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Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM) Institutional Ownership

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$129.74 +1.34 (+1.04%)
Closing price 03/24/2025 04:10 PM Eastern
Extended Trading
$130.01 +0.27 (+0.21%)
As of 09:01 AM Eastern
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Institutional Ownership Changes (13F Filings) for Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (NYSEARCA:VYM)

Number of
Institutional Buyers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Inflows
(last 12 months)
Number of
Institutional Sellers
(last 12 months)
Institutional Outflows
(last 12 months)
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VYM Institutional Buying and Selling by Quarter

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Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF Major Shareholders & Ownership History

Reporting DateMajor Shareholder NameShares HeldMarket Value% of PortfolioQuarterly Change in SharesOwnership in CompanyDetails
3/24/2025Avant Financial Advisors LLC6,172$788K0.7%N/A0.001%
3/24/2025 Wellington Management Group LLP118,128$15.07M0.0%-47.3%0.026%
3/24/2025Mascagni Wealth Management Inc.10,633$1.36M1.2%N/A0.002%
3/17/2025 Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC440,680$56.23M0.1%+11.0%0.096%
3/14/2025 Hara Capital LLC1,461$186K0.1%-25.5%0.000%
3/13/2025Silver Oak Wealth Advisors Services LLC1,991$254K0.2%N/A0.000%
3/12/2025 Centaurus Financial Inc.10,732$1.37M0.1%-1.3%0.002%
3/12/2025 Wealthedge Investment Advisors LLC24,337$3.11M1.4%N/A0.005%
3/11/2025 Campbell Deegan Wealth Management LLC1,931$246K0.3%N/A0.000%
3/7/2025 Aegis Wealth Management LLC18,870$2.41M1.6%N/A0.004%
3/6/2025 Copia Wealth Management2,294$293K0.3%N/A0.000%
3/6/2025 Elite Financial Inc.17,164$2.19M1.2%N/A0.004%
3/6/2025 Wood Tarver Financial Group LLC558$71K0.0%N/A0.000%
3/5/2025 Financial Insights Inc.13,722$1.75M0.7%-2.5%0.003%
3/4/2025 Buska Wealth Management LLC251,399$32.08M10.3%+14.1%0.055%
3/3/2025 Fluent Financial LLC1,810$231K0.1%-21.6%0.000%
3/3/2025 American Investment Services Inc.1,924$245K0.0%-9.8%0.000%
2/28/2025 Park Square Financial Group LLC1,660$212K0.1%N/A0.000%
2/27/2025 Chelsea Counsel Co.62,650$7.99M4.1%-26.9%0.014%
2/27/2025 XY Planning Network Inc.5,170$660K0.5%N/A0.001%
2/27/2025 Carolinas Wealth Consulting LLC205$26K0.0%-98.7%0.000%
2/26/2025 LifeWealth Investments LLC2,296$293K0.2%N/A0.001%
2/25/2025 SWAN Capital LLC86,702$11.06M5.4%+8.5%0.019%
2/25/2025 Heck Capital Advisors LLC350$45K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/25/2025 Leigh Baldwin & CO. LLC2,093$267K0.1%N/A0.000%
2/25/2025 B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc.26,875$3.43M0.1%-15.9%0.006%
2/25/2025 Brick & Kyle Associates2,186$279K0.1%N/A0.000%
2/25/2025 Armis Advisers LLC2,154$275K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/25/2025 Integrated Advisors Network LLC134,149$17.12M0.8%-2.6%0.030%
2/24/2025 Wilkins Miller Wealth Management LLC17,861$2.28M2.4%N/A0.004%
2/24/2025 Liberty Square Wealth Partners LLC12,350$1.65M0.6%N/A0.003%
2/24/2025 Ameriflex Group Inc.664$88K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/24/2025 United Advisor Group LLC3,510$448K0.1%+8.5%0.001%
2/21/2025 Ascent Group LLC17,347$2.21M0.2%-2.5%0.004%
2/21/2025 WNY Asset Management LLC4,611$588K0.1%-15.6%0.001%
2/21/2025 Vermillion Wealth Management Inc.10,980$1.40M0.7%N/A0.002%
2/20/2025 Wealth Management Strategies Inc.2,955$377K0.3%N/A0.001%
2/20/2025 Westfuller Advisors LLC13,127$1.68M1.1%-1.8%0.003%
2/20/2025 Drucker Wealth 3.0 LLC164,814$21.03M4.8%+22.8%0.036%
2/20/2025 Revisor Wealth Management LLC3,273$418K0.4%-26.2%0.001%
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2/19/2025 ARQ Wealth Advisors LLC17,226$2.20M0.8%+9.8%0.004%
2/19/2025 Blue Sky Capital Consultants Group Inc.2,200$281K0.2%N/A0.000%
