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Vanguard Health Care ETF (VHT) Institutional Ownership

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$262.90 -1.25 (-0.47%)
Closing price 04:10 PM Eastern
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$262.74 -0.16 (-0.06%)
As of 07:33 PM Eastern
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Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for Vanguard Health Care ETF (NYSEARCA:VHT)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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VHT Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Vanguard Health Care ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/24/2025Mascagni Wealth Management Inc.1,828$464K0.4%N/A0.002%
3/21/2025Prostatis Group LLC1,703$432K0.1%-17.6%0.002%
3/19/2025Northeast Planning Associates INC. NH2,221$563K0.6%N/A0.003%
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC38,644$9.80M0.0%+48.5%0.044%
3/17/2025 NorthCrest Asset Manangement LLC8,271$2.10M0.1%+1.9%0.009%
3/12/2025 Centaurus Financial Inc.3,788$961K0.1%-20.0%0.004%
3/7/2025 Aegis Wealth Management LLC1,100$279K0.2%N/A0.001%
3/6/2025 Elite Financial Inc.3,845$975K0.5%N/A0.004%
3/5/2025 Castle Rock Wealth Management LLC935$249K0.1%-9.5%0.001%
3/5/2025 Financial Insights Inc.3,337$847K0.3%-6.0%0.004%
2/28/2025 Park Square Financial Group LLC2,769$703K0.5%N/A0.003%
2/27/2025Jefferies Financial Group Inc.2,977$755K0.0%+5.9%0.003%
2/27/2025 ABLE Financial Group LLC1,058$268K0.1%N/A0.001%
2/27/2025 Carolinas Wealth Consulting LLC625$158K0.0%-20.7%0.001%
2/26/2025 LM Advisors LLC32,990$8.37M1.4%+17.6%0.038%
2/25/2025 B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc.8,276$2.10M0.1%-10.3%0.009%
2/25/2025 Chokshi & Queen Wealth Advisors Inc23,297$5.91M3.7%N/A0.027%
2/25/2025 Garde Capital Inc.793$201K0.0%-75.2%0.001%
2/22/2025 American Trust2,613$663K0.1%N/A0.004%
2/21/2025 WNY Asset Management LLC4,096$1.04M0.1%-21.4%0.006%
2/21/2025 Vermillion Wealth Management Inc.420$107K0.1%N/A0.001%
2/19/2025 Invst LLC806$204K0.0%-97.2%0.001%
2/19/2025 Parr Mcknight Wealth Management Group LLC998$253K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/18/2025 Hudson Value Partners LLC3,859$978K0.4%-25.2%0.006%
2/18/2025 GTS Securities LLC26,386$6.69M0.3%+9.3%0.039%
2/18/2025 Retirement Planning Group LLC1,538$390K0.0%-45.9%0.002%
2/18/2025 Cornerstone Advisory LLC29,168$7.78M0.9%-3.7%0.043%
2/18/2025 Harmony Asset Management LLC1,075$273K0.1%N/A0.002%
2/18/2025 McIlrath & Eck LLC143$36K0.0%-43.7%0.000%
2/18/2025 Elequin Capital LP355$90K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/18/2025 Focus Partners Advisor Solutions LLC1,794$455K0.0%-53.5%0.003%
2/18/2025 NCM Capital Management LLC8,280$2.10M0.9%+1.5%0.012%
2/18/2025 Mpwm Advisory Solutions LLC238$60K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/17/2025 Vista Investment Management2,092$531K0.2%+31.4%0.003%
2/17/2025 Waverly Advisors LLC8,148$2.07M0.0%-1.6%0.012%
2/17/2025 Williams Jones Wealth Management LLC.5,328$1.35M0.0%+96.5%0.008%
2/17/2025 Visionary Wealth Advisors2,446$621K0.0%-84.2%0.004%
2/17/2025 Westwood Holdings Group Inc.7,016$1.78M0.0%N/A0.010%
2/17/2025 Two Sigma Investments LP117,700$29.86M0.1%+255.6%0.175%
2/17/2025 Safeguard Investment Advisory Group LLC26,549$6.74M1.8%+3.9%0.040%
Two Unmistakable Patterns Return… (Ad)

The signs suggest we're entering one of those rare periods now. That's why Central Banks are buying gold at record pace. Why massive amounts of gold are being moved between countries. Why governments are repositioning their gold reserves. But here's what most people miss, the second pattern: During these resets, a unique anomaly appears in certain gold mining stocks. I call it the "Golden Anomaly."

