UNHUnitedHealth Group$513.58-0.6%4.9511 of 5 stars3.10$629.32 22.5%21Positive News2.96%BDXBecton, Dickinson and Company$227.96-0.5%4.8465 of 5 stars3.00$278.29 22.1%7Analyst DowngradeOptions VolumePositive News2.89%GOOGLAlphabet$170.56+1.7%4.2564 of 5 stars2.86$210.59 23.5%43Positive News2.76%PTCPTC$162.80+0.8%4.3626 of 5 stars2.64$210.09 29.0%112.43%AEEAmeren$97.17-1.7%4.2897 of 5 stars2.64$96.70 -0.5%11Positive News2.41%FTVFortive$75.96+0.1%4.3996 of 5 stars2.54$87.64 15.4%13Positive News2.40%METAMeta Platforms$626.31+1.2%4.3528 of 5 stars2.86$718.31 14.7%43Positive News2.27%RVTYRevvity$107.06-1.4%3.3589 of 5 stars2.77$136.25 27.3%13Positive News2.24%RTXRTX$135.84+0.9%4.4967 of 5 stars3.00$166.40 22.5%17Analyst Upgrade2.16%CNPCenterPoint Energy$35.18-1.5%3.5771 of 5 stars2.25$33.77 -4.0%12Positive News2.01%WTWWillis Towers Watson Public$337.93+0.2%2.5362 of 5 stars2.77$346.15 2.4%131.87%MCKMcKesson$662.71+0.3%4.1731 of 5 stars2.93$649.36 -2.0%15Positive News1.73%TMOThermo Fisher Scientific$513.77-1.2%4.8714 of 5 stars2.82$653.23 27.1%22Positive News1.73%DHRDanaher$212.36-0.2%4.9262 of 5 stars2.81$278.24 31.0%21Positive News1.63%ABTAbbott Laboratories$125.46-1.4%4.769 of 5 stars2.84$137.94 9.9%19Options VolumePositive News1.53%AVGOBroadcom$188.26-1.6%4.8269 of 5 stars2.93$231.48 23.0%27Positive News1.40%LLYEli Lilly and Company$852.35-1.5%4.6121 of 5 stars2.85$1,009.72 18.5%20Analyst RevisionPositive News1.32%NINiSource$39.63-0.5%3.6222 of 5 stars3.00$38.89 -1.9%9Positive News1.32%VVisa$344.95+0.3%4.3827 of 5 stars2.83$353.96 2.6%29Positive News1.24%NOCNorthrop Grumman$506.88+2.4%4.1494 of 5 stars2.56$542.88 7.1%18Positive News1.15%WDAYWorkday$252.83+1.2%4.8743 of 5 stars2.77$300.36 18.8%31Analyst ForecastPositive News1.14%JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.$250.99+1.2%4.7712 of 5 stars2.53$252.89 0.8%19Insider TradePositive News1.11%INTUIntuit$618.72+0.9%4.6673 of 5 stars2.70$721.61 16.6%20Insider TradePositive News1.07%YUMYum! Brands$155.68-0.1%3.927 of 5 stars2.25$151.79 -2.5%201.03%MAMastercard$544.74+0.2%4.8743 of 5 stars2.93$606.11 11.3%30Positive News1.00%VLTOVeralto$97.74-0.5%3.6367 of 5 stars2.40$113.50 16.1%10Insider TradePositive News0.95%CRMSalesforce$288.59+0.9%4.8487 of 5 stars2.95$362.74 25.7%42Insider TradeAnalyst RevisionPositive News0.83%IRIngersoll Rand$82.38+0.2%4.5439 of 5 stars2.58$105.36 27.9%12Positive News0.82%TDYTeledyne Technologies$512.85+1.0%3.5084 of 5 stars3.00$548.00 6.9%5Positive News0.82%CIThe Cigna Group$316.64-1.2%4.8707 of 5 stars3.00$373.25 17.9%17Positive News0.81%ADSKAutodesk$273.08+1.4%4.2625 