2/19/2025 Formidable Asset Management LLC14,687$1.87M0.3%-13.7%0.003%
2/19/2025 Columbia River Financial Group LLC7,710$983K0.7%N/A0.002%
2/19/2025 North Star Asset Management Inc.18,776$2.40M0.1%-1.4%0.004%
2/19/2025 Invst LLC8,092$1.03M0.1%-25.8%0.002%
2/19/2025 Retirement Planning Group LLC NY1,867$238K0.3%N/A0.000%
2/19/2025 WCG Wealth Advisors LLC20,095$2.56M0.2%+8.8%0.004%
2/18/2025 Western Wealth Management LLC4,705$600K0.2%-77.4%0.001%
2/18/2025 Strait & Sound Wealth Management LLC2,542$324K0.2%-3.8%0.001%
2/18/2025 Investment Management Corp VA ADV18,735$2.39M2.1%N/A0.004%
2/18/2025 Breakthru Advisory Services LLC5,077$648K0.6%N/A0.001%
2/18/2025 Mittelman Wealth Management139,286$17.77M16.5%-38.7%0.031%
2/18/2025 Sunbelt Securities Inc.495$63K0.0%+53.7%0.000%
2/18/2025 GTS Securities LLC26,360$3.36M0.2%+32.2%0.006%
2/18/2025 Stonebridge Financial Planning Group LLC16,767$2.14M1.0%N/A0.004%
2/18/2025 Vise Technologies Inc.2,368$302K0.0%N/A0.001%
2/18/2025 Pettinga Financial Advisors LLC85,546$10.92M2.5%+10.9%0.019%
2/18/2025 Headinvest LLC110,506$14.10M2.7%-1.6%0.024%
2/18/2025 Investmark Advisory Group LLC16,164$2.06M1.0%-1.1%0.004%
2/18/2025 Cornerstone Advisory LLC327,913$43.87M5.0%+6.9%0.072%
2/18/2025 Pacific Center for Financial Services30,719$3.92M1.0%+6.1%0.007%
2/18/2025 Mosaic Family Wealth Partners LLC11,796$1.51M0.2%-5.0%0.003%
2/18/2025 Pinnacle Financial Group LLC IL78,605$10.03M3.9%+5.6%0.017%
2/18/2025 Harmony Asset Management LLC7,563$965K0.4%-12.0%0.002%
2/18/2025 49 Wealth Management LLC1,659$212K0.0%-54.8%0.000%
2/18/2025 Orion Capital Management LLC27,743$3.54M1.6%-2.9%0.006%
2/18/2025 Novak & Powell Financial Services Inc.3,125$399K0.2%-12.1%0.001%
2/18/2025 Novem Group11,148$1.42M0.2%N/A0.002%
2/18/2025 Focus Partners Advisor Solutions LLC22,887$2.92M0.0%-26.5%0.005%
2/18/2025 First Heartland Consultants Inc.4,213$538K0.1%-9.7%0.001%
2/18/2025 Kolinsky Wealth Management LLC1,642$210K0.1%N/A0.000%
2/18/2025 Continuum Advisory LLC6,985$891K0.1%+2.5%0.002%
2/18/2025 Ames National Corp3,400$434K0.3%N/A0.001%
2/18/2025 NCM Capital Management LLC7,156$913K0.4%N/A0.002%
2/18/2025 Glen Eagle Advisors LLC45,889$5.86M1.0%-9.6%0.010%
2/18/2025 Mpwm Advisory Solutions LLC1,845$235K0.2%N/A0.000%
2/18/2025 Talisman Wealth Advisors LLC47,233$6.03M6.3%+3.6%0.010%
2/17/2025 Vista Investment Management6,795$867K0.3%+11.3%0.002%
2/17/2025 Waverly Advisors LLC326,486$41.66M0.6%+2.0%0.072%
2/17/2025 Williams Jones Wealth Management LLC.61,147$7.80M0.1%-5.0%0.014%
2/17/2025 Visionary Wealth Advisors5,085$649K0.0%+3.8%0.001%
2/17/2025 Wimmer Associates 1 LLC8,522$1.09M0.5%+5.2%0.002%
2/17/2025 Texas Bank & Trust Co2,646$338K0.1%N/A0.001%
2/17/2025 TrinityPoint Wealth LLC1,591$203K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/17/2025 Strategic Wealth Partners Ltd.13,354$1.79M0.2%+11.3%0.003%
2/17/2025 Stuart Chaussee & Associates Inc.33,584$4.29M1.1%+5.4%0.007%
2/17/2025 Snowden Capital Advisors LLC26,421$3.37M0.1%+12.4%0.006%
2/17/2025 Royal Bank of Canada2,405,850$306.96M0.1%+4.0%0.531%
2/17/2025 Private Capital Management LLC3,750$478K0.1%+13.0%0.001%
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2/17/2025 Quadcap Wealth Management LLC59,782$7.63M1.1%-6.8%0.013%
2/17/2025 Quantinno Capital Management LP9,919$1.27M0.0%+189.6%0.002%
2/17/2025 Paradigm Capital Management LLC NV76,598$9.77M9.1%+1.0%0.017%
2/17/2025 Pathstone Holdings LLC1,431,137$182.60M0.8%-2.3%0.316%
2/17/2025 NorthRock Partners LLC7,292$930K0.0%+157.6%0.002%
2/17/2025 Northeast Financial Consultants Inc479,201$61.14M2.6%+1.6%0.106%
2/17/2025 Obermeyer Wealth Partners18,392$2.35M0.1%+4.3%0.004%
2/17/2025 Minot DeBlois Advisors LLC386$49K0.0%N/A0.000%
2/17/2025 New England Asset Management Inc.202,250$25.81M4.4%+1.1%0.045%
2/17/2025 MJP Associates Inc. ADV24,906$3.18M0.6%+0.8%0.006%
(Data available from 1/1/2016 forward)