Each one is trading at up to an 95% discount to their true value. Click here to see the pattern bef
2/17/2025 Salus Financial Advisors LLC1,226$311K0.2%N/A0.002%
2/17/2025 Royal Bank of Canada463,020$117.46M0.0%-10.7%0.690%
2/17/2025 Redwood Financial Network Corp1,644$417K0.3%-27.1%0.002%
2/17/2025 Quantinno Capital Management LP8,522$2.16M0.0%-14.9%0.013%
2/17/2025 Paradigm Capital Management LLC NV17,438$4.42M4.1%+2.0%0.026%
2/17/2025 Main Management LLC66,236$16.80M1.4%-6.7%0.099%
2/17/2025 NorthRock Partners LLC2,030$515K0.0%+18.3%0.003%
2/17/2025 Minot DeBlois Advisors LLC299$76K0.1%N/A0.000%
2/17/2025 Investor s Fiduciary Advisor Network LLC4,973$1.26M0.5%N/A0.007%
2/17/2025 Janus Henderson Group PLC78,335$19.87M0.0%N/A0.117%
2/17/2025Jefferies Financial Group Inc.2,977$755K0.0%+5.9%0.004%
2/17/2025 Greenline Partners LLC11,233$2.85M0.4%+9.7%0.017%
2/17/2025 Focus Partners Wealth77,217$19.68M0.1%+742.3%0.115%
2/17/2025 Full Sail Capital LLC59,011$14.97M1.0%+2.1%0.088%
2/17/2025 Fiduciary Trust Co3,416$867K0.0%+2.6%0.005%
2/17/2025 Circle Wealth Management LLC29,460$7.47M0.2%+32.1%0.044%
2/17/2025 Clark Capital Management Group Inc.1,776$451K0.0%+9.2%0.003%
2/17/2025 Deutsche Bank AG140$36K0.0%-55.8%0.000%
2/17/2025 D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc.30,917$7.84M0.0%+584.8%0.046%
2/17/2025 Dunhill Financial LLC5,470$1.39M0.6%+8.0%0.008%
2/17/2025 EP Wealth Advisors LLC23,597$5.99M0.0%-8.4%0.035%
2/17/2025 CoreCap Advisors LLC10,269$2.61M0.1%+13.6%0.015%
2/17/2025 Cresset Asset Management LLC10,352$2.63M0.0%-29.6%0.015%
2/17/2025 Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.128,666$32.64M0.1%-33.1%0.192%
2/17/2025 Capital Advantage Inc.88,320$22.41M4.1%-2.9%0.132%
2/17/2025 Cetera Investment Advisers299,717$76.04M0.2%-5.1%0.446%
2/17/2025 BOKF NA9,574$2.47M0.0%-4.7%0.014%
2/17/2025 Captrust Financial Advisors94,727$24.03M0.1%+5.4%0.141%
2/17/2025 Cardiff Park Advisors LLC4,731$1.20M0.1%+3.6%0.007%
2/17/2025 Cary Street Partners Financial LLC1,572$399K0.0%N/A0.002%
2/17/2025 Chai Trust Co. LLC63,033$15.99M0.7%+1.9%0.094%
2/17/2025 Baird Financial Group Inc.47,506$12.05M0.0%+5.6%0.071%
2/17/2025 Bank of America Corp DE1,798,164$456.18M0.0%+14.9%2.678%
2/17/2025 BNP Paribas Financial Markets278$71K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/17/2025 Ameriprise Financial Inc.522,047$132.39M0.0%-5.9%0.778%
2/17/2025 Aptus Capital Advisors LLC922$234K0.0%+41.8%0.001%
2/17/2025 Ancora Advisors LLC1,749$444K0.0%-6.2%0.003%
2/17/2025 360 Financial Inc.1,369$347K0.1%-5.2%0.002%
2/14/2025 Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV23,954$6.08M0.0%+16.1%0.036%
2/14/2025 FAS Wealth Partners Inc.2,162$548K0.0%-5.1%0.003%
2/14/2025 Eagle Strategies LLC5,850$1.48M0.3%+5.0%0.009%
2/14/2025 Jane Street Group LLC2,289$581K0.0%-75.3%0.003%
2/14/2025 Rehmann Capital Advisory Group2,227$565K0.0%+31.7%0.003%
2/14/2025 Comerica Bank28,951$7.35M0.0%-9.2%0.043%
2/14/2025 Lido Advisors LLC53,399$13.55M0.1%+6.8%0.080%
2/14/2025 Northern Trust Corp25,960$6.59M0.0%+3.3%0.039%
2/14/2025 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 292,448$74.19M0.1%+10.8%0.436%
2/14/2025 Long Island Wealth Management Inc.3,805$965K0.6%-75.7%0.006%
2/14/2025 Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC9,178$2.33M0.0%-4.7%0.014%
2/14/2025 Marshall & Sterling Wealth Advisors Inc.708$179K0.1%N/A0.001%
New “Trump” currency proposed in DC (Ad)