of 5 stars2.68$336.29 23.1%22Insider Trade0.79%AMDAdvanced Micro Devices$114.81+0.8%4.7641 of 5 stars2.75$155.14 35.1%32Analyst DowngradePositive News0.74%SCIService Co. International$78.51-0.9%3.8466 of 5 stars3.00$88.50 12.7%4Analyst DowngradePositive News0.66%LINLinde$457.45-0.4%2.6378 of 5 stars2.75$501.82 9.7%12Positive News0.65%AMTAmerican Tower$209.44-1.6%3.7675 of 5 stars3.06$229.43 9.5%16Positive News0.64%DTEDTE Energy$134.49-1.2%3.9626 of 5 stars2.67$138.58 3.0%12Positive News0.64%MCDMcDonald's$307.01+0.4%4.1389 of 5 stars2.69$323.39 5.3%260.59%APHAmphenol$69.48+0.3%4.4543 of 5 stars2.69$80.68 16.1%13Positive News0.59%LNTAlliant Energy$62.10-1.4%3.0174 of 5 stars2.30$63.55 2.3%10Positive News0.54%ANSSANSYS$326.67+0.3%2.7741 of 5 stars2.33$352.50 7.9%3Positive News0.52%SBACSBA Communications$214.31-2.0%4.908 of 5 stars2.86$252.85 18.0%14Analyst UpgradePositive News0.51%VMCVulcan Materials$240.95+0.1%4.8619 of 5 stars2.92$302.67 25.6%13Positive News0.49%AURAurora Innovation$7.83+2.5%0.9614 of 5 stars2.29$8.08 3.2%7Positive News0.49%ICEIntercontinental Exchange$175.58+0.2%4.2863 of 5 stars2.87$178.80 1.8%15Positive News0.48%BABoeing$182.71+1.0%3.3653 of 5 stars2.65$195.68 7.1%23Analyst UpgradeAnalyst Revision0.45%HLTHilton Worldwide$234.69+0.9%4.3316 of 5 stars2.42$254.53 8.5%19Positive News0.45%AJGArthur J. Gallagher & Co.$337.550.0%4.2301 of 5 stars2.27$313.20 -7.2%15Analyst ForecastPositive News0.44%CMSCMS Energy$72.08-1.4%4.1782 of 5 stars2.58$75.36 4.6%12Analyst ForecastPositive News0.43%PNCThe PNC Financial Services Group$176.84+0.2%4.9934 of 5 stars2.35$201.65 14.0%17Analyst ForecastInsider TradePositive News0.43%CORCencora$268.31+0.3%3.9942 of 5 stars2.80$280.20 4.4%10Positive News0.37%NXPINXP Semiconductors$211.33+0.1%4.9905 of 5 stars2.84$267.00 26.3%19Positive News0.36%NKENIKE$66.64-1.1%4.9342 of 5 stars2.63$87.38 31.1%32Earnings ReportAnalyst Revision0.35%ICLRICON Public$179.02-2.9%4.4163 of 5 stars2.80$272.50 52.2%150.32%AMEAMETEK$179.69+0.5%4.1169 of 5 stars2.73$204.67 13.9%11Positive News0.31%ASNDAscendis Pharma A/S$161.04-4.1%2.924 of 5 stars2.93$204.64 27.1%14News CoveragePositive NewsGap Up0.31%ASMLASML$726.74-0.2%3.6368 of 5 stars2.91$937.00 28.9%11Positive News0.25%CSXCSX$29.53-1.1%4.8167 of 5 stars2.65$37.00 25.3%20Positive News0.25%GEGeneral Electric$212.18+0.9%4.1637 of 5 stars2.94$211.31 -0.4%16Positive News0.25%MLMMartin Marietta Materials$488.31-0.5%4.9028 of 5 stars3.00$628.64 28.7%17Positive News0.24%CCCSCCC Intelligent Solutions$9.19+0.4%3.3981 of 5 stars2.57$13.14 43.0%7Positive News0.24%CYTKCytokinetics$44.55-4.3%4.2811 