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Bonterra Energy (BNE) News Today

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C$3.83 -0.09 (-2.30%)
As of 12:44 PM Eastern
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Stock Passes Above Two Hundred Day Moving Average - Here's Why
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Shares Pass Above 200-Day Moving Average - Here's What Happened
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FY2024 EPS Estimate for Bonterra Energy Decreased by Analyst
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Investment analysts at Atb Cap Markets decreased their FY2024 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Bonterra Energy in a research report issued on Tuesday, January 28th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif now anticipates that the company will post ear
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Atb Cap Markets Forecasts Lower Earnings for Bonterra Energy
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Stock analysts at Atb Cap Markets decreased their Q2 2025 earnings per share estimates for Bonterra Energy in a note issued to investors on Tuesday, January 28th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif now expects that the company will earn $0.04 per share
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Insider Buying: Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Acquires 10,000 Shares of Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Stacey Elizabeth Mcdonald bought 10,000 shares of Bonterra Energy stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, December 18th. The stock was purchased at an average price of C$3.26 per share, for a total transaction of C$32,600.00.
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Atb Cap Markets Weighs in on Bonterra Energy FY2024 Earnings
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Analysts at Atb Cap Markets dropped their FY2024 EPS estimates for shares of Bonterra Energy in a research report issued on Tuesday, November 12th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif now forecasts that the company will earn $0.47 per share for the year
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Bonterra Energy Q4 EPS Estimate Reduced by Atb Cap Markets
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Analysts at Atb Cap Markets cut their Q4 2024 earnings per share estimates for shares of Bonterra Energy in a note issued to investors on Tuesday, November 12th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif now forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0
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Atb Cap Markets Weighs in on Bonterra Energy Q3 Earnings
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Stock analysts at Atb Cap Markets issued their Q3 2024 EPS estimates for shares of Bonterra Energy in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, November 5th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif forecasts that the company will post earnings per sha
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Atb Cap Markets Forecasts Bonterra Energy FY2024 Earnings
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Free Report) - Equities research analysts at Atb Cap Markets issued their FY2024 earnings per share estimates for shares of Bonterra Energy in a report released on Tuesday, November 5th. Atb Cap Markets analyst A. Arif anticipates that the company will post earnin
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Upgraded at Atb Cap Markets
Atb Cap Markets raised Bonterra Energy to a "strong-buy" rating in a research report on Tuesday.
Bonterra Energy Corp. (BNE.TO)
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Reaches New 12-Month Low at $3.55
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Sets New 52-Week Low at $3.55
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Insider Buying: Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Purchases 4,900 Shares of Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver bought 4,900 shares of the business's stock in a transaction on Monday, September 9th. The stock was purchased at an average price of C$3.75 per share, for a total transaction of C$18,384.80.
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Reaches New 12-Month Low at $3.82
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Hits New 1-Year Low at $3.82
Stocks in play: Bonterra Energy Corp.
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Reaches New 52-Week Low at $4.32
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Sets New 52-Week Low at $4.32
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Hits New 12-Month Low at $4.35
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Reaches New 12-Month Low at $4.35
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Patrick George Oliver Purchases 5,000 Shares of Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver purchased 5,000 shares of Bonterra Energy stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, July 23rd. The shares were acquired at an average price of C$4.98 per share, with a total value of C$24,900.00.
Closing Bell: Bonterra Energy Corp flat on Friday (BNE)
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Patrick George Oliver Acquires 5,000 Shares of Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver purchased 5,000 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, July 9th. The shares were purchased at an average cost of C$4.93 per share, with a total value of C$24,640.00.
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Insider Buying: Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Purchases 2,500 Shares of Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver acquired 2,500 shares of Bonterra Energy stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, June 4th. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$4.95 per share, for a total transaction of C$12,375.00.
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Stock Price Down 7.7%
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Stock Price Down 7.7%
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Insider Selling: Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Sells 15,000 Shares of Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director John Campbell sold 15,000 shares of Bonterra Energy stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, April 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of C$6.82, for a total value of C$102,300.00.
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Patrick George Oliver Acquires 3,000 Shares of Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver purchased 3,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, March 22nd. The shares were acquired at an average price of C$6.25 per share, for a total transaction of C$18,750.00.
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Insider Buying: Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Buys 3,700 Shares of Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Patrick George Oliver bought 3,700 shares of the stock in a transaction on Friday, March 15th. The shares were acquired at an average cost of C$5.95 per share, with a total value of C$22,015.00.
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Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE) Director Purchases C$30,776.96 in Stock
Bonterra Energy Corp. (TSE:BNE - Get Free Report) Director Donald Michael Godfrey Stewart bought 5,226 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, March 12th. The stock was purchased at an average price of C$5.89 per share, with a total value of C$30,776.96.
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Stifel Nicolaus Raises Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Price Target to C$8.25
Stifel Nicolaus upped their target price on Bonterra Energy from C$8.00 to C$8.25 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research report on Tuesday.
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Sets New 1-Year Low at $4.59
Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Reaches New 12-Month Low at $4.59
Bonterra Energy: Bet On New Management
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Price Target Raised to C$10.00
Raymond James upped their price objective on shares of Bonterra Energy from C$9.00 to C$10.00 in a research note on Friday.
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Bonterra Energy (TSE:BNE) Price Target Raised to C$9.00 at Raymond James
Raymond James lifted their target price on shares of Bonterra Energy from C$8.50 to C$9.00 in a research note on Friday.
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This page (TSE:BNE) was last updated on 2/21/2025 by Staff
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