According to one of the most connected men in Washington… A surprising new bill was just introduced in Washington. Its purpose: to put Donald Trump’s face on the $100 note. All to celebrate a new “golden age” for America.

When you see what could happen – I think you’ll be excited.
2/14/2025 Berger Financial Group Inc1,176$298K0.0%+6.5%0.002%
2/14/2025 Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management1,518$385K0.0%+54.0%0.002%
2/14/2025 Johnson Financial Group Inc.200$54K0.0%+86.9%0.000%
2/14/2025 Capital Analysts LLC10,219$2.59M0.1%-3.4%0.015%
2/14/2025 Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC4,378$1.11M0.0%-19.7%0.007%
2/14/2025 Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC52,978$13.44M0.2%+2.2%0.079%
2/14/2025 Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC992$251K0.0%+20.7%0.001%
2/14/2025 MGO One Seven LLC7,810$1.98M0.1%+9.9%0.012%
2/14/2025 IHT Wealth Management LLC11,357$2.88M0.1%-2.7%0.017%
2/14/2025 Stifel Financial Corp189,876$48.17M0.1%-1.0%0.283%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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VHT Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of VHT shares?

During the previous two years, 1,071 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of Vanguard Health Care ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Bank of America Corp DE ($456.18M), Morgan Stanley ($418.77M), UBS Group AG ($323.39M), Wells Fargo & Company MN ($242.05M), PGIM Custom Harvest LLC ($219.72M), Everett Harris & Co. CA ($189.73M), and LPL Financial LLC ($188.65M).Learn more on VHT's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying Vanguard Health Care ETF stock?

Of the 885 institutional investors that purchased Vanguard Health Care ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: Beacon Capital Management Inc. ($1.24M), Osaic Holdings Inc. ($562.48K), Wealthfront Advisers LLC ($531.88K), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($481.69K), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($308.48K), International Assets Investment Management LLC ($305.18K), and Strategic Financial Concepts LLC ($289.40K).

How much institutional buying is happening at Vanguard Health Care ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 10,096,159 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $2.53B in transactions.

Which Vanguard Health Care ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 682 institutional investors that sold Vanguard Health Care ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: EP Wealth Advisors LLC ($3.16M), Beacon Capital Management Inc. ($970.31K), Envestnet Asset Management Inc. ($507.09K), The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company ($287.86K), Houlihan Financial Resource Group Ltd. ($280.55K), Morningstar Investment Management LLC ($211.76K), and UBS Group AG ($113.22K).

How much institutional selling is happening at Vanguard Health Care ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 8,781,598 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $2.14B in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:VHT) was last updated on 3/28/2025 by Staff
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