of 5 stars2.94$82.00 84.1%18Positive News0.24%GOOGAlphabet$172.79+1.7%4.905 of 5 stars2.79$209.13 21.0%240.23%SBUXStarbucks$95.88+0.2%4.6377 of 5 stars2.61$106.12 10.7%28Positive News0.23%MRVLMarvell Technology$71.67-1.5%4.9138 of 5 stars3.00$120.44 68.1%28Dividend AnnouncementAnalyst Revision0.22%DLTRDollar Tree$67.14-3.7%3.1673 of 5 stars2.25$83.89 25.0%20Analyst ForecastNews Coverage0.21%EXEChesapeake Energy$109.81+0.7%3.7039 of 5 stars2.89$119.12 8.5%18Analyst Revision0.20%CMECME Group$262.06-0.3%4.2015 of 5 stars2.06$238.93 -8.8%16Positive News0.19%MARMarriott International$246.48+1.5%4.4686 of 5 stars2.35$286.05 16.1%200.18%BNTXBioNTech$97.05-3.6%3.4127 of 5 stars2.89$143.73 48.1%180.17%GEHCGE HealthCare Technologies$82.46+0.9%3.3221 of 5 stars2.77$98.75 19.8%13Positive News0.17%ALNYAlnylam Pharmaceuticals$280.96-3.4%4.5734 of 5 stars2.76$312.30 11.2%25Analyst Upgrade0.16%ZTSZoetis$161.29-1.2%4.8048 of 5 stars3.08$215.90 33.9%12Positive News0.15%SLBSchlumberger$42.30+1.4%4.6856 of 5 stars2.82$55.81 31.9%22Positive News0.15%DISWalt Disney$101.61+1.4%4.6012 of 5 stars2.85$125.64 23.6%260.14%MSCIMSCI$575.38+1.5%4.5953 of 5 stars2.79$649.23 12.8%14Positive News0.13%AMATApplied Materials$153.64-0.8%4.9547 of 5 stars2.65$215.38 40.2%23Positive News0.12%WECWEC Energy Group$104.32-1.4%3.9576 of 5 stars2.38$101.88 -2.3%8Positive News0.11%IEXIDEX$184.33-0.4%4.7844 of 5 stars2.75$241.71 31.1%8Positive News0.09%XELXcel Energy$67.93-1.4%3.4127 of 5 stars2.80$72.30 6.4%10Positive News0.08%LRCXLam Research$77.67-0.4%4.9423 of 5 stars2.78$98.06 26.3%23Positive News0.07%INFAInformatica$18.83+1.6%4.1292 of 5 stars2.20$24.67 31.0%15News CoveragePositive News0.06%HUMHumana$273.51+0.7%4.1491 of 5 stars2.23$285.68 4.5%22Positive News0.05%BIIBBiogen$139.16-1.7%4.8502 of 5 stars2.43$213.33 53.3%30Positive News0.03%SPGIS&P Global$513.83+2.0%4.5201 of 5 stars2.88$590.86 15.0%16Positive News This page (NYSEARCA:TCAF) was last updated on 3/26/2025 by MarketBeat.com Staff From Our PartnersTrump’s Final Plan Presidential insider exposes shocking plot to reshape U.S. economy: The 2025 Trump Reset -- Inside Trump’...Porter & Company | SponsoredNew “Trump” currency proposed in DCAccording to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Wash...Paradigm Press | SponsoredDOGE could send 6 AI stocks through the roofStay alert for Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency's next move … Expect an announcement f...Weiss Ratings | SponsoredTrump’s Secret WeaponHave you looked at the stock market recently? 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