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VYM Institutional Ownership - Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the largest shareholders of VYM shares?

During the previous two years, 1,864 institutional investors and hedge funds held shares of Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF. The most heavily invested institutionals were Bank of America Corp DE ($1.75B), Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. ($1.69B), Morgan Stanley ($975.75M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($921.40M), LPL Financial LLC ($720.02M), JPMorgan Chase & Co. ($696.34M), and Wells Fargo & Company MN ($639.65M).Learn more on VYM's institutional investors.

Which institutional investors have been buying Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF stock?

Of the 1,558 institutional investors that purchased Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have bought the highest volume of shares: Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. ($18.48M), Raymond James Financial Inc. ($7.22M), JPMorgan Chase & Co. ($3.31M), Bank of America Corp DE ($2.41M), International Assets Investment Management LLC ($2.32M), Pathstone Holdings LLC ($1.48M), and Pathstone Family Office LLC ($1.42M).

How much institutional buying is happening at Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF?

Institutional investors have bought a total of 80,982,255 shares in the last 24 months. This purchase volume represents approximately $9.28B in transactions.

Which Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF major shareholders have been selling company stock?

Of the 1,182 institutional investors that sold Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF stock in the last 24 months, the following investors and hedge funds have sold the highest volume of shares: Bank of America Corp DE ($4.35M), Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc. ($4.21M), Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. ($3.35M), Truist Financial Corp ($2.01M), Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co ($1.61M), Ameriprise Financial Inc. ($770.28K), and Mesirow Financial Investment Management Inc. ($539.27K).

How much institutional selling is happening at Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF?

Institutional investors have sold a total of 37,022,978 shares in the last 24 months. This volume of shares sold represents approximately $4.13B in transactions.

This page (NYSEARCA:VYM) was last updated on 3/25/2025 by Staff
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