The following insiders have sold CNQ shares in the last 24 months: Brenda Gayle Balog (C$920,000.00), Calvin John Bast (C$770,558.88), Devin Craig Lowe (C$854,633.70), Dwayne Frederick Giggs (C$183,416.22), Erin Louise Lunn (C$585,263.35), Jay Ellery Froc (C$2,086,512.60), Kara Lee Slemko (C$278,610.00), Kyle Grayson Pisio (C$517,421.80), Mark Allen Stainthorpe (C$88,289.50), Norman Murray Edwards (C$66,350,217.25), Paul Martin Mendes (C$231,750.00), Roy Douglas Roth (C$103.75), Scott Gerald Stauth (C$4,227,577.75), Stephen W. Laut (C$15,488,249.10), Timothy Shawn Mckay (C$20,826,371.80), Trevor James Cassidy (C$1,627,600.00), Trevor Wagil (C$300,171.87), Troy John Peter Andersen (C$3,140,288.60), Victor Clinton Darel (C$307,837.93), and Warren Paul Raczynski (C$332,430.00).